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Church of God Message
Chapter 20
We have seen the incredible parallels between the rise of the ancient Roman Empire and the rise of America and Britain. America and Britain’s descent into current conditions is almost exactly the same conditions that caused the fall of Rome. Both most powerful civilizations of their time were founded by a once moral people with strong family ties and solid values of sacrificing for the protection, honor and glory of the country.
Ancient Rome fell because of disintegration of the family due to rapid increase in divorce; failure of education to teach old Roman values; setting in of rot due to mad craze of pleasure; decay of religion. Most of the rot began because of a massive influx of slaves and people of other ethnic background. The slaves eventually gained freedom and intermarried with indigenous Romans, many of who were killed in battles defending Rome. Then barbarians, virtually all of German stock, were allowed to settle in the Empire and eventually constituted a large part of the leadership and soldiery in the Roman Army. They were the defenders of Rome. But they would not have the same zeal and spirit of self-sacrifice to defend Rome as did the original Romans during the founding of the Empire. The Germanic barbarian tribes that eventually destroyed the Empire, knew the Roman warfare methods, and most likely had contacts in the Roman armies as well.
Ancient Roman history is repeating itself in the British and American peoples. The conditions in Britain and America are actually worse than the conditions during the fall of Rome. Descendants of the old barbarians, the Germans, living in Britain and America for centuries have learnt the lessons of Roman history well and began applying the same methods in America and Britain as they did in Rome. They live in large numbers and have most of the minorities and non-white ethnic groups are allied with them. Controlling immigration and allowing a large numbers of immigrants of different races was a well calculated strategy.
The strategy also involved various methods such as forcing people not to marry with threats, or themselves marrying Israelite spouses and then divorcing them in order to minimize organic growth of Israelite Americans and Britons. This also resulted in disintegration of Israelite American and British families. Using threats to forcibly mix the races was another part of the same strategy to change the character of the Israelite-origin (meaning the descendants of the two sons of the patriarch Joseph’s two sons Manasseh and Ephraim, the grandsons of the patriarch Jacob) Americans and the British.
Under the guise of separation of Church and State, German masqueraders were able to thoroughly pervert education, substituting the ungodly theory of evolution for creation of the earth and everything in it by an Almighty God, proposed by a German masquerader, Charles Darwin, and vigorously championed by other masqueraders living in Britain, America, Europe, and the Germans themselves living in Germany. Strong moral and family values based on the Ten Commandments and God’s other laws could no longer be taught in schools and colleges. Such teaching was in fact outlawed. They also infiltrated Churches and other religious organizations and were able to successfully pervert teaching of religion that did not require obeying God’s laws. This resulted in decay of religion that had been largely responsible for imparting strong values of patriotism and sacrifice of the early 19th till the mid-20th century that had made America and Britain great.
Once powerful civilizations founded by a moral people with united intact families and strong values of patriotism and sacrifice for honor and glory of the nation become effete due to the rot that sets in, caused by morals and values gone awry. It happened to ancient Rome, and has already happened to America and British Commonwealth nations.
God knows human nature very well. He knows what power and prolonged prosperity can do to a people. That’s why He accurately prophesied the rise and fall of various kingdoms, including the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman Empires. For the same reason, He prophesied the rise of America and British Commonwealth nations, and has also prophesied their fall. America and Britain have become effete civilizations. They lack the vigor of China, Germany and India with their young and well-educated populations. God’s prophecy about the rise of Britain and America was fulfilled. His prophecy regarding their downfall will also be fulfilled, and appears imminent.
America, British Commonwealth nations and the state of Israel have now been warned. The nations are unlikely to repent and change their ways. That has also been prophesied. But this warning has been issued so that individuals can repent of their sins, turn to the Creator God and receive help from Him to come out alive through the terrible three and a half year long Great Tribulation that lies just ahead for them.
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