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Chapter 17
Racial Mixing
Roman historians point out that the Empire had changed so much racially over the centuries because of freed slaves that they constituted a majority in the Roman heartland itself. Martin P. Nilsson describes on p. 376 in “The Race Problem in the Roman Empire” this way (
“The enfranchisement of slaves is a very important cause of the alteration of the population; it took place on a large scale. It was a point of honor for a noble or wealthy Roman to enfranchise his slaves, at least when he made his will. Augustus regulated the enfranchisement. The number of slaves which it was permitted to enfranchise was regulated according to the number of slaves which a man possessed but was in no case permitted to exceed one hundred. The freedmen were in a socially inferior position, but their descendants attained the full citizenship and their grandsons might even become senators. A discussion that took place in the senate in the reign of Nero is very illuminating. It was said that the enfranchised slaves were numerous; they crowded the tribuses (sic) and the inferior positions in the state, most of the knights and many of the senators were descendants of freedmen. If the freedmen were turned out, there would be lack of free citizens.”
"The profuse intermixture of race, continuing without interruption from 200 B.C. far into the history of the Empire, produced a type utterly different from that which characterized the heroes of the early republic" (Duff, Freedom in the Early Roman Empire, p. 205).
Changes in the racial stock had tremendous impact on the character, national fervor and patriotism of the army. The freed slaves and other foreigners in the Roman heartland identified with the culture and traditions of their countries of origin rather than Roman heritage.
In the early years of the Empire, sons of senators, nobles and large estate holders provided the leadership in the Roman legions and the soldiers came from among the small farmers. They fought bravely and with utmost discipline for the protection and glory of Rome. Many died in wars or were posted in distant conquered lands in the Empire. Their positions at home were increasingly taken by the descendants of freed slaves or other Eastern or Middle Eastern foreigners and their descendants who had settled in the heartland of Rome.
As the Empire expanded, the demands of the army, however, only expanded. A constant supply of new recruits was needed. Since Rome could not supply them from the sons of the soil in sufficient numbers, it had to fill the ranks with barbarian soldiers, many of who were the German barbarians. Eventually by the fifth century when Rome finally fell, the Roman army, including its chief leadership, was mostly barbarian hired by Rome.
The Russian historian Rostovtzeff describes how the practice began:
"In the troublesome times of the later Antonines, Rome needed a constant supply of recruits to defend her from the barbarians. Thousands fell in battle, and still more were carried off by pestilence. And further, the civilized classes grew less and less accustomed to military service and sent inferior men to the ranks.
"Hence the emperors preferred to employ a more primitive section of the population — field laborers and herdsmen from the outskirts of the empire, Thracians, Illyrians, Spanish mountaineers, Moors, men from the north of Gaul, mountaineers from Asia Minor and Syria. And so, the army came to represent the less civilized part of the population" (Rome, pp. 271, 274).”
Historian Philip Van Ness Myers also describes how Rome lost its national fervor for protecting the glory of Rome:
"Under the later empire, service in the army grew so unpopular and even odious that many cut off the fingers of the right hand in order to escape military duty. The government was forced to impose severe penalties for such acts....
"The result of this decline in the military spirit among the Romans was, as we have seen, that the recruiting ground of the legions became the barbarian lands outside the empire....The loss of the military spirit in a military age, and this transformation in the armies of Rome could of course have no other outcome...the entrance into the army of a non-Roman spirit, and the final overthrow of the imperial government by the revolt of the mutinous legions" (Philip Van Ness Myers, Rome: Its Rise and Fall, pp. 449, 450).
How the Empire was Eventually Lost to the German Barbarians
The Germanic tribes were not a united bunch. They were unpredictable as they often fought one another and others. One diplomat historian described their entire economy as “war.” Their basic nature was the love of war for purposes of looting, pillaging and plunder.
Some barbarians weary of war, settled down in the Empire in the service of Rome. Other rampaging tribes threatened the provinces. Rome’s strategy to protect the provinces was to make allies of some of them and use them with financial incentives to fight one another. MR booklet describes the process:
“With the pressure of many groups of rampaging barbarian tribes threatening the provinces, Rome accepted the offers of some tribes to serve in defense of the Empire as foederati (federated allies) in return for money, lands or supplies. Other tribes were forced en masse into the standards of Rome as the result of defeat in battle.
“Thus, the increasing threats of yet other ravaging barbarians pressured Rome into taking "calculated risks" and federating herself with uncertain allies.
“The German tribes, however, were more often fighting one another than fighting the Empire. Rome used them, first one, then another, to fight each other if any became a threat to the Empire. Rome tried, as much as possible, to maintain a balance of power between these warring, unpredictable tribes so that none would gravely endanger Rome.
“Rome even had to set up a "foreign aid" program to keep the barbarians from revolting. It was easier and cheaper to pay foreign mercenaries already in the provinces to protect the Empire than to go to her own defense. The policies of the Romans were much like our foreign-aid programs today. Rome hoped to buy her friends and keep the "peace" with gifts of money and supplies.
“But the plan backfired!
"To fight the barbarians and also buy them off, and keep the magnificent edifice of the Empire standing, great resources were needed" (Ferdinand Lot, The End of the Ancient World and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages, p. 184).
“More and more demands were made by the barbarians. As these demands increased on all sides, Rome could no longer shell out the required gifts.”
A turning point in history came in the 4th century when invading Huns terrorized the outer fringes of the Empire. Many Germanic tribes fled in terror of the marauders and sought refuge in Rome. They promised to live peacefully and if needed, fight for Rome in exchange for lands, and basic supplies. In 376 A.D., the Emperor Valens gave sanctuary to about a million Goths in the Empire.
"But the well-devised plan was frustrated by the knavery of the Roman officials who were in charge of its execution. By their corrupt connivance the Goths were allowed to keep their arms; by their greediness the newcomers were defrauded of promised supplies; and by their perfidy they were driven into open rebellion" (William F. Allen, A Short History of the Roman People, p. 319, as quoted in the MR booklet).
In the revolt, Emperor Valens was killed in the battle of Adrianople (A.D. 378). The Goths were finally allotted lands. But memories of old slights do not fade easily. Battles between the Romans and successive barbarian chiefs continued. Because of their rapacious nature, the barbarians continued to slice off pieces of the Empire until the Western Empire was in control of nothing else but Italy.
MR booklet states: “In this period, Alaric the Visigoth, supposedly in the service of Rome, sacked Rome because of slighted and cheated feelings. It was a sign of the weakness in the very heart of the Empire. In 455 Geiseric and the Vandals occupied and sacked Rome.
“The enfeeblement of the Empire had a snowballing effect. It encouraged other treacherous allies and enemies to join in the excitement and opportunities for plunder. The pressure on the forces of the Empire became unbearable.
“Finally in A.D. 476, the fiction of Roman rule in the West finally came to an end when the Herulian, Odoacer, decided to replace the Roman figurehead, Romulus Augustulus, with himself. Rome, which had been at the mercy of her foreign allies and the barbarians, now fell before them.
“As one Roman history source says: "...The Roman army...failed only at the end, and failed then because it trained in its own ranks the border nations that swept it back in the day of its old age and exhaustion" (Grant Showerman, Rome and the Romans, pp. 465-466).
“Dr. Robert Strausz-Hupe, noted educator in international relations, summarized Rome's military woes this way: "Rome's hostile neighbors turned more aggressive...For a while, appeasement of her enemies bought Rome peace. Then, her strongest allies defected, and her enemies, encouraged by Rome's limp response to their provocations, renewed the attack and proceeded to ravage Rome's home territories, Italy and Gaul."
“Rome's "calculated risk" — her federations with questionable allies — failed. Her allies turned out to be "Frankenstein monsters"! They turned on Rome and destroyed her!”
Ethnic Minorities in Military and Race Relations in America and Britain
“Federal agencies categorize race into five groups—white, black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. Ethnicity, which the government considers distinct from race, is divided into two categories: Hispanic or Latino, and not Hispanic or Latino. Among enlisted recruits, 43 percent of men and 56 percent of women are Hispanic or a racial minority. Female recruits are consistently more diverse than the civilian population; they are also more diverse than male recruits.” (
Women represent 16% of enlisted forces. Thus overall, about 45% of enlisted men and women in the U.S. military are Hispanic or a racial minority.
But these numbers are very misleading. Among 55% of white enlisted men and women, the number of German masqueraders is proportionately very high. In fact, they constitute a majority of the whites among enlisted men and women as well as officers. Thus, as German barbarians had taken control of the Roman military, German masqueraders and their allies now have control over the U.S. military.
In the U.K., ethnic minorities constitute only about 6.6% in the military. However, the percentage of German masqueraders in the U.K. population is even higher than the USA. Since they control the U.S. military and law enforcement, it is reasonable to expect that they have worked in the same way to control the military and law enforcement in U.K. as well. In addition, almost all German masqueraders in America are legally armed with military assault type of weapons due to the Second Amendment.
Ever since the early 1960s when Germany developed the technical capability of delivering threats electronically directly to people, they have worked assiduously through German masqueraders in America and British Commonwealth nations to take over the countries. Controlling the military has been part of the strategy, in which they have finally succeeded. Just as German barbarians destroyed the Roman Empire, Bible prophecy indicates that Germany and its allies will finally succeed in destroying America, British Commonwealth nations and Israel.
Since the 1960s, a well-orchestrated strategy was developed by Germany to destroy the USA and Britain from within. The ability to deliver threats electronically was the key factor that enabled them to carry out the strategy. For this purpose, German masqueraders in both countries and Canada, Australia and New Zealand were activated. With threats they took over leadership of major corporations, by forcing genuine Israelite Americans and Britons from off top positions, and then promoting their own people. They passed on the best American technology to Germany, while not using it in American products. They purposely built inferior products in the USA and Britain. That’s how they were able to nearly destroy the American and British auto and machine tools industries by the late 1970s and early 1980s. Only when the existence of German masqueraders was discovered in the mid to late 1990s did the auto industry recover somewhat. Then they bought imported German products as much as possible, ballooning the trade deficit with Germany.
The Nazis did not end World War 2 after the surrender in 1945. They just went underground, often being given jobs in German corporations. America, Britain and France foolishly trusted the German government to de-nazify Germany. The Nazis were actually back in control through the corporations.
They continued the war clandestinely. Their goal was to destroy people who had fought against them through the British colonial armies, and America and Briton from within.
What German Masqueraders Did After WW2 in America and Britain
German masqueraders worked hard and succeeded in taking over the economies of America and Britain by promoting their own people and had reduced much of the population of Israelite background to virtual economic slavery. They helped Germany loot our economies by buying German goods and services so that Germany was able to provide welfare to its citizens from cradle to the grave.
They were behind the millions of abortions, the hundreds of thousands of medical murders annually and the disappearance of millions of children, men and women, including burning many alive in electric crematoriums. They were the serial killers who terrorized our populations. They were engaged in marrying and divorcing men and women of Israelite origin, who were then forced into poverty as single parents caring for a child or two. They had also obtained most of the jobs in welfare departments of state and local governments [I witnessed this in my job in the State of Florida’s welfare department] and denied benefits to people of Israelite origin or made it extremely difficult and a harrowing experience for them continuously to obtain benefits, while helping masqueraders and their allies easily get the benefits.
They orchestrated the hippie movement in order to destroy the marriage institution as much as possible in Israelite countries.
They were behind impregnating young teens and having children which ruined their lives, and were behind forcing many interracial marriages with threats. They orchestrated the immigration of millions of people from other races into Israelite countries so that Israelite countries would be racially mixed and they themselves could gloat that they were the fairest people on earth, and use that as evidence for their delusion that they only were divine and the rest of humanity was like cats, dogs and mosquitoes with no future life. They also murdered Israelites with the ruddiest appearance so that they would come out as the fairest looking in the world.
They tried their best to control the population of Israelites by preventing many from marrying with threats, particularly the good looking ones; forcing women into prostitution, forcing others into drugs and homelessness, besides abortions and the disappearance of many. In effect there is a missing half generation of Israelites in America and Britain, as well as France.
They allowed terrorists to immigrate into our countries, who committed violent acts, helped them earn money by setting up businesses and use it to finance terrorist organizations in their countries to commit acts of terrorism against American, British and Jewish peoples worldwide.
German masqueraders controlled the immigration process into America and Britain by having their people take up positions in American and British embassies. The hurdle requirement for allowing immigrants into America and Britain was that they either murdered a Briton or American in their country, or someone from a group targeted by the Germans who had fought them in two world wars. They also had to come fully committed to the hostile nations led by German masqueraders and their allies within our nations to work to impoverish by discrimination and destroy people of Israelite origins. The immigrant doctors committed medical murders in our countries. All these immigrants bought German goods and services and products of companies headed by masqueraders to enrich Germany.
All these mass murders and looting of our economies was slowed after the masqueraders were discovered around 1998-2000. But they have been very creative, and still control a massive part of the economy and have taken control of the military.
What the Germans have done in Non-Israelite Nations
While all this was going on in Israelite nations of America, Britain and France, soon after World War 2, the Germans developed and maintained a worldwide network to punish peoples who fought against them in both world wars. I personally was born and raised in one such group that bore the brunt of German wrath. I was born and raised a Sikh in India, and Sikhs had contributed the largest number of soldiers by percentage of the population to the British Indian Army than any other ethnic group and fought the Germans in both world wars.
As an illustration, here is how the Germans carried out their vendetta in four contexts: in Iraq, Uganda, Israel and India.
The problems the Germans had with the Iraqis was that the Iraqis occupied their ancient land known as Assyria from which they had been driven out around 612 B.C. So they wanted to destroy as many Iraqis as possible. Their strategy was to help a brutal military man from a minority tribe rise to power. Because the strongman would be from a minority community, he would have to maintain power through brutality, by murdering all those who opposed him. They found one such dupe in Saddam Hussein. He kept himself in power by murdering tens of thousands of his people and brutally suppressing them. They then induced him to start a war with Iran in which a lot of Iraqis and Iranians lost their lives. Then they inveigled him into annexing Kuwait, which brought a coalition of western and Arab nations against him. It ultimately led to his downfall. But the Germans got their revenge against Iraqis for having occupied their ancient land of Assyria.
Their beef against the Ugandans was that they had served in the British African armies and fought against them in World War 2. So they helped Idi Amin from a minority tribe to come to power who mass murdered more than 300,000 Ugandans to stay in power. The Germans got their revenge on the Ugandans.
After the formation of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948, Jews were hunting down Nazi criminals and mass murderers all over the world. The Germans sought revenge. They helped an unscrupulous murderous man named Yasser Arafat rise to power to become the head of a Palestinian terrorist organization the PLO, who committed to using terrorism against the Israelis, and their helpers the Americans and the British globally. The Palestinians murdered two American ambassadors, a candidate for president of the United States, blew up or hijacked airline planes, murdered thousands more in suicide and other bombings over the past 50 years. Americans were literally terrorized and hunted all over the world and were never assured of safety anywhere in the world.
I thought the Oslo accords were the last hope that a lasting peace between Israel and Palestinians could be achieved. But we learnt that Yasser Arafat never had peace in mind when he negotiated. The Palestinians negotiated as many concessions as they could. Then it was business as usual in continuing to murder Americans and Jews and seek the destruction of the state of Israel. Arafat and the Palestinians are committed to that because of their clandestine alliance with the Germans.
The situation was much more complex in India. Indians of all hues had contributed soldiers to the British Indian armies and fought against them in both world wars. But the maximum contributions as a percentage of the population were made by Punjabis, both from what is now part of India and Pakistan.
Two years after World War 2 ended, India got its independence from Britain. Germans got an immediate opportunity to get vengeance on the Punjabis. The state of Punjab was divided into India and Pakistan. Violence between the Muslims on one side and the Hindus and Sikhs on the other side was expected. Violence was also expected in the state of Bengal which too was divided between India and East Pakistan (which today is called Bangladesh). But the Bengalis had been German allies as the Bengali Subhas Chandra Bose had formed an Indian army to fight the British. At that time the German Masquerader Lord Mountbatten was the Viceroy of India. He sent the army to keep the peace in Bengal but gave free course to the violence in Punjab in which Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs murdered between 500,000 - 800,000 among themselves.
After that the German strategy in India and Pakistan was to make alliances with business leaders. They offered technological help to business men to set up industries based on Indian and Pakistani needs that would enrich them. Most of the leading businessmen in India were the Rajasthan Marwaris, Sindhis, Gujaratis, Parsis and some South Indians. The leading businessmen in Pakistan were Sindhis of Pakistan. They helped these groups set up basic industries such as manufacturing hydrogenated oil, cloth and cement mills, sugar manufacturing plants and industries for processing commodities. The price for doing so was to induce the Punjabis of India and Punjabis of Pakistan to fight and kill each other. For this purpose they used the Sindhis of Pakistan to drum up the issue of Kashmir and induce the Pakistani generals to start a war with India over Kashmir. Since most of the common border between the two countries was in the land of Punjab, bifurcated between the two countries, the Punjabis would have to fight and kill each other.
In India since Punjabis, particularly Sikhs, constituted much of the army, they induced their ally China to start a war with India. So Punjabis, particularly many Sikhs died in the war with China in 1962. Then the Sindhis of Pakistan, particularly Zulfikqar Ali Bhutto induced the Pakistani generals to start a war with India over Kashmir in 1965. Punjabis from both sides died in that war. Then in the Bangladesh liberation war on 1971, German Indian allies pulled a masterstroke.
Sam Manekshaw, a Parsi was the General of the Indian armies and was put in charge of executing the war with Pakistan. He persuaded Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to give him a free hand in executing the war, which she did. Sam Manekshaw then concentrated all the war effort in Bangladesh and purposely left the Punjab border with Pakistan lightly defended. The aim was to allow the Pakistani Army to literally walk into India all the way to New Delhi and slaughter tens of millions of Punjabis as infidels. However, God intervened and a brave Indian Second Lieutenant of Punjabi origin named Arun Khetarpal fighting in the Punjab sector scored kills of a few Pakistani tanks and was himself wounded. He was asked to retreat from the battlefield by his commander, but he refused saying “Sir, my gun is still firing.” He then died in the battle. By the way his name means “Defender or protector of the battlefield.” He lived up to his name to his last breath.
Arun Khetarpal’s actions stalled the advance of the Pakistani Army, but only temporarily. Nothing now stood between the Pakistani Army and its march to New Delhi. However, the field commander of the Pakistani Army, Brigadier General Pervez Musharraf refused permission to his army to advance. The reason was that part of his family still lived in the Delhi area in India. God put such a thought into General Musharraf’s mind and intervened to save the Punjabis in India, particularly the Sikhs from becoming victims of genocide. If the Pakistani Army had advanced into India, Sikhs and Hindus would have been massacred by the tens of millions as infidels.
However, this was not the only perfidy committed against the Punjabis by Indians and Pakistanis allied with the Germans. What the German masqueraders did in the USA and British Commonwealth nations; the Indian industrialists did to the Punjabis, but particularly the Sikhs in India. They discriminated against them and impoverished them in every possible way. Since the Sikhs are a tiny minority in India, constituting only 1.7% of India’s population, and the central government controlled industrialization, they kept Punjab from being industrialized. The entire defense and heavy industries were concentrated in South, Eastern and Western India. Most chemical industry was concentrated in Gujarat. Punjab had nothing but agriculture.
Then there were Banias (whose ethnic origins are from Rajasthan) who live in Punjab who conspired to deprive other Punjabis of even small retail and other businesses. This was easy for them to do because all their suppliers for their retail businesses were the industrialists who were already German allies and committed to discriminating against the Sikhs. Because even the retail industry and commodity processing industries in Punjab were controlled by the non-Punjabi Banias, they could charge higher discriminatory prices to the non-Bania Punjabis, thus further impoverishing them.
The first computer chip manufacturing plant in India was set up in Punjab. But the city of Bangalore was a rival and had also set up a computer chip manufacturing plant. With their Punjabi allies, other Indians orchestrated the destruction of the Punjabi plant with a bomb blast. Since they controlled the insurance industry, they continued to stall the insurance claim for many years so that the Punjabi plant could never be rebuilt. With such tactics, they continued to prevent Punjab from being industrialized and develop a technically trained work force.
The Germans had also shared their technology with these non-Punjabi groups living in Punjab that enabled them to convey threats electronically. With such threats they forced Punjabis to get out of businesses that competed against them, and the most beautiful Punjabi women to marry them. The industrial tycoons who employed Punjabi Sikhs, sent them on assignments out of town while they visited their factories and forcibly committed adultery with their beautiful wives. They also practiced population control on the Sikhs by preventing some from marrying with threats.
Sikhs were harassed at every turn such as Sikh taxi drivers traveling from Punjab to Delhi being stopped and asked to pay bribes to be allowed to pass through with their passengers, or being detained at airports for a few hours in order to extract bribes for clearing their bags through customs, or deliberately making mistakes in passports in order to extract bribes when they have to engage in international travel. I have firsthand experience in all this.
The large industrialists discriminated against Punjabis, particularly Sikhs in giving them jobs. If some of them obtained jobs because of their engineering and scientific abilities, they were asked to train Marwari and other engineers. After they had trained these men, they were fired from their jobs and replaced by the men they had trained. In a personal example, I was called to Jaipur Rajasthan for an interview for an engineering job with a firm controlled by Birlas, the industrial house. I spent two full days in travel and two full days there in the hot baking temperatures of Jaipur, but except for seeing the receptionist I did not talk to anyone. No one came to talk to us. We were not offered even a soft drink or a cup of tea. I came back after two days, having traveled and stayed in Jaipur at my own expense. Of course, since then I have experienced similar things at the hands of German masqueraders in America. That’s when I realized what this treatment by the Birlas meant.
The Indian industrialists had to commit to murdering any Britons, Americans and Sikhs they could murder in India. Many Britons who had stayed behind in India after independence in 1947 were thus murdered. Then during the Vietnam War, many Americans found their way into India. Some were murdered then by Indians. Indians who carried out these murders were rewarded by setting up businesses; or getting into politics and gain top positions; or go to America and Britain for higher studies with scholarships, and then get good paying jobs after that throughout their lives. While in America and Britain they have stayed fully committed to the German global alliance. Sikhs have also been murdered by the tens of thousands in general violence from time to time.
The Germans know the critical role Information Technology (IT) will play in all future warfare. In fact, bible prophecy points to it in Ezekiel 7:14, “14 They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goes to the battle: for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof.” This means that the America, Britain and Israel will give the signal to their military to go to war, but because their communication systems have been hacked, that the signal does not reach the military.
Virtually all people of non-white origin in America and Britain are allied with the German masqueraders. They have almost taken over the IT industry. CEOs of the biggest IT companies are Indians, such as those of Microsoft and Google. Even many of the key employees are foreigners. They can help the German masqueraders to sabotage the electric grids, the transportation and bank functions, food supply companies and the military to create immediate chaos.
As the Roman Empire was destroyed by foreigners from the inside by Germanic barbarians, so will America and British Commonwealth nations be destroyed from within due to the large presence of German masqueraders and their foreign origin allies.
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