Church of God Message 

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Jesus Christ prophesied in Matthew 24:21-22, “21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”

These days of Great Tribulation are almost upon the world. Daniel 12:1 also discusses the Great Tribulation: “And at that time shall Michael [the archangel] stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your [Daniel’s people, meaning descendants of the ancient Israelites now living in America, British Commonwealth nations, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Benelux and Scandinavian countries and the Jews worldwide] people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.”

Since this verse talks about Daniel’s people [the Israelites] being delivered from the never before experienced time of trouble or Tribulation, this means that the Great Tribulation is primarily the time of punishment for Israelites because of their sins [which also the prophets identified in their prophecies] whose modern descendants are the people of America [of the tribe of Manasseh], British Commonwealth nations [of the tribe of Ephraim] and Jews [primarily of the tribe of Judah] in the State of Israel. For proof that America and Britain are Israel, you may wish to read United Church of God (UCG) publication titled “The United States and Britain in Prophecy” available free at the Church’s website

Jeremiah the prophet also prophesied about this time of trouble for Jacob [whose other God-given name was Israel] in Jeremiah 30:2-7 (NKJV), “2 “Thus speaks the Lord God of Israel, saying: ‘Write in a book for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you. 3 For behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel [America and British Commonwealth nations] and Judah [the Jews in the state of Israel],’ says the Lord. ‘And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.’ ” 4 Now these are the words that the Lord spoke concerning Israel and Judah. 5 “For thus says the Lord: ‘We have heard a voice of trembling, Of fear, and not of peace. 6 Ask now, and see, Whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins Like a woman in labor, And all faces turned pale? 7 Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.”

Notice verse 3. God talks about bringing Israel and Judah back from captivity. This shows that the Great Tribulation is caused by defeat in war and national slavery for America, British Commonwealth nations and the State of Israel. Isaiah 10:5-6 identifies at whose hands this defeat in war will occur: “5 O Assyrian [Modern Germans are the descendants of the ancient Assyrians], the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. 6 I will send him against a hypocritical nation [Israel], and against the people of my wrath [Israel and Judah] will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.” 

The exact duration of the Great Tribulation is prophesied in Revelation 11:2-3, “2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city [Jerusalem] underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” It is 1,260 days.

For a thorough understanding of these prophecies, please read my detailed book “World in Bible Prophecy”, available free to read or download at my website

A terrible time of trouble for America, British Commonwealth nations of Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and white South Africa is prophesied. The time of trouble is prophesied because of national sins. Sin is defined in 1 John 3:4, “4 Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” This book will describe the national sins for which God holds our people responsible. 

This book will also describe the conditions that led to the rise and fall of the ancient Roman Empire, and how conditions during the rise of America and Britain parallel those during the rise of the Roman Empire, and current conditions are even worse than those that existed during the fall of Ancient Rome. Due to power and prosperity, ancient Rome became lethargic and an effete civilizations. Such is the condition of America and Britain today.

Americans and the Jews think they are religious in terms of belief in the Bible. Seventy-five percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. But what is the key characteristic of a Christian who practices his religion seriously. It is weekly Church attendance, and not once or twice a month, or at religious holidays only.

From the Pew Research Center’s Religious Landscape Study, 46.6% of Americans attend weekly Church services. Attending Church weekly is a commanded assembly. Less than half do so, even though 70.6% of Americans believe in Christianity. 22.9% belong to no religion. These figures were based on the latest survey of 35,000 Americans. (Data obtained from

In Britain, the British Social Attitudes survey taken in 2017 finds that 53% of Britons are non-religious, 15% are Anglicans, 9% Catholics, 17% other Christians and 6% belong to other religions. Thus, only 41% of Britons classify themselves as Christian. And only 5% of the adult population attends Church. Those attending the weekly commanded Church attendance is even lower. (From

In Israel, Pew Research data shows 81% of Israelis are Jews; 40% of them are secular, 23% are traditional, meaning middle of the ground, 10% are religious and 8% are Ultra-Orthodox. From the data, I have calculated that only about 21% of Jews in Israel attend Sabbath services weekly. Thus, the Jews in Israel are not a very religious lot, not taking into account the fact whether they are following the true religion or not. (from website article by Michael Lipka of March 8, 2018 titled “7 key findings about religion and politics in Israel.” 

God prophesied about the religiosity of our people in 2 Timothy 3:1-9, “3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.”

As the data show, the American, British and Jewish people are not very religious. God does not play much of a role in the lives of a vast majority of our people. Our leaders do not look to Him for answers to solve the nation’s problems. All the attitudes mentioned by Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1-9 among the American, British and Jewish people are leading to the result in verse 5: They “Have a form of godliness, [but,] denying the power thereof.” That simply means their religiosity is not pleasing to God. 

Does God elaborate on our national sins in His word? The answer is yes! Actually God prophesied about our sins in the last days, meaning for our time, in great detail. 

Prophecy is most often dual. There was a former fulfillment in the days of ancient Israel, and there is a latter fulfillment in the end-time. In many cases, there was no former fulfillment and the sins are specified almost entirely for the end-time. For example, Ezekiel the prophet wrote his book after the Jews were taken into captivity by the Babylonians. The northern kingdom called the House of Israel had already been taken as captive slaves by the Assyrians approximately 135 years earlier and removed from their land. So when Ezekiel received God’s prophecies concerning the House of Israel to be delivered to them, he could not do so as he was a captive. Therefore, the prophecies concerning the House of Israel were given for the end-time and not for ancient times. 

The prophecies given by God through all the major and minor prophets apply mainly to our times for the American, British and Jewish peoples. The key to understanding the prophecies of the Bible is the modern identities of the various people mentioned in the Bible. The descendants of various ancient patriarchs are given below. 

Abraham’s grandson Jacob (renamed Israel by God) had twelve sons. The Jews are descended primarily from his son Judah, with some of the priestly tribe of Levi and a few from the tribe of Benjamin mixed in. In prophecy they are known as Judah or the House of Judah. Till the days of King Solomon, all the tribes were together as part of his kingdom. But after his death, the other ten tribes separated from the tribe of Judah and Benjamin (the priestly tribe of Levi was scattered among all the tribes till the time of Solomon, but after the separation most of them joined with the House of Judah as the King of the northern Kingdom removed the Levites from being priests) and became known as the House of Israel, as a separate Kingdom. So the prophecies concerning the House of Israel apply to the descendants of the northern ten tribes.

Just before his death, Jacob blessed all his sons which were prophecies concerning their descendants during the end-times. While blessing Joseph’s two sons Manasseh and Ephraim, he stated in Genesis 48:16 “The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.” 

Manasseh is America today and Ephraim is the British Commonwealth nations. Their descendants are the more numerous of all the twelve tribes of Israel today. This means that most of the prophecies concerning Israel apply to the American and British peoples, and only a few to the descendants of the other tribes who live in France, Ireland, Switzerland, the Scandinavian and Benelux countries.

Among the other nations, prophecies concerning Assyria apply to the modern Germans. Cush is Ethiopia in one part and India in some cases. Phut is Libya and India in part. Gog and Magog are primarily China and Russia. Elam or Persia is Iran. Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael. Esau or Edom is primarily Turkey. Palestinians are identified as Amalek. Greece and Egypt are identified under their own names. Jordan is Moab and Ammon.

With these keys to unraveling prophecy, we can now understand what God identifies as the sins of America, Britain and the Jews’ that He is most angry about, to the point of allowing them to be defeated in war at the hands of a German-led European alliance, allied with the Middle-Eastern and other nations in the world, and be sold into slavery to all nations of the world. 

The Epiphany of the Late 1990s  

I am originally from India and have experienced lawlessness to some degree and ‘might is right.’ I came to the USA in 1981 and discovered society governed by definite laws and the justice system that worked, with murders being investigated and murderers brought to justice. There was no haggling in stores when buying groceries and household items. Those working in government offices did not solicit bribes to provide routine services to the public. One could approach a policeman without fear of being struck with a baton or a rod for no rhyme or reason without any explanation, for merely having ‘bothered’ him. One did not have to give ‘bakhshish’ (a form of tipping with an element of corruption, AND a mild form of extortion and bribery associated with it) to the mailman to have your mail delivered regularly and government office clerks to have action taken on your cases. These conditions existed in India where I came from.

As I lived more years in the USA, some things came to light that just did not add up. Sure there was racial discrimination, and as an Indian I experienced it to the fullest extent. However, I discovered that other Indians seem to experience no such thing and thrived in the USA. Serial-killers were discovered who had murdered dozens and scores of people. A lot of abortions were taking place. And I simply could not understand how the USA, with the largest number and some of the most brilliant scientists and engineers in the world was allowing its economy to be destroyed by mainly the Germans and Japanese.

I came to the USA to pursue a PhD in Marketing at Northwestern University’s JL Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Within about two years of coming into the USA, I had diagnosed that the chief cause for American economy’s woes was the so-called ‘free trade’ where every other country was free to sell their products and services to the USA, but blocked access to American goods and services as much as possible. Voicing my opinion at Northwestern got me kicked out of the program. I subsequently developed a model of economic development and international trade, showing that the theories of International Trade propounded by Nobel Prize winning economists were flawed. I fought a 14-year long battle single-handedly to convince economists and the U.S. government that my model correctly explained how economic development takes place, and that the accepted theories of international trade were in fact responsible for the impoverishment of America and Britain. I wrote a paper in 1996 which finally convinced Nobel-prize winning economists that my model correctly described how economic development takes place and the role international trade can play in helping it or destroying the economy.

But ‘free trade’ was only part of the story and cause of the economic malaise in the USA and Britain. Another major discovery was made in the late 1990s - the existence of a hostile nation within both countries.

In 1990, Saddam Hussein attacked and annexed Kuwait. I advised the U.S. government at that time to not attack Kuwait unilaterally to liberate it from Saddam Hussein because the world would label the USA as an aggressive bully. I advised to first build a coalition through the U.N. and then literate Kuwait. My advice was found to be very useful and followed. It also revived the U.N.

When the U.S. was preparing plans to liberate Kuwait, Satan revealed to the Germans that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet and through the U.N. the word spread around to world leaders.  

Because of the Germans letting the world know that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet, I came to the notice of the U.S. government. The U.S. government then learnt that God’s Church prophesied the coming military defeat and national slavery for the USA, British Commonwealth nations and Israel at the hands of a German-led European alliance, itself allied with Islamists and other nations. I was immediately put under 24 hour surveillance, probably in late 1990. 

At that time William Rehnquist, of German descent, was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice’s office handles the executive functions of the Supreme Court and grants permission for wiretapping anyone. This German American controlled who could or could not be put under surveillance. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) insured that anyone who violated privacy laws incurred heavy costs in defending himself in court and also had his career damaged. Therefore, everybody in government and the military was scared to invade anyone’s privacy through wiretapping or other forms of surveillance. The judges and the ACLU (dominated by German masqueraders - people of German descent living in European, North American and other white countries assuming the common names of the people in their countries, but working primarily for their own and Germany’s interests) had put fear in the minds of government officials, including the military. That’s one of the main reason German masqueraders were able to get away with their nefarious economic activities and murders. Since government officials were scared of violating anyone’s privacy, German masqueraders were able to do all this clandestinely since the early 1960s.

Since I was perceived as a possible national security threat, permission was granted to put me under surveillance. Anyone who interacted with me via phone or in person also automatically came under surveillance. No additional permission for surveillance of such persons was required. That’s how the vast conspiracy against people of Israelite descent in America and Britain, and the existence of the hostile nation within the nation consisting of German masqueraders and their Italian, Hispanic, African American, Chinese, Indian, Muslim and other immigrant allies was discovered. Because of the conspiracy, surveillance could then be expanded to many more people without the permission of the office of the Chief Justice and those designated by it in lower courts.

Discovery of the hostile nation within our nations led to the discovery of how the hostile nation had taken over all leading positions in most sectors of the economy, government and academia. People of true Israelite descent had been relegated to lower positions of serving those in higher positions occupied by people from the hostile nation. This was a form of economic slavery. 

In the early 1960s, the Germans had developed the capability of delivering threats electronically directly to people, who then gave it to German masqueraders. Thus, Israelite people were also threatened to do things against their will and interests, making them de facto slaves. 

The German masqueraders had also been looting America and Britain’s economy since the early 1960s, helping Germany also to do so by buying German made products and passing on our best technology to them. They put their people in key positions in American embassies abroad to control the immigration process and allowed in only those persons who would be fully committed to them and would work against people of white non-German descent. All of them bought to the maximum extent possible products imported from Germany, gave jobs and promotions only to their own people and those allied with them. 

The hostile nation had also been committing fraud in vast sums of tens of billions of dollars annually through every kind of insurance: auto, property and casualty, health, unemployment and every other kind. Fraudulent claims in inflated sums were being paid to their own people, while denying or reducing legitimate claims of genuine Israelites.    

Discovery of the hostile nation also led to the discovery of its activities and how it was engaged in murdering and destroying true Israelites. It led to the discovery of medical murders; population control through abortion and forcing people to not marry, marry someone not their choice, or marry inter-racially; solving the mystery of so many missing children and adults many of who were cremated alive in electric crematoriums; denial of justice to Israelites because the hostile nation had infiltrated law enforcement and the judicial system; and many other types of criminal acts. They engaged in whatever evil they could imagine or Satan put into their minds. Most of these clandestine activities remained hidden because of the courts and the ACLU insuring the right to privacy. 

Therefore, the epiphany of the mid and late 1990s was that a lot of diabolical evil really existed in the USA and Britain, just as prophesied in all the prophets, and even some in the New Testament. But most of this evil was perpetrated by German masqueraders in collusion with their allies.  

Epiphany of 2019

Because most of the evil was being committed by German masqueraders and their allies, I tended to think they deserve to be punished and most of the prophecies about sin in the prophets applied mainly to ancient Israel. But then I had another epiphany in May-June of this year, 2019.

I have described in my booklet “Tale of the False Prophet and Fake Apostle” how I discovered that Gerald R. Flurry (GRF), Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God has been lying for at least the past 18 years by making false claims in his publications and has also committed murder very recently. The same is true of David C. Pack (DCP), Pastor General of the Restored Church of God. He has been lying for about the past 14-15 years, has been involved in a conspiracy to malign me, and has also committed murder recently.

I thought both men were genuine Israelites, meaning non-Germans. However, I discovered that both men are mainly Israelites but have some German blood in them. Both of them have behaved like German masqueraders and taught their kids and grandkids that way of life, of lying, deception to strive to become number one or stay number one any which way you can.

And that has been my epiphany in 2019. Virtually all white Americans are Israelites, though some may have varying degrees of German blood in them. However, what counts most is the way God views them. God views them as Israelites as they live in the land of Israel and have Israelite blood in them to some degree. Only those who have a German ancestor in their genealogy have a problem with that. Immigrant from no other European country has that problem. They are more than happy to be considered as Israelites. 

Most who consider themselves as Germans have had their ancestors living in America for centuries. Virtually all of them have mixed with Israelites over the past 5-10 generations. But those who have had one German ancestor in their genealogy, and in the present generations may have only 1/4th, 1/8th, 1/16th or even 1/32nd amount of German blood in them, have taught their descendants the German way, which is Satan’s way. They still teach their children and grandchildren that they are Germans. It has worked for them as it has helped them gain riches and continue to benefit economically through the centuries. But it worked very well as long as it was done clandestinely. Since they have been discovered, it is no longer as easy.

The import of this epiphany is that God treats almost all white Americans as Israelites. I did not realize this until the villainous deeds of GRF and DCP had been discovered. Therefore, almost all the prophecies in the prophets pertain to our times, and did not apply only to ancient Israel. Hence, all the writings of the prophets are guides for determining what God views as our sins that have made Him furious at us to the extent that He feels we will not reform on our own and the only appropriate punishment is defeat in war and national slavery in which 90% of our people will die to bring us back to Him. 

One may ask, why does God want to punish America, British Commonwealth nations and the state of Israel with national slavery when almost all nations commit horrible sins, some even worse than them? God answers in Amos 3:1-2: “1 Hear this word that the Lord has spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, 2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.”

The only people on earth with whom God has had a relationship and made a covenant or agreement with is Israel and their descendants. He has given them His laws which they covenanted to obey but have disobeyed completely. That’s why He’ll punish us for our iniquities (or sins: which is defined as transgression of God’s law in 1 John 3:4). 

Of the twelve tribes of Israel, America and British Commonwealth nations are the holders of the birthright promise, which means physical blessings in terms of land, natural resources and other riches above even the other tribes of Israel. Judah or the Jews are holders of the scepter or promise of rulership (fulfilled through the descendants of King David of Judah ruling over virtually all the nations of Israel as royalty). 1 Chronicles 5:2 states: “For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him came the chief ruler; but the birthright was Joseph’s.” Because these two peoples received the greatest blessings and promises than all the other tribes, they will be punished with national slavery for their iniquity.

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