Church of God Message
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Why Punjabis/Sikhs Discarded Their Original Holy Book
What was the original holy book of the Punjabis, and how did we lose touch with it? I think Punjabis should want to know. To understand that, we need to first understand who the Punjabis are.
Very briefly, here is the racial background of North Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans. The original settlers of India were the descendants of Cush (a black man) the son of Ham the son of Noah (most probably the descendants of Raamah the son of Cush). They were the Kshatriyas, Shudras and Vaishyas. The Rajputs and Gujaratis are the descendants of Phut the son of Ham, and the Dravidians are the descendants of Raamah’s brother Seba.
However, racially mixed among them were the Brahmins, who are descended from the white man Arphaxad, whose descendants were originally priests trained by Noah. But they were corrupted with massive financial incentives to preach pagan religions. So the Brahmins in India are all racially mixed.
Then in 722-721 BCE, the Assyrians (the ancestors of the modern Germans) invaded and conquered the ten-tribed northern kingdom of ancient Israel known as the House of Israel [whose modern descendants are the Americans, the British, French, Irish, Swiss, Scandinavians and those of Benelux countries], took them as slaves and deported them from their land. After a century, these former slaves ranged far and wide in the steppes of Eurasia, including in northwest and north India. Many of them mixed among the people of the lands they lived in. Since they were racially white and better educated, they married mainly among the Brahmins and Kshatriyas in North India.
Those that married and mixed with the people they lived with, settled down among them. Those that did not racially mix later migrated to the British Isles and the countries of northwest Europe. These Israelites thus married among the Brahmins and Kshatriyas of North India, Pakistan and the Afghans. Thus, Punjabis, Sindhis, Bhapas, all other Pakistanis and Afghans are all descendants of these Israelites mixed with the local populations.
The Southern Kingdom of ancient Israel known as the House of Judah (or Jews, as the word Jew is just a short form of Jude or Judah) was later defeated by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, and the Jews removed from their land. A number of them settled in North India. These white Jews also married among the local populations. The Sainis, Sonis, Sawhneys and Sahnis are the descendants of those Jews. These names are derived from the word Sion, which is a name for Jerusalem, as a person from Sion would be pronounced as a Sionee, which in English could be spelled as Saini etc. Since Hebrew did not preserve vowels, the names were derived by adding vowels at various places between the letter SN. This was the very first message delivered to me by an angel, that the Sainis are Jews.
Next came Alexander’s invasion. Many of his soldiers also settled in India and intermarried with the north Indians. Their descendants are known as Jutts in Punjab and Jats in Haryana. The word Jutt or Jat is just a shortened form of the word Jude. Hence the Jutts are also Jews, but descended from Judah’s son Zarah, whereas the Sainis are descendants of Judah’s son Pharez.
Muslims who later came with Babar’s invasion are also descendants of the Israelites of the northern Kingdom, the House of Israel, who had settled in central Asia and married among the local populace.
With this background, it should be obvious what the original holy book of our ancestors was the Old Testament of the Bible, which is also the holy book of the Jews worldwide. When our ancestors settled in India, Christianity had not been established as a religion. Therefore, our ancestors never came in touch with Christianity till the coming of the British. We never had any interactions with the Portuguese.
So how did we lose touch with our scriptures, the Old Testament of the Bible?
First of all, scriptures were not available for the common people because copies were very expensive to produce. So the common people acquired their knowledge of the scriptures from the priests, and not through personal reading. That’s why most ancestors of the Punjabis did not have access to the scriptures.
Then the task of preserving the scriptures was given to the Jews by God. But only a few Jews returned back to the holy land with the governors Zerubbabel, and then the priest Ezra and governor Nehemiah. It is these Jews who preserved the Old Testament faithfully. The Jews who came in Alexander’s army were a different branch of Judah and they never possessed the scriptures. Similarly, the ten-tribed House of Israel did not possess the scriptures after their captivity at the hands of the Assyrians for close to two hundred years. Then probably Jeremiah the prophet introduced them to the scriptures again when he went to Ireland, the reason for which will be explained shortly. All the other Israelites and Jews who settled in other lands by intermarrying with the local populations did not possess the scriptures. So they lost knowledge of their original religion.
There was another very important reason why they did not retain the knowledge of their old religion.
God had made incredible promises to the ancestors of the Israelites and the Punjabis, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Judah and King David. Essentially the promises were of incredible material blessings if they obeyed God’s commandments. Then descendants of Joseph were promised that a great nation would spring from Manasseh, the elder son of Joseph, and a company (or commonwealth) of nations would spring from Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph. King David of Judah was promised that his dynasty would endure forever throughout all generations.
After the captivity, within perhaps a century, the northern kingdom of the House of Israel even forgot that they were Israelites. They became known as the lost-ten tribes because they lost the identifying sign which was keeping the seventh-day Sabbath as day of worship. Without the scriptures, they retained no knowledge of the promises, because they no longer knew that they were Israelites. Though the scriptures probably were later reintroduced by Jeremiah the prophet, that happened only in Ireland, and never among the Israelites who had married among the local populations in their wanderings and settled there.
Since the Jews had the scriptures, they began to believe they were descendants of all the twelve tribes of Israel, as the other tribes were thought not to exist any longer. The world also began to recognize them as such. But they in fact are descendants mainly of the tribe of Judah, with quite a large number of them being of the priestly tribe of Levi, and a sprinkling from the tribe of Benjamin.
The Jews who had the scriptures, lost faith in their God because they felt that He never kept any of His promises. For centuries, they did not see any great nation and a company of nations come into existence as was promised to Jacob’s son Joseph. Even David’s dynasty ended among the Jews. They have never had a king from the descendants of David ruling those we know as the Jews today. And till 1948, they never even had a single nation of their own. That’s why they were no longer zealous about their religion, and many became atheists and communists in Russia and other places. Others simply adopted the religions of the countries they lived in, such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and others. That’s why the ancestors of the Punjabis did not want to hang on to their scriptures. They simply lost faith in their God, and adopted the religions of the people they married into. That’s why our ancestors in Punjab lost touch with their original scriptures, the Old Testament of the Bible.
The truth, however, is that the God of the Bible kept all His promises, but the Jews and the Israelites simply did not know where to look. God gave Jeremiah the prophet a commission stated in Jeremiah 1:10, “10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”
The two kingdoms were the northern House of Israel, and the Southern House of Judah. Jeremiah was used to root out the kingdom of Judah through prophesy, which happened when King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah and destroyed the Kingdom. But then Jeremiah was used to plant the kingdom in the House of Israel. When Judah was being destroyed, a prince of Ireland was in Jerusalem. He had married a young daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah. When Judah was destroyed, Nebuchadnezzar killed all Zedekiah’s sons, but his daughters were left in Jeremiah’s care. Then Jeremiah took the prince of Ireland and the daughter of Zedekiah he had married back to Ireland. That prince then became King of Ireland. That’s how Jeremiah completed the second part of his commission from God of planting the Kingdom in the House of Israel. He uprooted the throne from Judah and transplanted it in the House of Israel. Queen Elizabeth II is a direct descendant of that dynasty. Thus God kept His promise to David that his dynasty would last forever. He also kept His promise that a great nation and a commonwealth of nations would spring from the two sons of Joseph. And those nations are America and the British Commonwealth nations.
For the fascinating account, and how many intricate prophecies were fulfilled in the process, you may read my book “Jews Behold Your God!”, available free at my web site You may also read the United Church of God booklet “United States and Britain in Bible prophecy”, available free at
There have been consequences though for the Punjabis of intermarrying among the local peoples and identifying with them. God had promised incredible material blessings unconditionally to the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, who now live in Europe, America, including the Jews. But because of our ancestors’ disobedience to God’s commandments, God withheld the blessings for 2,520 years of punishment. When that time of punishment was over, the blessings were conferred on the descendants of the twelve tribes. That’s why America, British Commonwealth nations, France, Ireland, Swiss, the Jews and those living in Scandinavian and Benelux countries became rich. God gave them these blessings. But we Punjabis missed out because we no longer identified with our Israelite brothers, but with the peoples among whom we lived and intermarried.
It is also quite possible that two of Jesus’ twelve apostles, Thomas and Bartholomew, were sent to northwestern India to convert our Punjabi ancestors to Christianity. All the twelve apostles were sent to the descendants of the tribes of Israel. But tradition says that Thomas was killed in India for those attempts. Thus, our ancestors may have had a chance to get the true religion from the apostles themselves but rejected it.
This is the story of how we lost our original holy book and adopted pagan religions. Punjabis should discover their roots. If we follow the true God, He will forgive us and we may begin inheriting the promised blessings. I hope Punjabis will begin choosing wisely.
I counsel Sikhs and Punjabis to return to their roots, which is the Bible. It is the true word of God and give up all the lies inherited from Hinduism. I prove that in my book “Which Holy Book is the Word of God?”
Some Good and Bad Things in Sikhism
Now let us continue to see a few more problems and also the positive aspects of Sikhism.
Pre-ordained Destiny
One destructive philosophy in Sikhism is the concept of destiny, or that everything about one’s life is already pre-ordained. Sikhs believe that even every grain is stamped and pre-ordained to be eaten by a specific individual. Here are examples:
P 4 Stanza 19: “From the Word, comes destiny, written on one’s forehead. But the One who wrote these Words of Destiny—no words are written on His Forehead. As He ordains, so do we receive.”
P 8 Stanza 29: We come to receive what is written in our destiny.
P 16: As it is pre-ordained, people speak their words. As it is pre-ordained, they consume their food. As it is pre-ordained, they walk along the way. As it is pre-ordained, they see and hear. As it is pre-ordained, they draw their breath. Why should I go and ask the scholars about this?
P 1107: “Compassion, righteousness, Dharma and intense meditation are eternal and imperishable; they alone obtain these, who have such pre-ordained destiny. The inscription inscribed upon one’s forehead is eternal and imperishable; it cannot be avoided by avoidance.”
P 1167: “The poor man and the rich man are both brothers. God’s pre-ordained plan cannot be erased.
P 1284: “The pre-ordained destiny inscribed on the mortal’s forehead by our Lord and Master cannot be erased.
P 42: “Everyone, all over the world, longs for the True Guru. Without the good fortune of destiny, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan [meaning meeting or seeing God in person] is not obtained. The unfortunate ones just sit and cry. All things happen according to the Will of the Lord God. No one can erase the pre-ordained Writ of Destiny.
P 60: “The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained.”
Do a search on the word “pre-ordained” in the Guru Granth and it is mentioned 280 times. Many times, the Scripture simply says: ‘that which is pre-ordained cannot be erased.”
This philosophy is very destructive because it defeats God’s very purpose in creating humans, superior to animals (hence God-plane beings) because they possess mind power with free moral choice. They are not created as robots or with animal instinct. They can choose to do good or evil. This philosophy also leads some to not try their hardest to overcome obstacles in their lives.
Vain Repetitions and Chanting God’s Name
We have already discussed about the way to receive salvation, meaning liberation from births and deaths, that is described in the Guru Granth. It is through God’s Name (meaning chanting His name and meditating on it for long periods, like the Hindus do for the word Om) and singing His praises in Kirtan [praising God with hymns set to music], with good deeds, of course, and non-attachment to worldly things. Non-attachment to worldly things is a destructive philosophy that can lead one to inaction or at least a less than vigorous life as far as earning a living and uplifting other members of one’s community or country is concerned.
Sikhism lays a lot of emphasis on recitation from the Guru Granth, their holy book. In fact, in an Akhand Path [three-day reading of the Guru Granth] to celebrate an occasion or after a death, the Guru Granth is read completely over about a 3-day period, night and day; many times, no one listening. Such rote rituals do not accomplish anything for anyone as far as improving their character is concerned, or pleasing God.
Beautiful soothing uplifting music as in hymn singing by Sikhs in Kirtan does not in itself make the religion right. In fact, in most cases, the singers or Ragis have just made up stories to sing about without much truth to them. Even in the Guru Granth, God is praised with attributes that are the imaginations of men and not attributes that God has revealed about Himself. Christmas carols are beautiful music expressing great sentiments for Christians. It can also be uplifting and make the singers feel good and righteous. But they are the work of the devil because they celebrate the birth of the false god Baal, the deified Nimrod of the Bible, the greatest human rebel against the true God. Christmas does not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was not born anywhere near December 25th; He did not ask anyone to celebrate His birthday and no one in the Bible ever did except two evil murderers: Pharaoh and King Herod; and Christmas is not even mentioned in the Bible or commanded to be celebrated. Hymn singing and praising God in Sikh Kirtans and Shabads is similar in nature, because it is not based on truth. In the songs, some of the attributes and deeds of God mentioned are not inspired truth. Most often they are merely the imagination of the song-writers and singers, the Ragis. False worship and singing about made up half-truths is not how the true God wants to be worshipped.
The Guru Granth supposedly contains praises of God in poetry. But there is so much repetition. Everything is repeated over and over and over again, throughout the Scripture. Here is what the God of the Bible says about such repetitions I Matthew 6:7, “But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [other nations]do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” God of the Bible calls such repetitions in singing, or prayers as vain.
Here are some examples. First from pages 76-77:
“O dear beloved mind, my friend, reflect upon the Name of the Lord of the Universe. O dear beloved mind, my friend, the Lord shall always be with you. The Name of the Lord shall be with you as your Helper and Support. Meditate on Him—no one who does so shall ever return empty-handed. You shall obtain the fruits of your mind’s desires, by focusing your consciousness on the Lord’s Lotus Feet. He is totally pervading the water and the land; He is the Lord of the World-forest. Behold Him in exaltation in each and every heart. Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, in the Company of the Holy, burn away your doubts. || 1 || O dear beloved mind, my friend, without the Lord, all outward show is false. O dear beloved mind, my friend, the world is an ocean of poison. Let the Lord’s Lotus Feet be your Boat, so that pain and skepticism shall not touch you. Meeting with the Perfect Guru, by great good fortune, meditate on God twenty-four hours a day. From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the Lord and Master of His servants. His Name is the Support of His devotees. Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, without the Lord, all outward show is false. || 2 || O dear beloved mind, my friend, load the profitable cargo of the Lord’s Name. O dear beloved mind, my friend, enter through the eternal Door of the Lord. One who serves at the Door of the Imperceptible and Unfathomable Lord, obtains this eternal position. There is no birth or death there, no coming or going; anguish and anxiety are ended. The accounts of Chitr and Gupt, the recording scribes of the conscious and the subconscious are torn up, and the Messenger of Death cannot do anything. Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, load the profitable cargo of the Lord’s Name. || 3 || O dear beloved mind, my friend, abide in the Society of the Saints. O dear beloved mind, my friend, chanting the Lord’s Name, the Divine Light shines within…
“Remember your Lord and Master, who is easily obtained, and all desires shall be fulfilled. By my past actions, I have found the Lord, the Greatest Lover. Separated from Him for so long, I am united with Him again. Inside and out, He is pervading everywhere. Faith in Him has welled up within my mind. Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, let the Society of the Saints be your dwelling. || 4 || O dear beloved mind, my friend, let your mind remain absorbed in loving devotion to the Lord. O dear beloved mind, my friend, the fish of the mind lives only when it is immersed in the Water of the Lord. Drinking in the Lord’s Ambrosial Bani, the mind is satisfied, and all pleasures come to abide within. Attaining the Lord of Excellence, I sing the Songs of Joy. The True Guru, becoming merciful, has fulfilled my desires. He has attached me to the hem of His robe, and I have obtained the nine treasures. My Lord and Master has bestowed His Name, which is everything to me. Nanak instructs the Saints to teach, that the mind is imbued with loving devotion to the Lord. || 5 || 1 || 2 ||”
Here is another example from Pages 243-247 of the Guru Granth:
“The soul-bride [meaning a human being] offers her prayers to her Dear Lord; she dwells upon His Glorious Virtues. She cannot live without her Beloved Lord, for a moment, even for an instant. She cannot live without her Beloved Lord; without the Guru, the Mansion of His Presence is not found. Whatever the Guru says, she should surely do, to extinguish the fire of desire. The Lord is True; there is no one except Him. Without serving Him, peace is not found. O Nanak [Guru Nanak speaking to himself while meditating all this], that soul-bride, whom the Lord Himself unites, is united with Him; He Himself merges with her. || 1 || The life-night of the soul-bride is blessed and joyful, when she focuses her consciousness on her Dear Lord. She serves the True Guru with love; she eradicates selfishness from within. Eradicating selfishness and conceit from within, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, she is in love with the Lord, night and day.
“Listen, dear friends and companions of the soul — immerse yourselves in the Word of the Guru’s Shabad [praises of God in hymns]. Dwell upon the Lord’s Glories, and you shall be loved by your Husband, embracing love for the Naam [meaning the name of the Lord], the Name of the Lord. O Nanak, the soul-bride who wears the necklace of the Lord’s Name around her neck is loved by her Husband Lord. || 2 || The soul-bride who is without her beloved Husband is all alone. She is cheated by the love of duality, without the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. Without the Shabad of her Beloved, how can she cross over the treacherous ocean? [From the world to Heaven]. Attachment to Maya [materialism] has led her astray. Ruined by falsehood, she is deserted by her Husband Lord. The soul-bride does not attain the Mansion of His Presence. But she who is attuned to the Guru’s Shabad is intoxicated with celestial love; night and day, she remains absorbed in Him. O Nanak, that soul-bride who remains constantly steeped in His Love, is blended by the Lord into Himself. || 3 || If the Lord merges us with Himself, we are merged with Him. Without the Dear Lord, who can merge us with Him? Without our Beloved Guru, who can dispel our doubt? Through the Guru, doubt is dispelled. O my mother, this is the way to meet Him; this is how the soul-bride finds peace. Without serving the Guru, there is only pitch darkness. Without the Guru, the Way is not found. That wife who is intuitively imbued with the color of His Love, contemplates the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. O Nanak, the soul-bride obtains the Lord as her Husband, by enshrining love for the Beloved Guru. || 4 || 1 ||
“Without my Husband, I am utterly dishonored. Without my Husband Lord, how can I live, O my mother? Without my Husband, sleep does not come, and my body is not adorned with my bridal dress. The bridal dress looks beautiful upon my body, when I am pleasing to my Husband Lord. Following the Guru’s Teachings, my consciousness is focused on Him. I become His happy soul-bride forever, when I serve the True Guru; I sit in the Lap of the Guru. Through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, the soul-bride meets her Husband Lord, who ravishes and enjoys her. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the only profit in this world. O Nanak, the soul-bride is loved by her Husband, when she dwells upon the Glorious Praises of the Lord. || 1 || The soul-bride enjoys the Love of her Beloved. Imbued with His Love night and day, she contemplates the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. Contemplating the Guru’s Shabad, she conquers her ego, and in this way, she meets her Beloved. She is the happy soul-bride of her Lord, who is forever imbued with the Love of the True Name of her Beloved. Abiding in the Company of our Guru, we grasp the Ambrosial Nectar; we conquer and cast out our sense of duality. O Nanak, the soul-bride attains her Husband Lord, and forgets all her pains. || 2 || The soul-bride has forgotten her Husband Lord, because of love and emotional attachment to Maya. The false bride is attached to falsehood; the insincere one is cheated by insincerity. She who drives out her falsehood, and acts according to the Guru’s Teachings, does not lose her life in the gamble. One who serves the Word of the Guru’s Shabad is absorbed in the True Lord; she eradicates egotism from within. So let the Name of the Lord abide within your heart; decorate yourself in this way. O Nanak, the soul-bride who takes the Support of the True Name is intuitively absorbed in the Lord. || 3 || Meet me, O my Dear Beloved. Without You, I am totally dishonored. Sleep does not come to my eyes, and I have no desire for food or water. I have no desire for food or water, and I am dying from the pain of separation. Without my Husband Lord, how can I find peace?
“I offer my prayers to the Guru; if it pleases the Guru, He shall unite me with Himself. The Giver of peace has united me with Himself; He Himself has come to my home to meet me. O Nanak, the soul-bride is forever the Lord’s favorite wife; her Husband Lord does not die, and He shall never leave. || 4 || 2 ||
“The soul-bride is pierced through with the sublime essence of the Lord, in intuitive peace and poise. The Enticer of hearts has enticed her, and her sense of duality has been easily dispelled. Her sense of duality has been easily dispelled, and the soul-bride obtains her Husband Lord; following the Guru’s Teachings, she makes merry. This body is filled to overflowing with falsehood, deception and the commission of sins. The Gurmukh [one who is God-centered] practices that devotional worship, by which the celestial music wells up; without this devotional worship, filth is not removed. O Nanak, the soul-bride who sheds selfishness and conceit from within, is dear to her Beloved. || 1 || The soul-bride has found her Husband Lord, through the love and affection of the Guru. She passes her life-night sleeping in peace, enshrining the Lord in her heart. Enshrining Him deep within her heart night and day, she meets her Beloved, and her pains depart. Deep within the mansion of her inner being, she enjoys her Husband Lord, reflecting upon the Guru’s Teachings. She drinks deeply of the Nectar of the Naam, day and night; she conquers and casts off her sense of duality. O Nanak, the happy soul-bride meets her True Lord, through the Infinite Love of the Guru.
“Men and women are obsessed with sex; they do not know the Way of the Lord’s Name. Mother, father, children and siblings are very dear, but they drown, even without water. They are drowned to death without water — they do not know the path of salvation, and they wander around the world in egotism. All those who come into the world shall depart. Only those who contemplate the Guru shall be saved. Those who become Gurmukh and chant [chanting is repetition which the God of the Bible calls vain] the Lord’s Name, save themselves and save their families as well. O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides deep within their hearts; through the Guru’s Teachings, they meet their Beloved. || 2 || Without the Lord’s Name, nothing is stable. This world is just a drama. Implant true devotional worship within your heart, and trade in the Name of the Lord. Trade in the Lord’s Name is infinite and unfathomable || 1 ||…
“The Name of the Lord is so sweet, O my dear; taste it, and focus your consciousness on it. Taste the sublime essence of the Lord with your tongue, my dear, and renounce the pleasures of other tastes. You shall obtain the everlasting essence of the Lord when it pleases the Lord; your tongue shall be adorned with the Word of His Shabad. Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, a lasting peace is obtained; so remain lovingly focused on the Naam. From the Naam we originate, and into the Naam we shall pass; through the Naam, we are absorbed in the Truth. O Nanak, the Naam is obtained through the Guru’s Teachings; He Himself attaches us to it. || 2 || Working for someone else, O my dear, is like forsaking the bride, and going to foreign countries. In duality, no one has ever found peace, O my dear; you are greedy for corruption and greed. Greedy for corruption and greed, and deluded by doubt, how can anyone find peace? Working for strangers is very painful; doing so, one sells himself and loses his faith in the Dharma.”
This kind of ad nauseum repetition, often on the same subject can be found throughout the Guru Granth.
Hymn singing, and praising God is appropriate, and can be part of the true worship of God. But hymn singing and chanting God’s name is not the most important path to salvation as the Sikh scripture the Guru Granth advocates.
Salvation by Following a Guru
Another major problem with Sikhism is that it states that salvation can be obtained by following a righteous guru, or that the entire family can obtain salvation because of one righteous individual. Here is the quote again:
P 4: “The faithful find the Door of Liberation. The faithful uplift and redeem their family and relations. [according to this concept, one faithful person can redeem his family and relatives. This is against the idea of each individual being responsible for his or her own salvation]. The faithful are saved and carried across with the Sikhs of the Guru.”
In the Guru Granth, the word Guru is used to describe God. But most Sikhs apply that to the human guru or teacher, thinking that salvation can be obtained by hanging on to the coattails of the human guru or a faithful relative. That is a destructive idea for the person who follows it and feels that he does not have to do anything to improve himself to continually grow in righteousness to attain salvation. The true God wants to have a personal relationship with every human being and not through a human intermediator. The only Intermediator between God the Father and an individual is Jesus Christ, the Creator of everything. Here is what the Bible requires from each individual as stated in Philippians 2:12, “Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
Creating an Idol out of a Book
The tenth Guru Gobind Singh said that there would be no gurus after him and that the Sikhs were to treat the Guru Granth as their Guru after him. He meant that Sikhs were to take their teachings and tenets of their religion from then on by studying the Guru Granth. But Sikhs have literally created an idol out of the book. In their rituals, they carry the Guru Granth on their heads, cover it with elaborate coverings and fan it as if it were a human being. They don’t realize that is what idol worship is. They have rejected idol worship of Hinduism, and rightly so. But they have created an idol out of a book. The book is meant to be studied and not be carried about on one’s head.
In Hinduism, the greedy Brahmins made invented very elaborate rituals as part of the religion to enrich themselves. Sikhism has simplified them. That is something positive in Sikhism compared to Hinduism. As stated earlier, in every false religion, good is mixed with evil.
Guru Gobind Singh
Now I would like to discuss the tenth Guru Gobind Singh. He suffered a great deal along with the loss of his entire family. He accomplished a great deal for Sikhs by imbuing courage and determination in them to confront evil. I being a Sikh originally admit that I acquired that trait when I was a Sikh. That is a great trait to have. On the other hand, I would like to caution Sikhs to not go overboard with it and get carried away with the idea that we are a martial race which label the British clamped on them. It’s good to have courage, strength and determination, but it should be used for peaceful purposes, used for defense only when threatened by someone; and never to attack anyone to take away what they have, or as mercenaries.
Sikhs must, however, acknowledge that Gobind Singh was a human being and was not inspired by God in his writings in the Sikh scriptures. One of the widely quoted hymns of Guru Gobind Singh is:
“Deh shiva bar mohe eh-hey subh karman te kabhu na taro. Na daro arr seo jab jaye laro nischey kar apni jit karo. Arr Sikh ho apne he mann ko, eh laalach hou gun tau ucharo. Jab aav ki audh nidan bane att he rann me tabh joojh maro.”
This hymn is translated as: “God give me this boon that I never refrain from doing righteous acts. Therefore, I shall have no fear of the enemy when I go into battle and with determination, I will be victorious. That, I may teach my mind to only sing your praises. And when the time comes, I should die fighting heroically on the field of battle.”
The name for God used by Guru Gobind Singh is Shiva. But elsewhere in the Guru Granth, Shiva is just one of the creations of the true Supreme God. Guru Nanak the first Guru praised the Supreme God and not Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Indra etc. of Hinduism. In reality there is no god known as Shiva that exists, or even a Triune God or a Trinity in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Obviously, this implies that Guru Gobind Singh’s writings and sayings were in no way inspired by the true God.
Next, Guru Gobind Singh instituted keeping of long hair by Sikh males as a mark of distinction. The reason he did so was that when his father was murdered by the Mughal Emperor in Delhi, no Sikh came to claim his body. Guru Gobind Singh then instituted keeping long hair for Sikhs so that they would be recognizable easily and would not show cowardice.
However, the Bible declares that keeping long hair by males is not natural and should not be done. I Corinthians 11:14 says, “Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?”
Obviously, this implies that Guru Gobind Singh was not inspired by God when he instituted keeping long hair by Sikh males. The decision was based on human reasoning, and not under God’s inspiration. I cut my long hair when I converted to Christianity.
Regarding keeping long hair, Sikh artists are doing a disservice by painting all Sikh gurus with long hair. If the tenth Guru had to institute keeping long hair, that then implies that Sikhs before that did not keep long hair. So, the previous Gurus most likely did not keep long hair. However, artists always paint them falsely as having long hair. While it is likely true that some males in north India tied turbans even though they had short hair. But the artists depict all the Gurus as having long hair.
I have no criticism of the communal kitchen or Langar. It’s a good tradition, much like a pot-luck meal that Christians have, except that Sikhs invite anyone who wants to partake of the meal to do so freely.
Let’s now apply our three criteria to determine whether the Guru Granth is the inspired word of God. First of all, it contains no prophecy as proof that God was backing the scripture with His Almighty power. Therefore, Guru Granth cannot be the word of God.
Our second criterion was that the holy book should contain no scientific and historical errors. Guru Granth copies Hinduism in claiming that the earth is supported on the horns of a bull, a clear scientific error. Hence the Guru Granth fails our second test as well.
The third criterion is that the holy book should not contain unbelievable, fantastic lies. Hinduism failed that test because of the myths it contains from the beginning to the end. Guru Granth, however, has left out those unbelievable myths. But Guru Granth still does not qualify as the word of God because of the two tests it has failed.
To summarize then, Sikhism is a false religion because it promises salvation that is a blatant lie borrowed from Hinduism, for which no proof exists. Hence the Sikh scriptures are not inspired by the true God, despite some Sikhs lately beginning to make that claim without any proof. God is not directly quoted in the Sikh scriptures. In that sense its better than Hinduism and Islam which quote Krishna and Allah who claim to be gods, but are demons masquerading around as gods in order to deceive humanity. When you borrow your idea of salvation from religions whose true source is Satan the devil, you get cunningly devised fables designed to deceive. That’s what Sikhism has inherited from Hinduism in its ideas about salvation and how to attain it.
When the destination, or the salvation offered by your religion does not exist, then the path, or the means of attaining that salvation will lead to oblivion, or nowhere, and ultimately destruction. Sikh gurus borrowed their ideas of non-existent gods and worlds from Hinduism, and then added attributes of God and the tenets of the religion based on their own human reasoning and imagination. They are not revelation from the true God, but mere philosophies of men. That’s why such worship is vain. God says in the Bible in Matthew 15:9, “9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
My job is to force Sikhs and Punjabis to confront reality. But the decision to accept reality after thorough evaluation and proof, or to continue following your false beliefs and traditions inherited from ancestors is entirely yours. You have to make that choice. My responsibility is to warn you, that if you continue in your traditions, do not expect guaranteed help from the true God to help you and your family come out alive through the coming Third World War and the further horrible catastrophes that will follow.
I have now done my job. I am no longer guilty of any Sikh’s blood if he or she perishes in the coming catastrophes.
I counsel Sikhs and Punjabis to get back to the true God-inspired scriptures, the Bible, that our ancestors rejected and give-up your religious beliefs borrowed from Satan-inspired scriptures of Hinduism and Islam. Search your history at my web site in the book titled “India in Bible Prophecy.”
It requires courage to break free from the bonds of tradition, the way you have lived all your life. It is extremely difficult to admit that one has inherited lies and lived the way of falsehood all your life. It is hard to admit that one has been fooled by Satan the devil. A person who may decide to change also has to take into consideration the almost certain estrangement, criticism, taunting, ridicule and likely persecution from family, friends, acquaintances and business associates. I had to face that decision myself. In my case, when I set out to search for the truth, I had determined before I began my search that if I found the truth, I will give my religion and follow only the truth wholeheartedly. When I found it, I did not waver in adopting it.
Many in mainstream Christianity agree with what the Church of God believes. They know that the festivals such as Christmas, Easter and the like they observe, and Sunday worship in place of keeping the Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset holy have come from paganism. But they lack the personal courage to break free from those traditions. They love the praise of men more than the praise of God. I hope the Sikhs and the Punjabis will be more courageous than that and give up the falsehoods the gurus borrowed from Hinduism.
Here are the books I advise Sikhs to read on my website to better educate themselves about the true religion: “The Only Guaranteed Way to Escape End-Time Catastrophes”, “Which Religion is True?”, “Which Holy Book is the Word of God?”, “Jews Behold Your God” and “India in Bible Prophecy.” All are available free of charge at my website
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