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When I was seeking proof for the existence of God, I had two criteria. The first was demonstration of God’s almighty power and total control over the earth, the universe and the affairs of mankind. I thought the best proof would be if God would foretell that He would do many great things and demonstrate that He can bring them all to pass precisely as He foretold. I found that proof in numerous Bible prophecies as already described.

I developed my second criterion for proof of the existence of an Almighty God by analyzing human life on earth. I realized that there was no security of life for a human being, even for powerful people. One could easily die in an accident, natural disaster, or be murdered. I had known examples of physically very powerful men being beaten to death by their enemies. It is possible for any of us to be killed by a strongman, a mob or even police even though we may be fully innocent. And then war can overtake anyone and kill that person. However, I thought that if an Almighty God exists, then He should be able to defend any of us who obey Him completely under all circumstances. Does such an Almighty God exist?  

Then my research led to the most influential book in my life “United States and Britain in Prophecy” written by Herbert W. Armstrong. It is available free of charge at, and even on the Internet. In that book, Mr. Armstrong described how God made incredible promises to Abraham, his son Isaac, grandson Jacob and great grandson Joseph and kept them through nearly 4,000 years of human history, fulfilling many intricate prophecies in the process as already described. While these men were living, God gave them protection to fulfill His promises. They faced draughts, famines, had to fight powerful empires (in the case of Abraham), could have been killed by kings or hunted down by their enemies and killed. But God protected them through all the perils throughout their lives and made sure that their descendants survived so that God could fulfill His promises to them. Then there are the examples of David, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I found the proof of an Almighty God I was looking for and gave up every other religion and converted to the kind of Christianity taught by Herbert W. Armstrong from the Bible, which is very different from the Christianity taught and practiced by mainstream Christian denominations such as Catholicism and Protestantism.

However, “Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8). God also says, “For I am the Lord, I do not change,” (Malachi 3:6). God Who worked miracles for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel and the prophets, works miracles today also to protect those who put their trust in Him and strive to obey Him. 

Since my conversion to Christianity, God has provided ample demonstration of His almighty power numerous times in my life, exactly as I reasoned He would if I made a full commitment to serve Him only. German masqueraders and their allies in India and the USA have made hundreds if not thousands of attempts on my life since the age of ten in every possible way. These attempts have included actual numerous poisonings; attempts to have me shot dead numerous times, torn apart by dogs, large males getting involved in rough and tumble wrestling near me to entangle me in the ‘fight’ and then hurt me. One even tried to break my back so that I would be paralyzed for life. Doctors and nurses have tried to infect me with the HIV virus or use high energy X-rays to damage my heart or kill me. They have had big rigs try to run me over on the highway while traveling in my car or run me off the road with their cars. They have tried to run me over while taking a walk. When one of them tried, his car actually ended up being driven fast in reverse to his utter astonishment. They even tried to have me buried alive twice, and tried to blow me up using explosives in a car, the favorite method of Muslims. I have survived all these attempts over the past 57 years. Thus, God has demonstrated His ability to protect those who obey Him wholeheartedly even today. 

The attempts on my life continue to be made even now, almost daily, at every possible opportunity. God Almighty still continues to protect me. Of course, thousands of those who made these attempts, and those who ordered them know the truth of these statements. People who claimed that they genuinely made the attempts have been financially rewarded because those who rewarded them knew them to be true. The ones paying the rewards have included owners of the largest Indian Information Technology firms who have benefited from collaboration with German masqueraders in the USA.

I came to learn of the attempts being made on my life around 2,000 A.D. But God had been protecting me for nearly forty years before that though I never knew about these attempts. Every year, God’s Church attends the Annual festival called the Feast of Tabernacles, which is held at various locations around the world. I went to the Feast of Tabernacles in Germany in 1993 and spent 12 days there. Attempts were made on my life in Germany in different ways. But God Almighty protected me through all of them, over 12 days. I came back alive to the USA.  

Then in 2,000 - 2,001 God intervened in the USA and perhaps also in British Commonwealth nations and in India in a mighty way to save millions of lives. In 2000 - 2001, Satan gave German masqueraders and their allies in India the signal to murder most Information Technology people, top generals, business leaders and politicians in America, British Commonwealth nations, and among the Sikhs by poisoning them in restaurants or other places, or by any other means possible. They were also ordered to murder their Israelite [meaning American, British, Jewish, Irish, French, Scandinavian, Swiss or Benelux countries’] spouses and their own children born with Israelite spouses. Literally millions of people could have been murdered. The Germans, the German masqueraders and their Indian allies know very well that Satan’s order was carried out. But God intervened and NONE of the attempts succeeded over a period of WEEKS AND MONTHS. God intervened in the lives of millions of individuals over a period of many months. That is mass intervention of which the Germans, German masqueraders and their Indian allies have proof. 

Of course, the Germans inquired from Satan why the attempts were not succeeding. The answer given to them was that God was preventing them from succeeding because I had been praying for God’s intervention. I had anticipated this possibility a few months before the order was given realizing that many people in America had already been murdered by ‘food poisoning’ in restaurants in the USA, and how easy it would be to mass murder people. As a result, I had been beseeching God to intervene to prevent this from happening if an attempt was made. God intervened. 

Thus the fourth proof that God exists is that He still works miracles and demonstrates that He is Almighty and can override the actions of Satan, any demons and any human beings.

Germans and German masqueraders, including those who have infiltrated God’s Church believe that Satan is more powerful than the God of the Bible as already described in their gnostic beliefs. But we have seen proof here that Satan is completely under the control of the God of the Bible, who can annul any of Satan’s actions, or prevent his orders from being carried out. 

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