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Prophet Like Moses
Around the time of Jesus the Jews were expecting the Messiah to appear because of the 69 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:25, which states, “25 "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks…”
John the Baptist came at that time and was baptizing people. The Jews who were expecting the Messiah to appear wanted to know who he was. So they asked him. This is how the apostle John 1:19-25 records the conversation, “19 And this is the record of John [the Baptist], when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who are you? 20 And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. 21 And they asked him, What then? Are you Elias? And he says, I am not. Are you that prophet? And he answered, No. 22 Then said they unto him, Who are you? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What say you of yourself? 23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. 24 And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. 25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptize you then, if you be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet...”
Besides the Messiah mentioned in Daniel 9:25, Jews were familiar that two other prophets were prophesied to come in the future. One was Elijah the prophet mentioned in Malachi 4:5-6 quoted earlier. Moses also prophesied that another prophet like him would come. This is mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15-19 (NKJV): “15 The Lord your God will raise up unto you a Prophet from the midst of you, of your brethren, like unto me; unto him you shall hearken; 16 According to all that you desired of the Lord your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not. 17 And the Lord said unto me, they have well spoken that which they have spoken. 18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto you, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. 19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.”
In this regard, the author must now simply state that this is the office he has been appointed to by God. The fact that he has been appointed to the office of a prophet was not revealed to him first, but to others from whom he learnt about it more than a decade later.
The office of the prophet described by Moses was certainly fulfilled by Jesus Christ Himself as described by Peter in Acts 3:19-23 and by Stephen in Acts 7:37. What we did not realize was that just as the role of Elijah was fulfilled by three prophets, there would be a triple fulfillment of the role of Moses as well. The role of Elijah was fulfilled by the original Elijah, then John the Baptist and then by Mr. Armstrong. The role of Moses was fulfilled by the original Moses, and then Jesus Christ Himself, and finally now there has been its third fulfillment.
Here then are the special events that parallel the life of Moses with that of the author that prove that he has been appointed to the role of the prophet mentioned by Moses.
1. Moses’ life was miraculously preserved. The author’s life too has been miraculously preserved over the past more than 50 years. Attempts have been continuously made on his life since the age of ten. By now perhaps hundreds if not thousands of attempts have been made in almost every possible way, including attempts at poisoning, beating to death, trying to bury him alive, trying to inflict him with HIV and shooting to death. But God has continued to miraculously preserve him all these decades.
2. God made Moses’ face to shine among the Israelites. God has made the author’s face to shine about a dozen or so times in public places to indicate the role of the prophet he was being called upon to fulfill.
3. As God used ancient prophets as an example to the Israelites to dramatically demonstrate certain key elements of prophecies such as Isaiah going barefoot and naked (Isaiah 20:2-4), God has used the author to demonstrate the true diabolically deceiving and lying nature of Satan and the demons by allowing his thoughts and what they palm off as his thoughts to be broadcast 24 hours a day. This is an event unique in the history of mankind. That is proof that he holds the office of a prophet.
What Satan broadcasts as the author’s thoughts are sometimes his thoughts but many times they are what Satan and the demons inject into his mind. These thoughts are diabolically designed to make the objects of the thoughts hate him with their whole being. Invariably these are thoughts designed to be the most damaging to the author and make people want to destroy him. Sometimes when the author knows that a horribly damaging thought is about to be injected into his mind, he is able to block it out. But Satan or the demon broadcasts such thought anyway as his thoughts to destroy normal good relations of the author with the object of the thoughts. Such damaging thoughts can part virtually the very best of friends if one is not aware that these are Satan’s thoughts and not the individual’s own.
God has allowed Satan and the demons to do so to illustrate to human beings how they are the source of much of our thoughts which lead us to follow ways that are contrary to God’s ways. All the filth and evil that Satan and the demons broadcast as the author’s thoughts are slander and lies which indicate who the real source of all such evil is. Many people act on such evil thoughts that pop into their minds and hurt themselves and others by their actions.
The only way for us to discern whether the thoughts coming into our minds are our own or injected by Satan is to know God’s law and ways from the Bible. If the thoughts are contrary to God’s ways, we can be certain that Satan or a demon is the author of them. God has allowed this experience as a warning to the world that dealing with Satan will part the very best of friends and allies. It will lead to destruction. We will see that happen in the very near future when allies will part and war to virtually destroy each other.
All the unusual experiences of prophets of God are designed to teach humanity some lessons or issue warnings. If the author was so evil in his thoughts as Satan and the demons try to project him to be by broadcasting his supposed thoughts, it would serve no purpose for humanity. The author himself would suffer because no one would want to associate with him. But it would not benefit humanity at large. But if these thoughts demonstrate the true diabolically evil nature of Satan and the demons because they are broadcasting lies to divide human beings and turn friends into enemies, then humanity is being warned not to deal with Satan and the demons. That indeed is the warning God is giving to humanity through this experience. But humanity will not pay heed as prophesied events will soon prove. Therefore, Satan and the demons broadcasting the author’s thoughts is a prophetic warning to the world.
The author is issuing God’s warning to the world. But by broadcasting lies as his thoughts, Satan and the demons try to destroy his credibility so that people will not pay heed to his warning. They want humanity to annihilate itself. So they don’t want the world to believe what the author is saying about the way individuals can come out alive through the Great Tribulation. Billions will not pay heed to the warning. But Revelation 7 assures us tens of millions will, and save themselves.
4. God has used the author for another unique event in the history of mankind. Every week God’s angels broadcast his weekly prophetic messages to every human being in his or her own language, currently delivered at 9.00 a.m. USA Eastern Standard Time. The author delivers his messages in English. But every human being can hear them in his or her own language. That is also proof that he holds the office of a prophet.
5. James 5:10 tells us: “Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.” God here points out the marks of a prophet. They suffer affliction and have to endure it patiently for a long time. Mr. Armstrong often pointed to his 28 years of enduring poverty. He certainly fulfilled this identifying mark of a prophet. The author too has endured poverty for nearly the entire 40 years of his working life. So as there were certain parallels between the lives of the ancient Moses and Elijah, such as fasting for 40 days and 40 nights, there have been parallels between the lives of those fulfilling their roles in our time.
6. Mr. Armstrong battled forces outside and inside the Church and endured suffering and poverty to build and protect God’s Church. The author has battled forces of German masqueraders inside and outside and those allied with them for the protection of Israelite nations of America and British Commonwealth nations for all his life since the age of ten. That is when they began making attempts on his life, first in India and then in the USA. Being a member of the small Sikh religious minority in India, but which contributed disproportionately to the British Indian Army that battled the Germans in both world wars, he was targeted by German allies in India. They began making attempts on his life because he showed much academic promise. Then in about a year of coming to the USA in 1981 he had diagnosed that the real cause of the economic problems of the USA and British Commonwealth nations at that time was the “so called free-trade” in which everyone was free to export their goods and services to the USA while barring access to American and British goods and services as much as possible. That was an immediate threat to the party and fun the hostile nation within our nations, consisting of Americans of German descent and their allies, was having and making it possible for the Germans and their global allies to loot American and British wealth.
The hostile nation was able to get him kicked out of his Ph.D. program in Marketing at Northwestern University so that he was left without the means to get a secure teaching job. Then they prevented him from getting a decent job all his life in the USA. They destroyed all his attempts at succeeding in self-employment. His business ideas have been stolen and others have become billionaires using those ideas while he has lived most of his life in poverty, having to depend on the kindness of family and friends quite often to sustain him. So he has suffered for more than 33 years for the sake of our Israelite peoples while in the USA and more than 50 years in total. As Mr. Armstrong suffered much of his life for the “Church”, the author has suffered most his life for the sake of our “State,” meaning America and the British Commonwealth nations.
7. There have been other parallels between the lives of the ancient Elijah and Moses and those fulfilling their roles in our time. Elijah restored the worship of the true God in ancient Israel and protected the nation from the worshippers of Baal wiping out all knowledge and worship of the true God. The end-time Elijah restored the worship of the true God in spiritual Israel, His true Church, by restoring all the true doctrines, and the knowledge of the true gospel of the Kingdom of God. He prevented the ‘Synagogue of Satan” from watering down the doctrines all his life.
God used Moses to deliver ancient Israel from economic and physical slavery in Egypt. God has used the author to deliver modern Israel (America and British Commonwealth nations) from a form of economic slavery and also a form of physical slavery from being forced with threats to life or other harm to do things against their will and interests. Here is how God used him to accomplish this:
a) His constant preaching, teaching and battling so-called free trade single-handedly for 14 years finally focused the attention of the U.S. Federal government to look into the merits of what he was saying. It led to the discovery of the hostile nation within our nation and discovery of the conspiracy to destroy our Israelite nations from within. His preaching against free trade and the U.S. auto industry for not competing effectively had earlier forced the hostile nation to slow down its decline as too fast a decline could have led to the discovery of its existence within our borders. But when the hostile nation was discovered, corrective action was taken based on the solutions proposed in the author’s model of economic development and international trade. It saved our nations from economic collapse at that time.
b) Discovery of the hostile nation within our nations also led to the discovery of how this hostile nation had taken over all leading positions in most sectors of the economy, government and academia. Our people of true Israelite descent had been relegated to lower positions of serving those in higher positions occupied by people from the hostile nation. This was a form of economic slavery. And then our Israelite people could be threatened to do things against their will and interests, making them de facto slaves. The discovery of the hostile nation freed us from this economic slavery. It also led to our economic recovery at that time.
c) Discovery of the hostile nation also led to the discovery of its activities and how it was engaged in murdering and destroying true Israelites. It led to the discovery of medical murders, population control through abortion, the solving of the mystery of so many missing children and adults, denial of justice to Israelites because the hostile nation had infiltrated law enforcement and the judicial system. All these types of clandestine murders in the future were halted.
d) When the author realized that it was so easy to murder people by poisoning them by giving wrong prescriptions or in restaurants, he saw a potential disaster for our nations. So he prayed to God to intervene and save Israelite nations from this potential catastrophe. After his prayer, apparently the hostile nation sent out a call to murder as many Israelites as possible by poisoning them or by other means. The main targets were IT professionals, scientists, serving and retired top military officers, statesmen, business and political leaders. The order also went out for spouses who had married Israelite spouses to murder them and their own children. These orders were carried out. But God answered the author’s prayers and intervened to prevent these attempts from succeeding. This intervention probably saved tens of millions of lives in America alone, and probably additional millions in British Commonwealth nations.
If God had not heard these prayers, the U.S. economy could possibly have been destroyed with the murder of most IT professionals. It would also have led to an immediate attack on our nations and certain defeat in war and national slavery.
8. There have also been other parallels between what God used Moses to accomplish, and what the author’s contributions have been. Moses was used by God to reveal His strong nation building commandments, statutes and judgments to Israel. The author’s major contributions have also been in areas that contribute to nation building. These have included a model of economic development and beneficial international trade that is now generally accepted by all nations, and significant contributions to natural healing, preventing sickness and maintaining general good health. Contributions in both areas have had a very high impact on the prosperity and general well-being of our nations.
9. The mark of a prophet is prophesying future events or understanding and giving a correct interpretation of prophecy. Besides Jesus Christ no man has understood prophecy better than Mr. Armstrong. Daniel the prophet and John the apostle who wrote prophecies did not understand them because they were sealed till the time of the end. But when the end time came, understanding of prophecies was given to Mr. Armstrong. He explained what the various beasts in the books of Daniel and Revelation meant. After Mr. Armstrong, an understanding of the sequence of end time events has been revealed to the author. A key element of the sequence of end-time events was revealed to him by an angel in 1998 during the Feast of Tabernacles in Vail Colorado. Since then the author has written his detailed booklet titled “World in Bible Prophecy.” He did not consult any one or rely on others’ writings to do so. His main commission in the end time is stated in Revelation 10:11, “…"You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings." He has written his booklets on prophecy in fulfillment of that commission.
10. Mr. Armstrong used to complain about not being able to get sufficient sleep. He also talked about contact with demons. Perhaps he realized that demons were buffeting him to keep him humble just as the apostle Paul had been buffeted by a messenger of Satan (2 Corinthians 12:7). Peter may also have had a similar experience. That seems to be implied by Jesus’ statement in Luke 22:31: “…Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” The author too battled a demonic messenger of Satan intensely for about 19 years. He still buffets him, but he is no longer physically troubled as he was before. It may simply be the mark of a prophet or leading apostle of God in the case of Mr. Armstrong, Paul and Peter.
11. Moses and Elijah communicated with the Lord. In our time prophets have not had the privilege of communicating with God face to face. But angels have communicated many messages to the author. That perhaps is also unique in our time within God’s Church. He has not seen any of the angels, but they have communicated with him unambiguously. We know the most treacherous time for God’s true Church still lies ahead. Perhaps God will use angels to convey lifesaving messages to His Church during these times. He also has had the privilege of seeing Jesus Christ in a dream in which He was angry with him and corrected him before he could make a drastically wrong decision. Perhaps not unlike the way the Lord was angry with Moses on a couple of occasions.
12. And finally just as God revealed to the world that the author had been called to fulfill the role of a prophet, it was revealed to the world that he had also been given the status of a king. The author does not know exactly how this was revealed to people, but his guess is that they perhaps saw him crowned as a king in a dream, or in a vision.
The status of a King is necessary because of the commission he has been called to fulfill, which as mentioned earlier is stated in Revelation 10:11, “…"You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings." If he is being called on to prophesy about kings as an equal, then he must have the status of a king.
God’s Church is called God’s holy nation in 1 Peter 2:9, “9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” The author believes he has been given the status of a king of God’s holy nation so that he can talk to kings of the world’s nations as an equal.
God’s Commission Concerning Cities of Judah
Let’s again read God’s commission to His end-time prophets concerning the Jews as stated in Isaiah 40:9, "O Zion, you who bring good tidings, get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, you who bring good tidings, lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid; say to the cities of Judah, behold your God."
Zion in prophecy is God’s Church. So this commission to His Church in the end time is to show to the Jews who their real God is. Many Jews are mistaken about His identity. They think they are worshipping the God of their fathers. But how can they worship Him properly if they don’t know His true identity?
It is an extremely humiliating experience for one to learn that one has been deceived all one’s life about the true God. But the truth is that almost all of humanity has been deceived in one way or another. All religions that are not based on the Bible are obviously deceived because they do not have the truth of the word of God. Since we have proved that the New Testament is inspired by and backed up by the power of Almighty God, the Jews have only a part of the truth. And that is the reason they do not know the identity of the God of the Old Testament. Mainstream Christianity is also deceived about its religion because it practices its religion based on pagan traditions rather than on the instructions in the Bible. God calls those who understand the truth “a little flock” in Luke 12:32.
But we will prove the identity of the true God from the scriptures that are backed by His authority. All Jews should pay heed to the prophets who were prophesied to come in their scriptures, the Old Testament of the Bible.
Worshipping the true God is extremely important in these dangerous times. Catastrophic events are prophesied to begin soon. That’s why it’s so important to pay heed to what God’s Church preaches about Bible prophecy. The very first event is the Third World War in which one-fourth of human beings will lose their lives. But the true God promises to protect those who worship Him. How can one worship a God that one does not really know?
Not only can a person not understand prophecy from just the Old Testament scriptures without clues from the New Testament scriptures, the picture of what is salvation is also hazy from the Old Testament. The salvation God of Israel is offering not only to the Jews, or only to the Israelites, but to all of humanity cannot be understood without the New Testament.
So next let’s understand the salvation God is offering to all of humanity. It is a great motivator than the ideas of salvation Jewish religious leaders currently have.
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