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Church of God Message
Chapter 6
Why God Created Humans Male and Female
Marriage and family is the institution God has designed for mankind to learn all the vital lessons, including how to live under authority. When two or more come together, for things to work smoothly, one person must be in charge. That is God’s method of government.
God could have created all angels equal. But that would have led to anarchy in the angelic world with everyone doing his own thing. So, creating a hierarchy in the angelic world was necessary for smooth functioning of that realm.
Did the angels with lower rank get a raw deal? There are several things wrong with analyzing the situation that way. First of all, no one is going to be ordering you around to do things. You do your own thing, but those higher in rank are there to consult with and receive help from if needed. If they feel they could help you, they would be able to share their ideas with you. Hopefully you will have a teachable humble heart willing to learn and benefit from guidance from others. More likely than not, you will be the one initiating the request for guidance or for getting an opinion on your projects. So those of higher rank will be there to help and not to order you around.
God has designed the human family unit to learn that lesson and accept God’s method of government easily with one person in charge with minimum conflict. God designed mankind male and female. He put man as the head of the family and the woman to support him. This creates a hierarchical structure in the family. By living in a family unit, human beings learn God’s method of government and accept it much easier than if they were either only male or only female.
Do you think a woman who wants to rule her husband will be demonstrating to God that she has learnt to live under authority? Or do you think that children who are rebellious against either of their parents have demonstrated to God that they would be willing to live under His authority and will never rebel against Him? Of course, a man as head of the household has the responsibility to provide for and support his family and love them and give himself for them as Jesus gave Himself for the Church. A man who fails to do so will not have learnt to assume responsibility. And ruling means assuming responsibility. Humans are designed to rule God’s creation, and later their own creation. Those who have not learnt to do so will not be happy for eternity. God will not grant such people eternal life.
Man has to support his family for which he must work. And in a work situation he will be under authority. So, man learns to live under authority through his work while the wife and children learn to live under authority in the home.
If the entire world were either all male or all female, humans would not automatically learn to love the other person as themselves. We know our feelings for other people. Loving others as ourselves does not come naturally.
In a family the husband and wife are to be bound together in love. Here is how God described the first human marriage in Genesis 2:24, “24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” That’s the true purpose of human marriage: to bind two people together as one, or one unit. Husband and wife are to cling or cleave together in love. Sexual union is part of that cleaving process. It creates commitment to one another in the unit.
In a marriage and family unit a man and woman can learn to love each other as themselves much better than men can love other men and women can love other women as themselves. Marriage and the family unit make two human beings work towards the same goal. Looking after each other or loving each other as themselves enhances the accomplishment of the common goals. The family unit leads to greater success, and much faster than doing it alone. And the experience is much more enjoyable and less burdensome as responsibilities and duties towards achieving the common goals can be shared.
Since the purpose of human life is to give mankind an eternal perspective, husband and wife should be working towards creating an eternal bond? They should view their marriage as binding the two of them together for eternity. They should be asking themselves the questions: Are we working together to build a loving and productive relationship such that we will be thrilled to live and work with each other for eternity as one well-knit unit? Are we building a family that will enjoy living and working together for eternity? A happy family with children, then grandchildren, then great grandchildren all knit together in love is or should be the dream of every human being. It is God’s dream. He is trying to expand His family through human beings. Are we demonstrating in our marriages that that is our dream as well and are we working diligently to realize that dream?
A part of having an eternal perspective on life is trying to find the perfect mate, and the idea of a perfect mate for many is a trophy wife or a trophy husband. Some keep delaying marriage because they have not been able to find the perfect mate. Soon they have grown old so that they are no longer able to find a mate. That is a needless tragedy. Here is the eternal perspective that can help.
Remember, physical looks are not going to remain the same for eternity. In fact, they don’t even remain the same for 70 years of our physical life. We have seen people beautiful in their young age lose their beauty as they grow older. Others who had average looks add beauty and dignity to their demeanor as they grow older. Then as spirit beings our looks will change. God will add glory and beauty to everyone. And some who pleased God in their human life but did not have the advantage of looks may have greater glory than others. The point here is that one must have an eternal perspective. Beauty in this physical life will last only perhaps 20-30 years. Developing loving relationships will last for eternity. And remember when two people live together they get used to each other and are not even focused on each other’s looks. Their energies are focused on living life as a family. So, find a mate and develop loving relationships with eternity in mind. God may surprise you in this life by giving you beautiful intelligent children. If not, then you can be certain God will give you and your family glory and beauty when you are born as His eternal son or daughter after about 70-80 years of your life. So, go find a wife or husband with this eternal perspective.
Nations are simply extended families of an original patriarch grown large. If we always keep that in mind, then the chances for hatred within nations would be minimized. And that is the pattern God will use to govern the universe. Deuteronomy 4:19 tells us that God has divided the stars in the universe already to nations. Nations, sprung from one original patriarch are thus an important unit in God’s plan for colonizing the universe. And nations are also all related because we have all sprung from Adam.
Those who demonstrate to God that they are working to create a family for eternity will be granted eternal life. Those who don’t will not be granted eternal life.
Why God Created Humans Male and Female
God could have created humans as only males or females or hermaphrodites with the eventual ability to reproduce. We see many different methods of reproduction in the animal world. The ability to reproduce would have taught mankind the lesson that God loves them. But why did God choose to create mankind male and female?
God wanted to teach mankind three overriding lessons, which could be best taught by creating them male and female.
The first lesson God wanted to teach mankind is to love each other as themselves. If the entire world were either male or female, they would not automatically learn to love the other person as themselves. Loving others as ourselves does not come naturally. God created the angels as one kind of beings. They could learn to be friends with each other, but somehow not loving the others as themselves.
We can see the example of hermaphrodites in nature, which are creatures that have both male and female parts. They reproduce sexually which is a pleasurable activity. But after that they go their own way. There is nothing to bind them together.
That’s the true purpose of human marriage: to bind two people together as one, or one unit. In a marriage and family unit a man and woman can learn to love each other as themselves much better than men can love other men and women can love other women as themselves.
The second important lesson God wanted humans to learn by creating them male and female is to learn and accept God’s method of government of one person in charge, for a unit or organization to function smoothly. It is not always easy for two almost equal beings to accept that. God has designed the human family unit to learn that lesson and accept God’s method of government with one person in charge easily with minimum conflict.
The third important lesson God wanted humanity to learn is to work with and cooperate with each other. One way they would learn that lesson is when they recognize that they are ultimately related to each other. God directly created only one flesh and blood being: Adam. God did not create Eve as a separate flesh and blood being out of the dust of the ground. He made Eve out of Adam by taking his rib. So Eve was created out of man. Then every human being ever born has sprung from Adam and Eve. So, each and every human being ever born is related to each another. That realization should make all humans love each other.
In contrast, all angels are individually created.
To help humans to learn to work with and cooperate with one another, it was also necessary to create differences in humanity itself and in its environment as it was necessary to create differences in the angelic world. The first difference created was to make them male and female. Males and females are created different in more ways than just with physical bodies. But their differences in strength, talents and abilities are complementary. When their complementary strengths are pooled together they are greater than the sum of their individual strengths.
Then males and females differ in their physical and mental strengths, talents and abilities as compared to other males and females. So, males must learn to cooperate with other males and females must learn to cooperate with other females to improve their collective standard of living and quality of life. This leads to trade which improves the collective quality of life. Then nations differ in their resources and national talents and capabilities. Cooperation between nations should lead to beneficial trade which should collectively improve the standard and quality of life for all of humanity.
Thus, by creating mankind flesh and blood beings, male and female, God is preparing mankind to rule the universe with Him. Humans are designed to learn to love one another if they want greater success in life. That’s why humans having sex and families out of marriage are defeating God’s very purpose for creating humanity. If unrepented of, it will lead to loss of eternal life.
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