Church of God Message 

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Chapter 2

Origin of Nations after Noah’s Flood

After the Flood, all of humanity has descended from Noah through his 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.  Though Noah, his wife, his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth were all racially white, Ham and Japheth had married interracially.  Ham had married the Negro Naamah, the world famous daughter of Lamech, whereas Japheth had married an oriental looking wife, another descendant of Cain.  That is the origin of the different races after the Flood.

Before the Flood, interracial marriages were a leading cause of worldwide violence.  Also before the Flood the entire world had one language.  To prevent global violence after the Flood God planned to separate the different descendants of Noah by race. Children of the same patriarch would grow into large tribes which would then grow into nations.  All people from the same nation would be descended from the same original patriarch.  Knowing this would likely minimize the fighting within nations.  In addition, Lamech and his family ruled the entire world.  God’s colonization plan was also designed to prevent that from happening after the Flood.  The Flood had also created continents and high mountain ranges which would act as barriers to conquerors with plans to rule the entire world.

About 75 years after the Flood, when the world population was between 300-400, God gave Noah His colonization plan to have his descendants spread out to different areas of the earth.  About 80 years after the Flood, Noah took a 10 year long journey by land and boat with his 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth to view different lands to which they would send out colonies.

While Noah and his sons were on their journey, Naamah was free to tell the whole human family the history of her family before the Flood from her perspective.  Noah had given God’s perspective on history before the Flood and explained why the anti-God deeds of Cain and Lamech’s descendants had led God to drown that entire world.  But now without Noah’s influence, the 400-500 individuals in the entire human family were able to learn a different version of that history from the point of view of Naamah and her family before the Flood who had ruled the world and had been worshipped as gods.  She painted a picture of her family as being ‘heroes’ who had brought ‘civilization’ to the world through their material progress in terms of discovery of metals and alloys, advancements in music through her half-brother Jubal (the Apollo of the myths) and her own discovery of the art of weaving and introduction of textiles.

During this time, Naamah and Ham’s nearly 80 year old black son Cush (who was already married to a black wife and had children by her) seduced a white descendent of Japheth, the strikingly beautiful approximately 20 year old Semiramis.  The result of this affair was the birth of Nimrod, who was also born dark. When Noah and his sons returned from their journey, Noah refused to allow the relationship between Cush and Semiramis to continue as Cush was already married. And as God’s purpose for the colonization plan was to prevent the races from mixing since that had been the leading cause of violence before the Flood, Cush could also not be allowed to marry a girl of a different race.

Nimrod grew up into a very strong young man, probably a tall giant.  Just at that time, wild animal population had grown much faster than human population. Wild beasts such as lions, tigers, leopards, bears and wolves had begun to attack human beings and threatened the survival of the human race.  Nimrod stepped in and led expeditions to hunt wild beasts that drove them away from human habitations, at that time still concentrated in the area in Armenia where Noah and his family had settled after emerging from the ark.  Thus Nimrod while still a very young man barely in his 20s established a reputation for emancipating man from fear of animals.  He began to be viewed as a ‘savior’ of mankind by some.  That kind of recognition and fame can go to a young man’s head, and it certainly did in the case of Nimrod who later deified himself.

After further preparation for about a couple of decades, Noah began to send out colonies.  But rebellion against God’s colonization plan being implemented by Noah had been brewing for some time.  After having been enthralled by the pre-Flood stories of the exploits of Naamah’s family, some were developing plans to emulate these pre-Flood famous ‘heroes’ and rule the entire human family, which at that time was only about 2,000 strong.

Cush, Nimrod and Semiramis led the rebellion against God’s plan to colonize different areas of the earth.  A white descendant of Noah, Asshur the son of Shem, the original ancestor of the modern Germans was also among the rebels.  They did not want to be separated from the rest of the human family for their own reasons.  Cush and Nimrod did not want to be racially separated and also because they had plans to rule the entire world.  Asshur did not want to be separated because he had his own plans to rule all of humanity.  A slight majority of the human family followed them in this rebellion against Noah and God’s plan.

These people were brazenly rebelling against God, as their ancestor Cain, and his descendants Lamech and his family had done before the Flood.   When Cush and Nimrod were asked to go to their allotted area, they refused.  They along with Asshur and others instead went to the land of Shinar, in modern Iraq, a fertile land built up by the silt deposits from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, to build their own civilization.  The land would easily produce food for them in great abundance.

Since they were rebelling against the God of Noah, Cush, Nimrod, Semiramis and Asshur set up their own ‘god’ to worship in opposition to the Creator God.  Satan was obviously working with the rebels from the very beginning of the project.  Noah had taught the entire human family that God was the Creator, sustainer and provider of food for all creatures.  But Cush, Nimrod, Asshur and the rebels with them hated the true God and His laws and ‘restrictions’.   They did not want to worship Him as their ancestors Cain and Lamech had done.

Then they remembered another ‘god’ in the Garden of Eden who had ‘enlightened’ the first human beings, Adam and Eve, and told them they could develop their own knowledge, their own civilization, and do what was in their own best interests.  The rebels reasoned that what the God of Noah was telling them was not in their own best interests.  But the ‘serpent’ in the Garden of Eden had certainly ‘spiritually’ enlightened humanity about a ‘better way’, their own way of life, based on their own ‘wisdom’.  And he had not commanded them to do anything as the God of Noah had done.

The serpent had also guided the material advancements in Lamech’s family of which Cush’s mother Naamah had been a part.  The rebels believed they could easily build a far advanced civilization with the guidance of the serpent god than Noah could build.  This would also attract most of humanity to them.

Then Cush and Nimrod told the people that they got their physical abundance not from the God of Noah, but from the sun-god.  Since fire was regarded as an earthly representation of the sun, fire was incorporated into the worship system.

Thus the rebels created a ‘god’ of their own, the Sun-fire-serpent god. The sun became a favorite object of worship because of the light and heat it gives. This being the case, the two enlighteners became associated together, for just as the ‘serpent’ was considered to be the ‘spiritual’ enlightener of the world, so also was the sun the enlightener of the physical world. That is how one of the commonest symbols of the sun or sun-god became a disc with a serpent around it (Bunsen's Hieroglyphics, Vol. I, p. 497).

Cush and Nimrod thus gave the people a new god to worship, the Sun-fire-serpent-god, and a new religion.  They themselves became the high-priests of this god of their own creation.

The Tower of Babel Project

After moving to the land of Shinar the rebels started building a city called Kish [obviously named after Cush] and built dwellings for themselves.  Then they began constructing a Tower which was to be the great symbol of their religion and worship system, and would serve as a temple.  They would also build a magnificent city around it [which was later called Babel] which would be the symbol of their human government.

When the Tower had reached an impressive height and construction on the city of Babel was proceeding well, Cush and Nimrod were inaugurated as co-rulers by the people.  They already had plans to rule the entire human population then only about 2500 – 3000 strong.  Cush being the older by about 80 years and wiser of the two supervised the building projects at Babel whereas Nimrod went out into the ‘field’ to see what opportunities could be found to expand the empire.  In such trips Nimrod must have come into contact with people working with Noah and Shem.

Because the world population at that time was so tiny, Nimrod hoped to give the people loyal to Noah a vision of the better civilization they were building than Noah was and lure them into their camp.  That would provide the additional manpower for their building projects.  Then eventually they would bring all of humanity under their control, even if it finally involved imprisoning or executing Noah and Shem.

The Creator God was watching the progress on the project and the schemes of the rebels.  At some point in time God determined to intervene in human affairs and alter the course of history.  God’s intervention in the activities of the rebels took place about the 131st year after the Flood when God had allowed them nearly two decades to pursue their plans.  The intervention and the reasons why are mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 11:1 – 9 (KJV):

“1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they [the rebels] journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to [come on, equivalent to the Punjabi word Chalo Chaliye or let's go], let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.  And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. 4 And they said, Go to [come on], let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name [become world famous], lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to [come on], let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”

God came down to see the city and the tower that this part of humanity were building and summed up the situation in verse 6: “And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have one language.”  God saw that the people were united in their goals. And the goal of Cush and Nimrod was to make the whole world into ONE WORLD, in every possible way, the same goal that Lamech had achieved before the Flood. They wanted ONE WORLD with one world government under their control, one religion, one culture, one race and one society. Cush had married Semiramis and started mixing the races. Among the rebels other interracial marriages had taken place. (Some of Elam’s descendants and Japheth’s descendants had already married interracially with Ham’s descendants in the years since the rebellion.  Asshur prevented this from happening to most of his descendants.) One language meant that there were no communication barriers whatsoever, which made the attainment of their goal easier.

Next notice what the Lord then told the angels that accompanied Him: “and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”  Yes, God assessed the situation and concluded that Cush and Nimrod would succeed in achieving what they had imagined to do. What they had imagined was now definitely within their grasp.  And they had imagined to RULE THE WORLD, and “make a name for themselves (become world famous like Lamech before the Flood)” as stated in Genesis 11:4. They were in a position to achieve precisely what Cush’s grandfather Lamech had achieved before the Flood.

The world population at that time was only 4700-5000; still very small.  And the best time to control all of humanity was when the population was still small.  That is what Lamech had done before the Flood.  They also wanted to prevent humanity from spreading out over the earth by thwarting God’s colonization plan being implemented through Noah.  Humanity would be that much harder to control if spread out over the earth.  The earlier they could accomplish this, the better it would be for their empire.

It seems the rebels were planning to attack Noah’s group and bring the entire world population under their control.  Thus Cush and Nimrod’s kingdom and plans had reached threatening proportions. If they and Asshur were allowed to proceed, they would have succeeded in their plans to take over and control the entire population of the earth. They would have destroyed the truth and the knowledge of God’s way of life. To do so, they would have probably EXECUTED NOAH AND SHEM. A true world dictatorship would have become a reality within a century and a half after the Flood. That is why GOD DECIDED TO INTERVENE! Instead of destroying the rebels, He decided to divide them by confusing their language, and force them to follow His plan to spread out over the earth that they had refused to do voluntarily under Noah’s authority.

The account in verse 8 also says that the rebels left off building their city.  So something more than just confusion of language took place.

God has always left ruins of the destruction that He causes to serve as a witness to humanity in the future. We see the evidence of Satan’s rebellion in the craters on all planets and the debris in our solar system. Cain’s city has also been unearthed by archaeologists under the ruins of Jericho and can be seen even today. Apparently God has also left enough remains of this rebellious project to serve as a witness to humanity. Right on the outskirts of ancient Babylon, on a very high place, there is a huge mound, known as the "Birs Nimrud" -- the Tower of Nimrod!  On top of this massive mound is a small-tower which is probably a later addition. But the small tower is also constructed of brick and bitumen. Observers have noted something special about this immense mound: the remains there have not only crumbled down -- they have also been burnt!

Thus it seems God set the Tower ablaze in a lightning strike.  The bitumen or asphalt used to hold the bricks together was waterproof, but not fireproof.  It struck fear among the people who stopped building the city and scattered away.  The city has been aptly named Babel, meaning CONFUSION, in memory of the confusion of language of mankind.

Confusion of language simply means that different peoples could not understand each other \because they were speaking in languages that were different from the languages of others.  Originally God by a divine miracle had put the ability to understand and speak one language in the minds of Adam and Eve.  That same language had been handed down the generations till that generation.  Suddenly by another miracle, God put the ability to speak and understand different languages in different branches of the human family.  God had given Noah a colonization plan to separate different branches of his family by race.  Many had refused to follow God’s plan.  God simply gave the different branches of Noah’s family a different language so that they would not understand the speech of a different race.  As a result they were forced to separate from each other by race as God had originally planned.

That is how different nations originated.  And that division by race and language is indicated in the Bible in Genesis 10 (KJV).  Verses 2-5 show how different nations sprang from the different sons of Japheth the son of Noah according to their languages: “2 The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras.  3 The sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah.  4 The sons of Javan were Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.  5 From these the coastland peoples of the Gentiles were separated into their lands, everyone according to his language, according to their families, into their nations.”

Similarly about the nations that sprang from Ham the son of Noah Genesis 10:6-8, 13-18, 20 states: “6 The sons of Ham were Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.  7 The sons of Cush were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtechah; and the sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan.  8 Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one on the earth…13 Mizraim begot Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, 14 Pathrusim, and Casluhim (from whom came the Philistines and Caphtorim).  15 Canaan begot Sidon his firstborn, and Heth; 16 the Jebusite, the Amorite, and the Girgashite; 17 the Hivite, the Arkite, and the Sinite; 18 the Arvadite, the Zemarite, and the Hamathite. Afterward the families of the Canaanites were dispersed…20 These were the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands and in their nations.”

Then Genesis 10:21-29, 31-32 states: “21 And children were born also to Shem, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder.  22 The sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. 23 The sons of Aram were Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash.   24 Arphaxad begot Salah, and Salah begot Eber.  25 To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.  26 Joktan begot Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28 Obal,  Abimael, Sheba,  29 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All these were the sons of Joktan…31 These were the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands, according to their nations.  32 These were the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, in their nations; and from these the nations were divided on the earth after the flood.”

The entire earth was divided among these sons of Shem, Ham and Japheth.  To understand who the various descendants of each of these sons of Noah are, one must remember that Noah and his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth were all white racially. Shem had married a white woman, Ham had married the Negro Naamah and Japheth had married an oriental looking woman.  But since Shem, Ham and Japheth were racially white, all of Shem’s children would be born white, whereas some of Japheth’s children would be born white and some would be born oriental looking.  Some would also be born mixed looking.  In the same way some of Ham’s children would be born Negro black (with frizzy hair), some would be born black or shades in between but with straight black hair, whereas others would be born swarthy white.

There has also been racial mixing because of interracial marriages forced upon peoples by Cush and Nimrod in their rebellion against God and subsequently through the centuries.  But the broad racial divisions of the earth are that descendants of Shem settled in Europe with subsequent migrations to North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.  They are descended from Arphaxad the son of Shem.  Persians are the descendants of Elam the son of Shem.  But they are slightly darker than European whites because Elam apparently married a swarthy white daughter of Ham and Naamah. Asshur apparently married a white daughter of Japheth and his descendants are the Germans. The Syrians are the descendants of Aram the son of Shem.  Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael the son of Abraham, but they have quite heavily mixed with dark peoples.  In addition, Ishmael’s mother was an Egyptian and he married an Egyptian.  Turks are the descendants of Esau the brother of Jacob. But he married an Arab woman and two Canaanite women.  Canaan was the son of Ham.  Hence Turks are generally darker looking than other Europeans.   Jacob or Israel is the ancestor of the British and American peoples, the Jews and the northwest Europeans.  Jews have generally mixed with the peoples of the nations in which they have lived.

Bible historians know that the white Slavic and Russian peoples are descendants of Japheth whereas all oriental peoples are also descendants of Japheth.  Some of Japheth’s descendants who had joined Cush and Nimrod’s rebellion were forced to racially mix with Cush’s black descendants.  That’s why some Chinese, Tibetans, Nepalese, Malaysians, Indonesians and Philippinos are darker in color.

Egypt is known as the land of Ham because that is where Mizraim the son of Ham settled.  Egypt’s other name Mizr derives from Mizraim.  Mizraim was a swarthy white individual.  His descendants are the Copts in Egypt, the lightest in color among the Egyptians. Cush means black as Ethiopia also means black.  So Cush is Ethiopia because that is where Cush settled with his descendants after he was forced out of Babylon.  Canaan the son of Ham settled in what is today the Holy Land.  Put the son of Ham settled in what is Libya today. Africa is where the other descendants of Ham settled and spread to other areas or were taken there by others.

However, not all of Ham’s descendants settled in Africa and Canaan.  Those who settled in Africa had the frizzy hair of the Negros.  But some of Ham’s descendants were born dark skinned but with wavy hair because Ham himself was white.  This trait also continued in the next generation.  Thus it seems that two kinds of children were born to Cush the son of Ham.  One kind had frizzy hair and settled in Ethiopia.  Another branch of his family had wavy hair and migrated in an easterly direction from Babylon where the confusion of languages took place.  The reason they were forced to separate from each other was that they received different languages at the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel.  That is the clue to the racial origins of most Indians.

Before we discuss the racial origins of various Indians and how under what ancestral names they are mentioned in Bible prophecy, we must understand what forced various peoples to migrate away from Babylon.

How Different peoples Migrated Away from Babylon

God’s intervention at Babel (or Babylon) in confusing the language of mankind and destroying the Tower had thwarted the rebels’ project. But the leaders Cush, Nimrod, Semiramis and Asshur began to pick up the pieces of the Empire they were building.  Some people no longer had a heart in the project as they could not understand the leaders and many others.  But Cush and Nimrod then began to use force to keep the people together.

But to accommodate people of different languages Nimrod was forced to build different cities.  The Bible says in Genesis 10: 10-12 (KJV): “10 And the beginning of his [that is Nimrod’s] kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.  11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.”

Cush, Nimrod and Asshur were working together. As Nimrod build different cities to accommodate people of different languages, Asshur separated with his descendants to build cities of his own.  But they still continued to work together to build and expand their empire.

For the purpose of efficiency in building, agricultural and other collaborative projects, Cush assigned duties to different peoples.  This division of labor was enforced and became rigid in structure.  Most people resented this assignment of duties, but Cush’s descendants accepted it more readily than others.  That is one of the clues to the origins of a part of the Indian people.  The rigid assignment of tasks later developed into the caste system in India and a similar system also developed in Egypt.

Besides rigid assignment of duties, Cush and Nimrod were also forcing interracial marriages among the peoples.  Those who refused were punished with imprisonment.

Because of these excesses, the descendants of Japheth banded together and forced Cush out of Babylon in approximately 2177 BCE (Before the Common Era or Before Christ). He left for Egypt with his descendants with frizzy hair who received the same language as his and eventually settled in Ethiopia.  Apparently Semiramis went with Cush.

But Nimrod continued to force interracial marriages and was a womanizer himself.  He forced Magog, the ancestor of the Chinese peoples to give him two of his granddaughters as wives (actually mistresses).  But later when Magog refused further interracial marriages and wanted to separate and settle his descendants away from Babylon as Asshur had done, he was imprisoned, after being deposed as ruler over his own descendants.  In addition, Nimrod had introduced live human and infant sacrifices in his worship system.  Eventually the descendants of Japheth woke up to these atrocities of Nimrod, banded together and forced Nimrod also out of Babylon around 2149 BCE, who went to Egypt-Ethiopia and joined his father Cush and mother Semiramis.  Within two years the Medes, the descendants of Japheth’s son Madai seized rulership of Babylon. They pre-empted Asshur and his descendants who too wanted to control the empire Nimrod had built in and around Babylon.

In Egypt, Nimrod and Semiramis began to further develop their religion and also propagate it.  Within two years of Nimrod arriving in Egypt, Cush is never heard of again.  He was apparently disposed off by Semiramis and Nimrod, Nimrod blaming his father for being the cause of their loss of the empire in Babylon.  In Egypt, Nimrod was among his own people.  His grandfather Ham and grandmother Naamah had settled nearby in the Sudan.  All Africans were Ham’s descendants.  He was also accepted as ruler by the Canaanites.  Cush’s descendants with wavy hair who still lived near Babylon also accepted Nimrod as ruler over them.  He planned to eventually capture Babylon back into his fold as well.

After consolidating his rule over all these territories, Nimrod was planning to expand his rule into Europe next.  For this purpose he had begun making allies in Italy among some influential people who had been planted as colonists by Noah and Shem.  They agreed to help him conquer and rule Europe.  After conquering Europe, he thought he would then deal with those in Mesopotamia who had deprived him of his empire.

But the tales of his religion, activities and plans for Europe probably reached the ears of Noah and Shem, particularly his human and child sacrifices. God may have informed Noah at this stage that Nimrod should be executed for his many crimes, the very first execution ordered in the history of mankind.  Noah conveyed God’s decision to Shem who immediately starting making plans to carry out God’s decision.

Many people in Egypt probably favored Nimrod, but not all.  Shem came to Egypt and, being a very eloquent person, convinced a group of seventy two powerful and influential Egyptians to assist him in the execution of the wicked ruler.  They were convinced of the wickedness of Nimrod's deeds and the live infant sacrifices he demanded in his worship system. But Nimrod’s loyal followers and spies immediately sent him word of Shem's plans. He wasted no time. Ancient traditions indicate that Nimrod gathered his forces and attacked the forces of Shem and his Egyptian allies.  Though the numbers favored Nimrod, Shem’s smaller forces defeated Nimrod's forces.

When Nimrod saw his forces defeated, he fled for his life and went into hiding in the area that grew into Rome in Italy. This is strong evidence that Nimrod already had some powerful allies in Italy so that he felt confident that he would find a hiding place among them. But Shem and his followers followed him there, found him and executed him. His dead body was cut into pieces, and the pieces sent to different areas, including Egypt, as a warning of what would happen to the apostates if they followed Nimrod's God-defying practices.  According to ancient tradition his death took place in the summer of around 2121 BCE, on the 17th day of the month of Tammuz.

Thus ended the evil career of the infamous arch-rebel Nimrod. But Semiramis was still alive.  She fled Egypt for her life and went to Assyria-Babylon.  She would spend her next 30 years there.  Her son Horus (the Babylonian Gilgamesh and the Assyrian Zames Ninyas) was born there in an illegal relationship with Ninus II the son of Asshur.

Slaying of Nimrod made a very powerful impression on the pagans who were following the religion of Nimrod and Semiramis. It left absolutely no doubt in their minds that those who worshipped idols, the pagan Sun-serpent-fire god would be executed. If a man like Nimrod, the most powerful man in the world of whom all the rebels were afraid, could be slain and disposed off in such an ignominious manner, the same fate would await them.

But Semiramis knew that part of the hold Cush and Nimrod had over the people was based on the religion and worship system they had developed.  To maintain her hold and rule over Nimrod’s empire, she had to continue propagating the worship system they had developed.  The people also desired to worship idols and continue their religious practices, but now they were afraid to do so openly. The only way for them to continue doing so would be for someone to initiate a system whereby the forbidden things were represented by some other things, such as different symbols. For example Semiramis would be symbolized by a tree and Nimrod would be symbolized by a bull.  Since Semiramis was Nimrod’s mother, she could be symbolized by a cow.  These symbols could then be worshipped. Such a system was developed and became known as the Babylonian “Mysteries”.

The system was called the "Mysteries" because only those initiated into them would know in reality that they were worshipping the forbidden SUN, FIRE, SATAN, NIMROD or SEMIRAMIS when they worshipped these new symbols such as a tree, bull, cow or snake, but those uninitiated would not know. IT WOULD BE A "MYSTERY" TO THEM!

Pagans Scheme to Corrupt Propagators of Noah’s Religion

Asshur’s descendants, Semiramis and the Babylonians then developed a scheme to win the most educated descendants of Shem to their side.

Shem was Noah’s most obedient son.  He had obeyed Noah and had married a white woman, thus preserving racial purity since the days of Adam and Eve. Shem had five sons.  The eldest two, Elam and Asshur who probably were twins had married wives from among the white daughters of Ham and Japheth respectively.  But Arphaxad married a white woman.  Noah worked with Arphaxad and his descendants and taught them priestly duties which necessarily included thorough knowledge of astronomy to know the proper days and months to worship God and keep His seven annual holy days.  Descendants of Arphaxad were the only ones knowledgeable in astronomy.  Descendants of Cain had no knowledge of astronomy.  Knowledge of astronomy also meant that they would be most advanced in mathematics.  In addition, they maintained written records passed on by Noah and Shem, which means they were the most literate people.

The descendants of Ham and Japheth were not devoid of scientific knowledge.  Noah had taught the scientific knowledge he had to all his descendants.  In addition, the rebels had the benefit of the scientific knowledge that Naamah passed on to them.  Cush and Nimrod had applied that knowledge in smelting ores to produce metals and alloys, and their building projects, which all the rebels learnt from them.  But the descendants of Ham, the Egyptians and Ethiopians were the most advanced among them.

Knowledge of astronomy and mathematics was valuable for all.  In addition, the descendants of Arphaxad were being trained by Noah to be priests or teachers of God’s way of life to the rest of the human family.  It would be an incredible prize for the rebels if they could win them over to their side and use them to propagate their own religion around the world instead of Noah’s religion.

Before the Flood material progress in Lamech’s family had corrupted even the descendants of Seth who had been preachers of righteousness and God’s way of life.   The rebels decided to use the same tactic to corrupt the descendants of Arphaxad.   They simply invited them with the incentive of profit and riches to become priests of their religion.

Diodorus of Sicily in his Historical Library explains what Semiramis did in Egypt in Book 1, Chapter 2, pp 27-29:

“After his [Osiris or Nimrod] death, Isis [Semiramis] and Mercury [Asshur] celebrated his funeral with sacrifices and other divine honours, as to one of the gods, and instituted many sacred rites and mystical ceremonies, in memory of the mighty works wrought by this hero, now deified. Anciently the Egyptian priests kept the manner of the death of Osiris [that he was slain and his body cut into pieces and sent to different areas of human population at that time] secret in their own registers among themselves; but in after-times it fell out, that some that could not hold, blurted it out, and so it came abroad…

“She [Semiramis] found all the pieces of his body, save his privy members; and having a desire to conceal her husband's burial, yet to have him honoured as a God by all the Egyptians, she thus contrived it. She closed all the pieces together, cementing them with wax and aromatic spices, and so brought it to the shape of a man of the bigness of Osiris; then she sent for the priests to her, one by one, and swore them all that they should not discover what she should then intrust them with. Then she told them privately, that they only should have the burial of the king's body; and recounting the many good works he had done, charged them to bury the body in a proper place among themselves, and to pay unto him all divine honour, as to a God. That they should dedicate to him one of the beasts [a bull] bred among them, which of them they pleased, and that while it was alive, they should pay it the same veneration as they did before to Osiris himself; and when it was dead, that they should worship it with the same adoration and worship given to Osiris…[Those are the origins of bull worship].

“But being willing to encourage the priests to these divine offices by profit and advantage, she gave them the third part of the country for the maintenance of the service of the Gods and their attendance at altars. [Profit was the motive for the willingness of the priests to go along with all her Mystery worship system, recording of perverted history, and all else she required them to do.  Ownership of one third of the land, and no taxes or tribute being imposed on them was an enormous incentive by any standard.  And they would also receive the religious offerings of the people, and even require specific offerings from the people for their own profit in the guise of pleasing the gods.]

“In memory, therefore, of Osiris's good deeds, being incited thereunto by the commands of the queen, and in expectation of their own profit and advantage, the priests exactly performed every thing that Isis injoined them; and therefore every order of the priests at this day are of opinion that Osiris is buried among them. And they have those beasts in great veneration, that were so long since thus consecrated; and renew their mournings for Osiris over the graves of those beasts. There are two sacred bulls especially, the one called Apis, and the other Mnevis, that are consecrated to Osiris, and reputed as gods generally by all the Egyptians. For this creature of all others was extraordinarily serviceable to the first inventors of husbandry, both as to the sowing of corn, and other advantages concerning tillage, of which all reaped the benefit…”

Several things are noticeable about what the priests were willing to do.  They were willing to keep secret the way Nimrod died and maintain lies instead at the urging of Semiramis.  They were willing to honor bulls knowing that in doing so they were actually honoring Nimrod.  They could tell people the lie that they were worshipping bulls because of their usefulness to mankind.  They were willing to record a perverted, paganized version of history that has come down to us as myths.  They were also being offered incredible financial rewards for maintaining and propagating Semiramis’ religion and worship system.

At that early time in human history after the Flood when the world population was growing but was only between 100,000 to 250,000, even though humanity had become divided due to confusion of languages, most of the population had not gone far from Armenia where Noah had been located and had sent out colonies, or the land of Shinar or Babylon from where the rebels operated.  Noah had sent out colonies to lands on the Mediterranean Coast: Egypt and Libya in Africa, Italy, Spain and Greece in Europe.  Others who were sent out towards the northeast [Magog and his descendants] had not moved far away yet.  The descendants of the rebels were all still living close to Babylon.

To propagate the rebels’ religion throughout the world therefore, all that the Assyrians-Babylonians had to do was plant the descendants of Arphaxad as priests in key areas among different peoples with incredible incentives of land, freedom from tribute or taxes, and the offerings of the people.  They were brought to Egypt as priests and were already working with Semiramis as Diodorus describes.  Paganism could thus cover all the descendants of Ham in Africa.  They were planted in Babylon.  Their descendants later came to be known as Chaldeans and actually built the Babylonian Empire later.  King Nebuchadnezzar was a Chaldean.  In Babylon they literally became priests to the tribes that migrated east into Asia. Later Horus the son of Semiramis took a colony of them from Babylon into Europe after they had learnt the Babylonian Mystery religion.  They later settled in Italy [where Noah lived out his last days] and propagated Semiramis’ Babylonian Mystery religion from there in Europe.

These white descendants of Arphaxad functioned as priests among various peoples they settled with.  When Joseph married Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On in Egypt, he was not marrying a descendant of Ham but a white descendant of Arphaxad.  But later these priests interracially mixed with the Egyptians.  Those in Italy and Europe mixed with the Europeans.  In India the priests are known as Brahmins.  They are also descendants of Arphaxad, but have racially mixed with the Indians for whom they have performed priestly duties in the Hindu religion over the past 4000 years.  That is why Brahmins live among all people of different languages in India.

Semiramis spent approximately 98 years of her life in Babylon (29 of which overlapped her stay in Assyria), 110 years in Egypt, and 42 years as ruler over Assyria with 29 years overlapping her stay in Babylon.  She taught her Babylonian Mystery Religion to all the priests in Egypt, Babylon and Assyria. She was in an ideal position to do so. She had mastered the languages of all these peoples. Being a daughter of Ashkenaz, the grandson of Japheth, her language was probably the Babylonian language after the confusion of languages.  But being the ‘wife’ of Cush, she had to learn the Ethiopian language. Then she and Cush lived among the Egyptians. She had to master the Egyptian language. While in hiding, she spent a considerable amount of time among the Assyrians. She had to learn their language. She would have learnt some Assyrian language when Cush and Nimrod ruled in Babylon immediately after the destruction of the Tower in Babel. Thus she could communicate effectively with the priests (the descendants of Arphaxad) among all peoples, teach them her Mystery religion and her version of pre-Flood history. That is why most nations – the Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Indians - have similar gods and goddesses, who were nothing more than deified pre-Flood individuals of the families of Lamech and Cain, and deified Nimrod, Semiramis, Cush and Asshur after the Flood.

Though almost all descendants of Arphaxad went astray from Noah’s teachings of God’s way for profit, God still kept the knowledge of His ways alive through a descendant of Arphaxad.  That descendant was Abraham from whom are descended the British, American, Jewish, French, Irish, Swiss, Scandinavian and Benelux peoples.  Abraham’s genealogy is mentioned in Genesis 11:10-27 as follows through sons in each successive generation: Noah, Shem, Arphaxad, Salah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah and Abraham.

Nations Forced to Move Away from Babylon

Around 2038 BCE, Semiramis permanently left Egypt and came to Babylon.  She seems to have been called from Egypt by the Medes and other descendants of Japheth settled in and around Babylon.  The reason seems to have been that 17 years ago in 2055, Asshur had begun conquests in the Middle East with son Ninus II as the general of his forces.

Here is what Diodorus mentions about Ninus II's brutality and cruel practices in book II, chapter 1, p. 100 of his Historical Library:

“Ninus therefore, the Assyrian king, with the prince of Arabia, his assistant, with a numerous army [the army may have been numerous for those early times, but perhaps no more than a few thousands strong] invaded the Babylonians then next bordering upon him: for the Babylon that is now, was not built at that time; but the province of Babylon had in it then many other considerable cities, whose inhabitants he easily subdued (being rude and unexpert in matters of war), and imposed upon them a yearly tribute; but carried away the king with all his children prisoners, and soon after put them to death…

“Being thus strengthened, he invaded Media, whose king Pharnus coming out against him with a mighty army [again mighty for those times, but perhaps no more than tens of thousands strong] was utterly routed, and lost most of his men, and was taken prisoner with his wife and seven children, and afterwards crucified.”

Remember such conquests in war and brutal treatment of kings were firsts in the post-Flood world. Ninus II must have become one of the most hated men.  While the conquests were going on Nineveh the capital of the now building Assyrian Empire was being fortified with very high, thick walls with massive gates so that the Assyrians in the city were impregnable.

After conquering many lands in 17 years Ninus II just dwelt in fortified Nineveh and forced all those he had subjugated to serve him and bring him tribute annually. He appointed others as rulers over peoples whose kings and their children he brutally murdered.  He could call on his appointed rulers for additional support as he needed in soldiers and revenues to fight other rulers.

There can be no doubt that many of the rulers and generals of the armies of the lands the Assyrians had subjugated after cruelly killing their former patriarch kings would be engaged in intrigues to have Ninus II murdered.  But he was impregnable in fortified Nineveh.  It was virtually impossible for armies to attack and conquer Nineveh and bring Ninus II to justice.  Intrigue was the only alternative.  The rulers of the Japhethites in and around Babylon must have had revenge in mind when they called Semiramis from Egypt.  Remember, Semiramis was a descendant of Japheth herself, hence their kin.

Semiramis continued to live in Babylon and propagated her Babylonian Mystery religion from there.  Since the destruction of the Tower, not a single ruling dynasty originated in the Babylon city-precincts for 1000 years. But Semiramis made it the headquarters of her religion, and started building the city of Babylon into a magnificent city at this time.

At this point in time, the population of the whole world had barely crossed the one million mark. Though Noah had sent colonists along the Mediterranean coast, most of the rebels' families were still living close to Babylon, from where they had earlier separated according to languages after the departure of Nimrod for Egypt. They had started migrating outwards from Babylon. The family patriarchs had become petty kings over their descendants.

The Bible provides the amazing answer as to how Semiramis used these kings at this time to spread her Mystery religion.  Semiramis, the mother and later wife of Nimrod was the original fallen woman described in the Bible in Rev. 17:1-5:

"Come…I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters [symbol for nations]: with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication [literally], and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication [pagan religion is described as spiritual fornication]…And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour [the color of royalty], and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."

Semiramis' character regarding fornication had already become well known.  Now back in Babylon from Egypt, Semiramis was free from the shackles of her marriage to Cush first and then Nimrod. This is the time when her unbridled lust came to the fore, and founded the pagan Temple priestess/prostitute system.

In Babylon she committed fornication with the kings of the various family groups settled nearby. They had not moved too far away from Babylon yet. In return, these kings furthered her Babylonian Mystery system.  She as the head of this counterfeit system gave herself sexually to these kings and other civil rulers of the earth of her time and foisted her counterfeit system onto the tribal groups of her day, which grew into great nations. As the nations migrated outward from Babylon, the central point, they carried the counterfeit religion of Semiramis with them to all areas of the earth.

While Semiramis was committing fornication with the kings of the earth and spreading her Babylonian Mystery religion, and building up the city of Babylon, the Japhethite kings and commanders had not forgotten to bring Ninus II to justice.  They continued to plot with Semiramis on how to bring him down by intrigue since it was impossible to bring him down by attacking impregnable Nineveh.

About a century earlier, Semiramis had a relationship with Ninus II when she fled from Egypt on Nimrod's death. Her illegitimate son Horus was born of that relationship. While in Babylon, she had been meeting Ninus II, spreading her Mystery religion. Now she renewed her relationship with Ninus II, who became very fond of her again. After close to 30 years of her being in Babylon, he apparently married her this time.

Then she probably played a prank on him to ask him to give her his royal authority for five days. She held a sumptuous banquet for the army commanders and the nobility who obeyed all her commands so that all her subjects could observe that she ruled. She then secretly committed Ninus II to jail. Only the conspirators knew about his whereabouts. Then she carried out the plans that Ninus II had made for invading and conquering Armenia. She was successful in this endeavor. After the victory in Armenia, she had Ninus II assassinated and ruled in his place. The year was 2003. It had taken 35 years of intrigue by Semiramis and the Japhethites and other rulers and generals whose peoples Ninus II had conquered to bring him down.

As soon as Horus the son of Semiramis and Ninus II learnt that his father had been assassinated in a plot by his mother and that his mother now ruled the Assyrian Empire, he left Europe in 2003 leaving his son as ruler and came to Assyria.  Semiramis then allied herself with the King of Armenia.  A three-way struggle ensued between Semiramis, Horus and the King of Armenia to control the Assyrian Empire. Finally in a battle in 1961 BCE, Horus defeated the combined forces of his mother Semiramis and the King of Armenia in which both were killed and Horus became ruler of Assyria, which he ruled till his death in 1923 BCE.

Assyrians Force the Nations to Move Away from around Babylon

It is very important to understand the nature of the Assyrian Empire. The world was sparsely populated at that time and the people essentially lived a pastoral lifestyle.  The form of government was mainly patriarchal, based on tribal and clan organization. The population of the clan would have been at best in the tens of thousands. People followed the patriarch or clan leader to whom they owed allegiance.

Now imagine the situation that then existed. Clans or tribal groups of perhaps a few thousand individuals or a few tens of thousands at best occupied a certain piece of land, farmed it and raised domestic animals. First, it was easy for Nimrod to build an empire.  With a small army of a few hundred men he could go to any clan and force their leaders to submit and pay him tribute. Nobody would dare oppose a powerful giant and the few hundred very powerful men who accompanied him.  An army of a few hundred men was considered a good sized army many years later in the days of Abraham.  Genesis 14:14 says Abraham maintained an army of 318 trained servants born in his own house, who went with him to the war with three Assyrian kings and one Persian king to rescue his nephew Lot.

After Nimrod’s death, Asshur’s son Ninus II was able to do very much the same thing. With an army of thousands he could terrorize vast areas consisting of many clans of men, women and children the largest of which would be no more than a few ten thousands strong. They would be forced to pay him tribute and bring it to his capital city of Nineveh annually. Those who failed to do so were attacked, robbed of all their wealth and even killed.  The Bible provides an excellent example of this system in Genesis 14:1-5:

“1 And it came to pass in the days of Amraphel [an Assyrian the son of Horus] king of Shinar, Arioch [another son of Horus] king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam [Persians], and Tidal [another Assyrian king] king of nations, 2 that they made war with Bera king of Sodom, Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (that is, Zoar). 3 All these joined together in the Valley of Siddim (that is, the Salt Sea). 4 Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. 5 In the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him came and attacked…”

In this example, all these peoples had been put to yearly tribute by the Assyrians and Persians.  They had paid tribute for 12 years, but in the 13th year they did not bring tribute.  So the Assyrian and Persian kings came and attacked and plundered them.  At that time this was the most efficient system for controlling and running a vast empire.

The Assyrians were insatiable in their demands.  If the Assyrians saw any of their subjects prospering despite the tribute imposed on them, they would simply demand larger annual tribute.

In the North Indian languages there are many words derived from the word Deutsch [the name Germans use for themselves], such as Dushman which means deadly enemy; Dushmani which means enmity (usually long-lasting); Dosh which means accuse (also used in the sense of falsely accuse); Doshi which means guilty; Dusht which means the meanest individual who wants to take away even what you need for your barest survival; Daint (or Daitya) which means demonic individual. All these words have come into the vocabulary of north Indian languages because some time ago their ancestors were subject to the Assyrians (who call themselves Deutsch) and these are the words that fitly described them based on their dealings with subject peoples.

But how could people avoid the bitter tyranny and oppression of the Assyrians?  The only way they could do so was to move away from the territory of the ruler.  They had to move away with their clan to other vast areas of the earth that were still virgin territory. What people refused to do voluntarily under Noah's authority (that is spread out in colonies, which would have been a great deal easier and peaceful), now were forced to do of their own accord to get away from Assyrian despots. They had to do so in terrible fear, and continue to live in terror of being caught, tortured and killed by the oppressor for not having brought their annual tribute. But the end result was that they did spread out over the earth in clans, exactly as God intended, and ultimately settled in areas God had allotted to them.

Josephus records in his Antiquities of the Jews, I, IV, 1; “After this [that is confusion of languages] they were dispersed abroad, on account of their languages, and went by colonies everywhere, and each colony took possession of that land which they light upon, and unto which God led them.”

As quoted earlier, Genesis 10 which provides a table of nations for the descendants of Japheth, Ham and Shem, the Bible states: “5 From these [the descendants of Japheth] the coastland peoples of the Gentiles were separated into their lands, everyone according to his language, according to their families, into their nations… 20 These were the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands and in their nations… 31 These were the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their languages, in their lands, according to their nations.”

​Yes!  God guided even the dispersal of various peoples from Babylon due to Assyrian oppression.

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