Church of God Message
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Chapter 2
Many Strikes Against Me
Before I discuss the specific proofs why GRF is a false prophet and DCP is a fake apostle, I must discuss the many strikes against me that have kept me in poverty for more than 28 years now since I was made well known by the Germans that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet. It also explains why conspiracies against me succeeded for so long and so well.
Part of the reason why I paid a high price was that many ministers in God’s Church did not consider GRF to be a prophet whereas I considered him to be one (but not a prophet like Moses), called to issue a warning to God’s Church to get back on track. So my credibility was called into question, and I was thought to be demon influenced and a false prophet myself. As a result I have suffered financially and in many other ways. Who would want to entrust riches to a man who they think is influenced and deceived by Satan. As I describe my experiences, you’ll learn that it is very complicated, and understand what an arch-deceiver Satan is. You will learn why a person in my position could be deceived for 18 long years about GRF being a false prophet.
But I am in quite good company here. Joseph W. Tkach Sr was Mr. Armstrong’s confidant for 7 years before his death and appointed him as his successor. We know what he and his son did to God’s Church, dismantling virtually everything God built through Mr. Armstrong. Tkach Sr. was able to pull the wool over Mr. Armstrong’s eyes. Herman Hoeh and Tkach sr were close to each other. Mr. Armstrong had come to know that Herman Hoeh was a tare or infiltrator in the Church. Despite knowing that, Satan was able to guide Tkach Sr to deceive Mr. Armstrong into appointing him as his successor. Therefore, I am in good company as far as being deceived by Satan is concerned.
HWA being deceived by Tkach Sr. and my being deceived by GRF actually served God’s purpose. God allowed the deception to take place. After HWA passed away, because Tkach Sr was in-charge, the Synagogue of Satan that was at work in the Church began to work openly, leading to it being exposed. They have been tested, failed the test miserably and now must await God’s judgment.
My being deceived by GRF and DCP also served exactly the same purpose. God used it as a test to prove their loyalty to Him, which both have failed miserably. The test exposed GRF as a false prophet and DCP as a fake apostle. The Church can now escape the ravages caused by both of them.
Here are some of the very serious handicaps I suffer from that led to my being deceived, and my credibility being questioned.
First of all, my greatest handicap has been Satan and the demons broadcasting what they palm off as my thoughts. God warns us that Satan is the father of lies and is an arch-deceiver. It should be easy for anyone who believes in the Bible that it is a 100% guarantee that Satan will use the device of broadcasting my thoughts in order to slander me, question my integrity and character. Many times he puts some thought in my mind that would offend people and then broadcasts it as my thought, though I would have rejected such thought as it entered my mind. The goal is to turn as many people as possible into my deadliest enemies. He will throw whatever dirt and filth he can on me in such a cunning way that most will tend to believe it. Most believe it because Satan also broadcasts many of my thoughts truthfully. So everyone assumes that whatever he is broadcasting as my thoughts must be true. But it should be obvious that in order to deceive effectively, Satan must mix truth with falsehood. That’s what he does in my case very effectively.
Here are some of the ways Satan has tried to portray me for the past 18 years since he and the demons started broadcasting my thoughts: A sexual pervert of every kind, a woman-hater or misogynist, having a perverted mind with fantasies of wanting to be fed food with a spoon by fat women like an infant, mentally retarded, incapable of conducting Bible research, utterly lacking in self-confidence, a pessimist given mostly to negative discouraging thoughts, one who does not want to work with his own hands. In short, Satan has tried to make me the laughing stock of the world in every way he could. People believe it because Satan does many times broadcast my thoughts truthfully. That has hurt my credibility more than anything else.
The other serious handicap I suffer from is that nobody communicates with me directly. I believe Mr. Armstrong was warned by the government about Herman Hoeh being a German masquerader. But Tkach Sr was under the radar and his being a German masquerader was not discovered until much later, long after he had been appointed as Mr. Armstrong’s successor. Nobody issues such warnings to me. The only communication with me is through nods, winks and other signals. But it is quite easy to misread the signals and be led astray.
Here is a prime example. God’s very first message delivered to me through an angel in 1994 was that Sainis of Punjab in India are Jews. Then about four years later, God delivered a message to Queen Elizabeth II that I was also a descendant of King David of ancient Israel.
How did I know that God had delivered such a message to Queen Elizabeth? Nobody to date has communicated that information to me directly. I have simply had to guess that. This is how I guessed. In 1998 I attended the funeral services for an elder in God’s Church in Milwaukee, WI. At the end of the service, everyone in attendance started looking at me in a wondering sort of way. I guessed that some positive information had been communicated about me to everybody.
I went home wondering what that positive information about me was. You see, government and others can communicate information electronically directly to people in their ears. That’s how the Germans, German masqueraders and their allies communicate threats to their ‘so called’ enemies to force them to do things against their will. But God has blocked such communication to me. To date, I have never heard even one such communication. Therefore, the government cannot communicate information to me that way. And since I am also closely monitored by all sides in my daily living, nobody communicates directly to me. I have to guess most of such information. But guesses can be wrong or right. If I guess wrong and act on that wrong information, I have to suffer the consequences.
About the message delivered to Queen Elizabeth, one day Queen Elizabeth came on the TV news and she raised her hands up, as if pointing to God in the sky and nodding. A completely unusual gesture by the Queen. Eventually I read that as a signal to me that God had revealed to her that I was a descendant of King David. And I have accepted that guess as a fact. I could have been totally wrong on my guess, but I have accepted it as fact for more than 20 years now and acted accordingly. To date no one has communicated that information to me directly. Mr. Armstrong or anyone else has not suffered from that handicap. The government or anyone could communicate to him electronically and secretly give him information, or they could even communicate to him directly. But I am left to make guesses which may be right or wrong. That’s how serious a handicap I suffer from. It is extremely frustrating at times.
Being of Indian origin and poor all my life also have been serious handicaps for my credibility. It’s easy to dismiss a person who can barely keep his head afloat above water in being able to pay his bills. For Americans and Britons, it is also very easy to dismiss the claim of an Indian that God has communicated to him through angels. People invariably jump to the conclusion that it must be demons communicating with Indians. There have been no top leaders of Indian origin ever in God’s true Church. It has always been a presumption in God’s Church, including in my own mind that God would choose a leading evangelist, a white male of Israelite origin to lead His Church as an apostle or a prophet.
Because Americans in God’s Church are so programmed to discount the claims of an Indian in religious matters, it has been very easy for GRF, DCP and others to claim that the messages that I claim have been communicated to me by God’s angels have been in fact communicated by demons. HWA had written so many times that he has not received any direct communication from Jesus Christ or angels. So anyone who makes that claim is most likely a false prophet. That label is definitely to be more likely to be pinned on an Indian by Americans. Such labels destroyed my credibility. Once that happened, I was left to rot financially. Nobody would give me a decent job or give me compensation for all the wrong I have suffered. Even in three court cases where I have probably been awarded more than a million dollars each as compensation for personal injury or discrimination (in 1987, 2012 and 2018), I have been robbed of this compensation and nobody will lift a finger to redress the wrong. In the case of Mr. Armstrong or any other leaders in God’s Church, as soon as adverse information comes to light about someone, it will be communicated to them quickly. Their credibility would not be questioned. I have been victimized by this bias for nearly three decades now.
However, as sometimes happens, the victim shares some of the blame, which I do too. All of what I have done in my past is known. It is not exemplary. Obviously it would always raise questions whether God would use such a person to do His work. If there is any doubt about anything, that past will always be used to dismiss me as someone whom God would never use. That would simply reinforce some peoples’ reasoning that if I have made any mistake, then I am likely influenced by Satan. That is another handicap I face. HWA did not have that handicap.
Some of the qualifications of a bishop are given in 1 Timothy 3:2-7, “ 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4 One that rules well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”
Titus 1:7-9 adds: “7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; 8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; 9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.”
I do not have a blameless past, and that has been used to cast doubts about whether God would use me for a prominent role in His work, or label me as demon-influenced. I can understand that. But, there is nothing I can do to change my past. All I can say is that the very first step in Christianity is repentance from one’s past sins and living a new way of life. I repented of my past sins and was then baptized in 1975. I have not committed those sins again. I believe God forgave me my sins and I have moved on striving to overcome my carnal nature. God started using me by delivering messages through angels about a month short of 19 years after I was baptized. And He has given proof that He delivered His messages to me through angels that have a critical bearing on His end-time work, particularly as it relates to prophecy.
I have also admitted that I was troubled (actually buffeted is more precise because that’s what it felt like) by a demon in the past for 19 years from 1983 to 2002. But that experience is no different from what Paul the apostle experienced as he states is 2 Corinthians 12:7, “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” A messenger of Satan cannot be anyone other than a demon. It cannot be a health problem. So Paul experienced being buffeted by a demon.
Mr. Armstrong used to complain about not being able to get sufficient sleep. He also talked about contact with demons. Perhaps he realized that demons were buffeting him to keep him humble just as the apostle Paul had been buffeted. Peter may also have had a similar experience. That seems to be implied by Jesus’ statement in Luke 22:31: “…Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” Being buffeted for a long time may simply be the mark of a prophet or leading apostle of God in the case of Mr. Armstrong, Paul and Peter.
In Paul’s case, God allowed Satan to assign a demon to buffet him in order to keep him humble. Mr. Armstrong suffered something similar to keep him humble. That probably was also the reason that God allowed Satan to assign a demon to me to buffet me to keep me humble as most of the messages delivered to me by God through His angels were delivered during that period.
There was possibly another reason for God allowing a messenger of Satan to buffet me, and that was to test me whether I would remain loyal to Him no matter what I suffered. The suffering was very difficult and physically painful, and I felt that I would also lose my eternal life. However, even through that time, I made up my mind that even if God did not think I was worthy of eternal life, it was His prerogative to grant or not to grant it to me. But I would not turn against Him. My prayer to God at that time was that I was leaving everything in His hand. It was entirely His choice whether He wanted to grant me eternal life. But I will never turn against Him because he is the only true God. He has created me and its His prerogative to take away my life anytime He chooses. I believe I demonstrated to God through 19 years of suffering and buffeting by a demon that I would never turn against Him. I still sense the presence of a demon around me. But he is no longer been allowed by God to buffet or trouble me since 2002.
This can be brought up sometimes against me if I make any error. So I can understand why people have doubts whether God is really using me to do His work. That’s why I provided irrefutable proofs that God has appointed me as a prophet like Moses in an article with that title, and is using me for an important part of His work.
Another problem I have had is that Satan has been heavily involved concerning the events in my life. The thought of being appointed to any office in God’s Church never entered my mind. However, Satan first revealed to the Germans that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet. They spread that word around. As usual, no one shared that information with me. I simply had to make an educated guess about what was going on. Remember, I was not the one who originally claimed that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet. I accepted it as subsequent events unfolded. But since Satan is a liar and a deceiver, if I have committed any error, it’s easy for people to say that I am influenced by Satan and God could not be working through me because Satan said that I was appointed to the office of a prophet and not God.
However, I would like to remind people that Mr. Armstrong also committed some errors in the decisions he made, but when deeper research showed that he had been wrong, he always corrected himself. I have made errors in the past when I had not conducted thorough research. Such errors would have been made more than a decade ago. But I have been willing to correct myself like Mr. Armstrong.
I would also like to get a few more negative experiences out of the way which might have led people to doubt whether God was working through me to do any part of His work. These experiences occurred before 2002 when I had not deeply researched into all the understanding that God’s Church had on various offices, and also some other experiences.
I mentioned that HWA had the office of an apostle, and Tkach Sr. who succeeded him naturally had the office of an apostle by virtue of being his successor. Being a layman, I had no knowledge about the exchanges between HWA and Tkach Sr. that Tkach Sr. had asked HWA to appoint him an apostle. But HWA refused to do so by saying that God had not showed him that Tkach Sr. should be appointed to the office of an apostle who can set or change doctrine. Because of not having this information, I referred to Gerald Flurry of the PCG also as a prophet, but never a prophet like Moses.
However, since 2002 I have done a lot more research and understand the offices of apostle and prophet much better to which God has appointed various individuals. Only an apostle can set doctrine. Since HWA had restored all doctrines in the modern era of God’s Church, no one else would hold the office of an apostle. Now I understand that Joseph W. Tkach Sr and Gerald Flurry did not hold the office of an apostle in God’s Church.
With all these negative issues and errors I have committed being said, please read my article titled “A Prophet Like Moses” on my website in which I describe the various ways God has worked through me as incontrovertible proofs that He is using me for His work and that He has appointed me to the office of a prophet like Moses as described in Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19.
Why I am Cold at Church
Another major strike against me is that I am perceived to be cold at Church, not outgoing and friendly. Therefore, it is easy to dismiss me and conclude that God would not use such a person to do His work. Let me clarify the situation.
Many in God’s Church have heard about the office to which I have been appointed, and some have come to visit my Church in Tampa, FL. They may not have found me to be an impressive person. I am short in stature. Perhaps they have found me in the same category as Paul the apostle in 2 Corinthians 10:10: “…his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible.” Some think I am not very hospitable or friendly, that I don’t come to meet new people and shake their hands to make them feel welcome.” Here is some information about me that most may be unaware of.
1) I was not cold when I started attending Church in the USA in the early 1980s, first in Pittsburgh, then in Chicago and later in Milwaukee, WI. I used to communicate with people and be welcoming of new people. I knew almost every one in Church. I met and talked to everyone. And in those times there were about 350 people in most congregations.
2) Things began to change when I discovered the existence of German masqueraders in our midst, and that a majority of people attending Church are tares, and that many attempts were being made on my life. Even now, when I attend Church, almost every time people are seeking opportunities for making attempts on my life. At one time I thought of giving up attending Church, watching Sabbath services instead on my computer at home and participate that way. But I reached the conclusion that I am attending God’s Church in a commanded assembly. I will not let Satan drive me away from God’s Church. That’s why I continue attending. But I have to be wary of everyone.
3) Strangers are regularly sent to Church to make attempts on my life, particularly due to the UCG’s open-door policy. Some come to shake hands with me in attempts to infect me with the HIV virus. So as a policy, I avoid shaking hands. It has happened so many times that I am wary of all strangers attending Church. I don’t know if the stranger is a genuine member or not. I do not want to tempt God. Therefore, I stay away for my own protection. People interpret that as being cold. But please understand, I have to follow this policy for my own protection. Again, I do not want to tempt God by shaking hands with people or talking to them at length when I know that some are being sent to my Church to make attempts on my life.
4) Attempts are being made on my life by contaminating, and even poisoning my food. My food is adulterated with foods and ingredients hard for me to digest. This has led to failure of my digestive system 5-7 times since about 2004. Therefore my body no longer behaves well. That also has prompted me to become a little aloof. When my body recovers somewhat, my enemies are able to find other ways to get me to eat adulterated food so that it deteriorates again. The result is that I have become somewhat aloof to not make people uncomfortable in my presence. That’s also the reason I don’t eat at potlucks at Church.
5) I don’t seem to be wearing good clothes. Here is what many may not know. Whenever I give my clothes for dry-cleaning, my clothes are damaged and my suits and coats become unwearable. As a result, I have not had my clothes dry-cleaned for the past 5-6 years. I don’t know how long this can last. I am also not able to find clothes that fit me well, particularly suits. I literally have to spend 8-10 hours to be able to find a suit or coat that would fit me, but never perfectly.
6) I don’t have much money to be able to spend on good clothes. I have been forced to involuntarily retire because my enemies are able to find ways to have me kicked out of every job. My only income is Social Security and that covers only about 50% of my modest living expenses. I am dipping into my savings for the rest of my expenses. When I had a job, with my life long experience, I knew that I had to save every penny to at least have some money for retirement. That is the small savings I have accumulated that is sustaining me. The point I am trying to make is that I cannot spend money to buy really good clothes or live in a decent house or apartment. So I may not look like the typical idea of a person who should be put in any position of authority in the Church. But when I do get money, I will prove to everyone without a shadow of a doubt that I do love, appreciate and can create beauty and quality, according to the standard set by HWA.
7) I also cannot get any decent services from anyone of any kind such as a nice haircut because the barbers I go to are threatened to give me bad haircuts. They risk their lives in giving me haircuts. Getting clothes dry cleaned is another example I have already provided.
8) I am regularly mistreated at Church such as people turning their faces away from me whenever I look at them. Such people are friendly one minute, and the next minute they will turn their faces away from me. After many days of such experiences, to avoid the pain associated with it, one cannot be friends with that person again. One simply gets tired of dealing with such persons. I speak to such persons only when spoken to. Then others put their hands to their noses when I look at them. That’s a major reason that has turned me cold and mostly with a dour expression on my face at Church. But I do talk normally to people who do not abuse me like this. Such experiences are another reason why I don’t seem friendly to strangers who walk into Church. I have been friendly in some cases, but invariably they have turned out to be people who were attending Church just to harm me or make attempts on my life.
9) Now let me give you some experiences I have had with long time Church members. There was one disabled member in a wheelchair who lived near me. I thought the least I could do was to give him rides to Church activities and services. One year I offered to give him a ride to the Feast of Tabernacles. I came to his house at the appointed time around 9.00 AM to pick him up. He was nowhere around and the house was locked. I waited till 2.00 PM for him to show up, but he did not show up. So I drove off, missing the first service and landing at my hotel much after dark.
At another time, he was staying with a room mate at the Feast. The room mate had to leave from the Feast one day early and I was asked to look after him. That evening, he claimed that he was having a bath and fell asleep and the bath tub overflowed and soaked the carpet in the hotel room. The hotel gave him another room from the ground floor to the first floor. I was stuck with the task of helping him move all his clothes and other things over a 3-4 hour period much after the Sabbath had already started.
A family in our area usually has a large get together at their home on some holidays such as at Christmas time or July 4th. On one occasion, I offered to take him with me. I came to his house at the appointed time, but he was not ready. He did nothing in a hurry to get ready. I had to wait two hours for him before he was ready and we arrived when most people were at the point of finishing their meal and other activities. It happened on another occasion, but I had warned him that if he was not ready in time I would leave without him. He still delayed me. I often had to wait a little bit for him to get ready for Sabbath services to take him along with me.
After years of such experiences, on the hints of a few brethren I finally realized that this long time Church member was a German masquerader who had been deliberately doing all these things to cause me as much pain and anguish as he could. Finally I had to drop seeing him completely. When I try to help such people out of the goodness of my heart, they are either plotting how they can take away my life, or how they can cause me as much pain and suffering as possible, or at least waste as much of my time as possible. I believe this guy may have attempted to take my life a few times, but God protected me.
Not knowing who is who in Church, whether a German masquerader or a genuine Israelite, I am reluctant to get involved with people I don’t know well because of these and other horrendous experiences. Virtually all German masqueraders will make attempts on my life if I get involved with them on any one-on-one activities or projects. Those are the reasons why I have turned cold and dour at Church.
I am explaining this for the benefit of genuine Israelite members in UCG, COGWA, PCG, LCG and RCG. No prophecies have failed. We are still God’s genuine true Church. In my book “The Only Guaranteed Way to Escape End-time Catastrophes” I describe how various prophecies in Mr. Armstrong’s life and what happened to WCG have been fulfilled so you can have faith that this is still God’s true Church. God allowed Tkach Sr to be appointed Pastor general of WCG so that the Synagogue of Satan in the Church could be exposed. When God wants me to handle any Church affairs, He’ll put me in that position. When I get some money, I will be able to prove to you that I can handle myself in any situation, even dealing with world leaders. With all the contributions I have made on economic development and international trade, you can rest assured I am respected around the world, no less than HWA was respected.
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