Church of God Message
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Chapter 1
World Before Noah’s Flood
The Bible is the only book that offers an explanation of the origins of various peoples on earth.
Originally only two God Beings existed in the universe. They were God the Father and the Word who later came to earth as Jesus Christ. All creation was planned by these two God Beings, and then the actual task of creating everything in the universe was performed by the Word.
The Word first created the angels. After angels had learnt God’s way of life at God’s throne in heaven, the Word then created the material universe for the angels to work with. The earth was created at the same time as the original material universe.
Then a pioneering party of perhaps one-third of all the angels was sent to earth under the leadership of the archangel Lucifer. The Bible mentions three angels of the highest rank in the angelic realm, the archangel. They are Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel. The name Lucifer means ‘Light Bringer’. These angels worked on earth to create. The author believes that the dinosaur world was their creation.
Creation Before Man
Then at some point in time thoughts of ruling the entire universe entered into Lucifer’s mind. That meant rebellion against God the Father in an attempt to wrest control of the universe from Him. Over a long period of time it seems Lucifer was able to convince all the angels under his command to rebel against God. Then Lucifer and all the angels with him mounted up to heaven and attacked God at His throne. In this war Lucifer and the angels with him were defeated by angels loyal to God. It then seems that Lucifer and the angels with him went around the universe destroying celestial bodies. We see evidence of this destruction in our solar system in the cratered surfaces of all planets and fragments of shattered planets in the asteroid belt, the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud.
To prevent Lucifer and the angels with him from doing further damage in the universe they were blasted back to earth by God. All life on earth was destroyed and it became a chaotic wreck. The surface of the earth was covered with muddy water and its atmosphere was laden with particles of dust, ash and poisonous gases so that no light shone through to the surface of the earth. Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan, which means “adversary” and the angels with him came to be collectively called demons. Satan and the demons were now confined to the earth and lived in darkness for a long period of time.
Then God saw that of all His creation, none could be completely relied upon perfectly to obey His Laws and live according to His way of life under all circumstances. Satan and the demons had demonstrated by their rebellion that they lacked God’s perfect, holy and righteous character. That left only God the Father and the Word who would not sin. Only they could be absolutely relied upon to never sin. So the only way God could fulfill His purpose for the entire universe was to reproduce Himself. God the Father and the Word then devised a plan (which probably had been devised even before any creation began, because God had planned for the possibility of rebellion by His creation) to reproduce themselves through man.
God the Father and the Word were already analyzing what went on in Lucifer’s mind after he allowed iniquitous thoughts to enter in. He had already sinned by entertaining thoughts of rebellion in his mind and dwelling on them. Such thinking could have gone on for millions of years before Satan and the demons attacked God’s throne to wrest control of the universe from him.
God saw that Satan and the demons lacked His perfect, holy and righteous character that God the Father and the Word possessed. So His next creation to replace the sinning angels would need to possess His perfect, holy and righteous character in order to replace the sinning angels to fulfill His purpose for creation.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong writes in his book “Mystery of the Ages” on p. 69:
“…God created within them [the angels] minds –WITH POWER TO THINK, TO REASON, TO MAKE CHOICES AND DECISIONS!
“But there was one super-important quality that even God’s creative powers could not create instantly by fiat – the same, perfect, holy, righteous CHARACTER inherent in both God and the Word.
“This kind of character must be DEVELOPED, by the CHOICE and the INTENT of the one in whom it comes to exist.
“So mark well this super-vital truism – that perfect, holy and righteous character is the supreme feat of accomplishment possible for Almighty God the Creator – it is also the means to His ultimate supreme PURPOSE!
“But HOW?
“I repeat, such perfect character must be developed. It requires the free choice and decision of the separate entity in whom it is to be created. But further, even then it must be instilled by and from the Holy God who, only, has such righteous character to endow.
“But, what do we mean by righteous character?
“Perfect, holy and righteous character is the ability in such separate entity to come to discern the true and right way from the false, to make voluntarily a full and unconditional surrender to God and His perfect way – to yield to be conquered by God – to determine even against temptation or self-desire, to live and do the right. And even then such holy character is the gift of God. It comes by yielding to God to instill His LAW (God’s right way of life) within the entity who so decides and wills.
“Actually, this perfect character comes only from God, as instilled within the entity of His creation, upon voluntary acquiescence even after severe trial and test.”
God and the Word had already started planning their next phase of creation to replace the sinning angels and fulfill the purpose they had in mind for the angels. They planned to create God plane beings who would develop their perfect, holy and righteous character in themselves by learning some vital lessons that would enable them to never sin and rebel against God, thus avoiding pain and suffering for eternity.
God and the Word planned to create intelligent creatures who would learn the following vital lessons:
1) They would be totally dependent on God for their life. They would learn this lesson by being born, growing up and going through the vigor and vanity of youth and then experience the debilitation and vulnerability of old age and then death.
2) Rebellion against Him would always be futile, and end in utter defeat.
3) God would develop His perfect, holy and righteous character in man. To enable man to do so, God left Satan and the demons in charge of the earth, but subject to His rule. Human beings would learn by experience that God’s way of life of ‘give’, cooperation, sharing, mercy, truth, peace, harmony and love is the only way that works for the welfare of all and that Satan’s way of life of ‘get’, competition, strife, violence leads eventually to death. They would have to choose to live God’s way of life against any and all temptation from Satan and the demons, even overcoming their own nature, and totally reject Satan’s way of life. Once humans have demonstrated by their attitudes, thoughts and actions that they will always choose to live God’s way of life under all circumstances, they will have developed God’s perfect, holy and righteous character. They will be granted eternal life as God’s own immortal sons. Those who reject God’s way of life and fail to develop God’s holy righteous character will be put to permanent everlasting death.
4) God wanted to teach humans how much He loves them and how they should love God and each other. For this purpose God created humans to reproduce their young from their own bodies. This develops the closest bond between parent and offspring. In the previous creation, the dinosaur world reproduced by laying eggs and hatching them. That does not produce as close a bond between parent and offspring as bearing young from their own bodies does.
5) God wanted to teach humans how He loves them with the kind of love that surpasses human understanding. To do so, God and the Word planned that the Word would empty Himself of all His divinity, come to earth as a human being and die an excruciating death for the sins of all of humanity to redeem man from the death penalty imposed on him by sin.
6) God wanted humans to learn that He always knows what is in their best interests in the long run. They must therefore learn to trust Him completely. He has intimately known the thoughts and experiences of all the creatures that have ever lived. He is therefore in the best position to judge what is in the best interests of every creature. To teach man this lesson, God has required humans to praise and worship Him, and meditate on Him so that they would always keep in focus His awesome limitless power and nature and learn to always trust Him completely.
7) God wants to drive pride and vanity out of man forever. Vanity is what led Satan to rebel against God. One way He would drive vanity out of the angels would be to set man in authority over the angels. That would also serve as a warning to man for all eternity. If they ever became proud and arrogant against God, He could always create new creatures and set them over man.
8) God wants all His intelligent creatures to learn the lesson that it is His prerogative to create a being as He chooses. Angels were created with different looks, talents and ranks. Humans are also created different from each other and eventually they will likely hold different ranks in God’s Kingdom. But God will demonstrate in His Kingdom that He is capable of providing for all the needs of all so that they all can live happy, abundant, productive and joyful lives.
9) God wants humanity to learn the ninth vital lesson that violation of His laws, which is sin, always produces pain, suffering and anguish in the long run. His laws are living laws, violation of which always exacts a penalty when transgressed. Humans are created weak and all have and will sin. But when they qualify to receive the free gift of eternal life as immortal spirit beings, their powers will be multiplied trillions of times and they will develop the power to never sin again.
10) God does not want any human being to suffer forever. Those who qualify to receive the free gift of eternal life will receive it. Those who reject God’s way of life after their minds are opened to understand it will have their lives extinguished permanently in the Lake of Fire when God’s plan of salvation for man is complete. They will no longer suffer. Even their memory will be forgotten.
11) God will give eternal life only to those who really want it. Those who learn the truth about God’s way of life and the potential God is offering them, but are lazy and not passionate about overcoming sin and living that way, will not qualify to receive eternal life. This is indicated by the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 and the parable of the pounds in Luke 19:12-26.
12) God’s plan for man is to make him joint heir of the universe with Jesus Christ after he is changed into an immortal being.
So after Satan’s rebellion God planned out another creation, that of mankind, after His own image, meaning after the God kind. And He planned to develop the perfect holy and righteous character found so utterly lacking in Satan and the demons. In effect, God planned to reproduce Himself. Man would learn all these vital lessons so that there would never ever be any rebellion against God’s authority and government. Mankind would learn these crucial lessons through trial and error, by sinning and experiencing the resulting pain and suffering, thus learning that God’s way is the only that can produce universal happiness and joy. All these experiences will be recorded as history to be kept in remembrance for all eternity. God’s Word, the Holy Bible, will be that history book.
Creation of Man
After the plan for creation of man had been developed, it was implemented by the Word by creating the first human being on and from the earth: Adam. Only one human being was created. Then the woman was created from that man by God taking one of Adam’s ribs and creating Eve. Thus every human being is related, having sprung from Adam and Eve.
God taught His way of life to Adam and Eve and offered them eternal life through the tree of life if they obeyed His voice. But if they disobeyed, they were warned that they would die. They were allowed to eat of the fruit of every tree in the Garden of Eden except of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Satan was around in the Garden of Eden and approached Eve by possessing the body of a serpent [snake]. He tempted Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with lies in Genesis 3:4-6 (NKJV): “4 …"You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.”
Satan basically told Eve that if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would not die, but instead will become wise like God knowing what is good and what is evil. Satan told Eve that they had an immortal soul, and that God was lying to them when He told them that they would die if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He also told Eve that God was withholding good and wisdom from them because the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would open their eyes and make them wise.
Eve was deceived and bought into Satan’s lies, ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and gave of it also to her husband Adam. That act of disobedience to God sealed their fate. They were destined to die.
As punishment, Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating of the fruit of the tree of life which would have given them eternal life. Since they had not developed God’s perfect, holy and righteous character, they would have lived a life of disobedience to God’s laws, thus sinning and suffering the consequences in pain, suffering and anguish for eternity. God in His mercy cut them off from the tree of life, but promised them a Seed, meaning a man born of Eve, a Savior who would rescue them from death. This promise is first stated in Genesis 3:14-15, immediately after Eve and Adam had eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 3:14-15 (NKJV): “14 So the Lord God said to the serpent [Satan as well as the snake]: "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed [in the singular, meaning one man, a Savior, not humanity in general]; He [the one man] shall bruise your head [meaning destroy Satan], and you shall bruise His heel [meaning have Him killed when He comes as a human being]."
Adam and Eve did not die immediately, but were driven out of the Garden of Eden. Cut off from God, humanity would now have to develop its own civilization. God would intervene in the affairs of mankind when He chose to do so, but by and large would let humanity go its own way. However, He would still impress upon man the fact that He has full control over the affairs of mankind by prophesying great events and bringing them to pass exactly as He said He would.
Beginning of Man’s Civilization
Cain was the first child born to Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve remembered God’s prophecy that the son of the woman would be the Savior who would crush Satan and deliver them. They thought Cain would be that savior, and probably pampered him. Thus Cain grew up to be a self-willed, spoiled child, not wholly obedient to either parents or God. Then Cain’s brother Abel was born. In contrast to Cain, Abel grew up to be an obedient and righteous person, honoring both God and parents.
Cain became a farmer and raised crops of grains and vegetables whereas Abel kept sheep. Then God required an offering from both. God required an offering of animals. But Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground that he raised whereas Abel brought the firstborn of his sheep and their fat. God had respect for Abel’s offering but not for Cain’s offering because it was not the kind of offering God had asked humans to bring. As a result Cain was crestfallen and got angry with his brother. Eventually because of jealousy and anger Cain murdered Abel.
Then God pronounced punishment on Cain in Genesis 4:9-16 (NKJV): “9 Then the Lord said to Cain, "Where is Abel your brother?" He said, "I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?" 10 And He said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. 11 So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. 12 When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth." 13 And Cain said to the Lord, "My punishment is greater than I can bear! 14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me." 15 And the Lord said to him, "Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold." And the Lord set a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him. 16 Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden.”
Cain’s punishment basically was that he would be cut off from contact with God and would build his own way of life. Cain complained that his punishment was more than he could bear because he feared that if anyone found him he would be killed. Then God set a boundary marker for Cain (this is what the phrase “the Lord set a mark on Cain” means). He was separated from the rest of Adam’s children. They were the only ones who could have possibly killed him (none of the sons had yet been born though) because there were no other humans living. God said Cain would be safe if he did not cross the boundary to enter the land of Eden and none of the sons of Adam would be allowed to cross the marked boundary to kill Cain because of the murder of his brother Abel.
God also predicted the result of Cain developing his own way of life in the curse pronounced on him (any other way of life than God’s produces curses, pain and anguish and ultimately death). The result would be: “12 When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth."
So Cain went away from the presence of God, his parents and from the land of Eden (the land which is today essentially the holy land, the state of Israel around Jerusalem) with his wife (who obviously had to be his sister) to the east. Being cut off from God meant that Cain would easily come under Satan’s influence.
Because of his punishment Cain began to hate God and chose to do everything contrary to what God instructed humans to do. God had required human beings to keep domestic animals: sheep, goats and cattle. The reason was the benefits humans would derive from them. God required animal sacrifices. Animals would be food for humans and their skins would provide clothing. In addition, animal manure was essential for maintaining the fertility of the soil. But Cain did not want to keep animals probably because of having to deal with the dirty business of handling animal manure. Raising crops was so much ‘cleaner’. In developing his own way of life (the Bible calls it “the way of Cain” in Jude 1:11) Cain stuck to not keeping domestic animals. His descendants would develop the notion that those who keep animals, or shepherds, are an abomination (Genesis 46:34).
Cain’s practice was to select a piece of land to raise crops. But the soil would deplete in a few years as there was no manure to restore its fertility. As a result Cain was forced to move on and find other land to raise crops. The ancient Jewish historian Josephus records that Cain “forced the ground” (Antiquities I, II, 1). Josephus also records that Cain and his wife “travelled over many countries”. Thus Cain used farming methods that depleted the soil. As a result he was forced to wander the earth for about 150 years. Thus were fulfilled two of God’s prophecies concerning Cain, that “the ground would no longer yield its strength” to him, and that “he would become a vagabond on the earth.”
In the 150 years that Cain wandered the earth, he had children who continued living in the lands that they were born in though Cain kept moving on. Adam and Eve were created racially white. Cain was born racially white. But the children born to Cain were not white. Thus the non-white races originated with Cain’s descendants. The Bible provides a record of genealogies of the descendants of Cain and Seth, the son of Adam and Eve who was born after Abel had been murdered. The author has proved in detail in the two ancient history books he has authored (“Satan Vs. God: From the Beginning to the Flood” Volume 1 and “Satan Vs. God: From the Flood to Abraham’s Call” Volume 2) from the genealogies in the Bible that the non-white races originated in the line of Cain before the Flood and in the line of Ham after the Flood, and the white race continued in the line of Seth and Adam and Eve’s other children before the Flood and in the line of Shem after the Flood.
Cain’s children learnt agricultural practices from Cain and the result in poor crops continued. To survive they had to hunt animals. They too continued Cain’s practice of not keeping domestic animals. Since they only had primitive stone tools, hunting biblically clean animals that could be eaten such as deer and fowl was very difficult as they were too swift for them to hunt. So Cain’s descendants had to survive by hunting slower unclean animals such as bears, mammoths, elephants, sloths, hyenas, lions etc. They practiced cannibalism as well. All this has been proved by archaeology, also documented in the author’s first volume.
After wandering the earth for 150 years and having lived the life of a vagabond, Cain finally came and settled at the edge of the boundary marked as territory belonging to Adam’s other children. If he entered the territory of Adam’s other children, he could be executed. But Adam’s other children had no such desire. According to God’s decision and warning they should not have interacted with Cain and his descendants. But some did begin interacting with them. They soon began to suffer the consequences.
Ancient Jewish historian Josephus sheds light on Cain’s further activities:
“But Cain was not only very wicked in other respects, but was wholly intent upon getting; and he first contrived to plough the ground… a covetous man…by forcing the ground…” (Antiquities I, II, 1).
“And when Cain had traveled over many countries, he, with his wife, built a city, named Nod, which is a place so called, and there he settled his abode; where also he had children. However, he did not accept of his punishment in order to amendment, but to increase his wickedness; for he only aimed to procure every thing that was for his own bodily pleasure, though it obliged him to be injurious to his neighbors. He augmented his household substance with much wealth, by rapine and violence; he excited his acquaintance to procure pleasures and spoils by robbery, and became a great leader of men into wicked courses. He also introduced a change in that way of simplicity wherein men lived before; and was the author of measures and weights. And whereas they lived innocently and generously while they knew nothing of such arts, he changed the world into cunning craftiness. He first of all set boundaries about lands: he built a city, and fortified it with walls, and he compelled his family to come together to it; and called that city Enoch, after the name of his eldest son Enoch,” (Antiquities I, II, 2).
The following significant points can be gleaned from what Josephus has written about Cain’s character and activities:
1. Cain was a ‘covetous man’ who was ‘wholly intent upon getting.’ He was completely self-centered and very wicked in other respects as well.
2. Cain was the first man to plough and force the ground. His farming practices devastated the soil.
3. Cain did not repent of his sin of murdering his brother, did not accept his punishment to change his character but only increased in wickedness.
4. His only aim was to procure everything for his own bodily pleasure and comfort, even by injuring his neighbors. That means he was completely carnal and had no concern whatsoever for the welfare of others. He engaged in robbery, plunder and violence to augment his wealth.
5. Cain became ‘a great leader of men into wicked courses.’ This means he convinced his own children and later others among Adam’s children, as the family grew over centuries of his, to follow his way. His wrong example was copied by others.
6. Cain was the author of ‘measures and weights,’ which means he introduced trading into the world. By his statement, ‘changed the world into cunning craftiness’ Josephus implies that his weights and measures were dishonest. With the new ‘art’ Cain advanced his practice of “getting” further. To have successfully introduced such a practice in the world, Cain must have had some commodities to sell which were in great demand. In fact, Cain took over monopoly control of three vital commodities by force: salt in what is now the Dead Sea area; bituminous, which was used for construction, cementing flint blades, sickles and other tools and implements to their hafts, and for waterproofing (as was later used in constructing the Tower of Babel after the Flood); and sulphur which was probably used for medicine, lighting fires and for religious rituals.
7. Cain was the first to ‘set boundaries about land.’ He forcibly occupied land and called it his property, and set boundary markers around it or built fences and would not permit anyone or their cattle or flocks to intrude on that land without paying him rent or fee for grazing rights.
8. Cain ‘built a city, and fortified it with walls, and he compelled his family to come together to it; and called that city Enoch, after the name of his eldest son Enoch…’ The city he built is also recorded in Genesis 4:17. This is the only account of a walled city before the flood.
Cain did not build a massively fortified city because he faced threat from others. He was in fact a threat to the rest of society. He sent raiding parties of his children to the surrounding villages and towns for stealing their goods, cattle, and harvesting their crops. They escaped their pursuers by running into the city inside its impenetrable walls. Thus Cain fulfilled God’s third prophecy against Cain that he would be a fugitive.
Then Cain began to demand tribute from the people who lived near his city for leaving them in peace. Later he began to demand tribute from people far and wide wherever he could threaten them. He was the first to organize a protection racket. These were the beginnings of ruling over others by force, forcing them to pay tribute, which later turned into taxes. This is how he built his ‘civilization’.
Details of Cain’s city have been uncovered by archaeology. It was a very heavily fortified city, complete with a 12-13 feet high, 6 feet 6 inches thick wall surrounding it. The circumference of the wall was about half a mile. It was built of massive stones, some weighing several tons. Outside the wall was a ditch or mote about 27 feet wide and 9 feet deep. A massive circular tower was built against the inside of the wall, surviving to a height of 30 feet even today (as unearthed by archaeology). The fortifications could actually have consisted of more than one tower, but only one is preserved today. The tower had a passage inside consisting of a 22 step stone staircase for guards to climb to the top.
To recapitulate, this then is what happened in Cain’s life. After he was banished from Eden, he traveled over many lands to find a suitable place to settle down with his wife and family. But no land would yield good crops for him. The problem was not with all lands, but with his farming practices. And he did not understand the climate and weather patterns for some time. As a result he was reduced to hunting, fishing and gathering to provide for his family. He became a nomad and wanderer. Children that were born to him also became nomads and vagabonds. They continued living that way and settled in lands where they were born. Many of them took to living in caves rather than building dwellings for themselves, because Cain did not teach them how to by example. Some of them later became so depraved that they started practicing cannibalism.
After about a century and a half of wandering it perhaps dawned on Cain to find out how the rest of Adam’s family was surviving. Population of the earth had reached perhaps only 50 inhabitants. Most probably it was Satan who put such a thought in Cain’s mind. He wanted to use Cain and his descendants to seduce the other descendants of Adam away from God. He had already reduced Cain and his children to a life of misery. He wanted to use Cain’s descendants to do the same for the rest of humanity.
Satan was also leading Cain to develop his own religion. He had told Adam and Eve the original lie in Genesis 3:4-5: “…you will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil,” which led to Cain and his descendants believing they had an immortal soul. Eventually Satan convinced them that they were ‘gods’ already. The evidence is provided by the fact that Cain’s great grandson and his son were given names ending with ‘el’ which is another name for God. They were named Mehujael and Methusael respectively (Genesis 4:18).
Cain and some of his descendants began to call themselves the Titans, or the Titan gods. The religion Cain developed was ancestor worship. Thus Cain and his children began to be worshipped by their descendants.
Way of Cain
Jude 11, 14-15 talks about the “way of Cain” and the end of those that follow it: “Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of Cain…And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince the ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed…”
What is the “way of Cain” that Jude refers to? It is the way of life Cain developed: the way of “get”, (as contrasted with God’s way of “give” and love) envy, jealousy, covetousness, lust, greed leading to lying, deception, cheating, stealing, robbery, pillage in order to get ahead of others, or obtain by fair or foul means what others have, resulting in competition, strife, hatred, theft, plunder, use of threats, violence, war and ultimately death. It is simply the way of staying ahead of others, including subjugating and ruling over others if possible by any and all means, including threats, intrigue, scheming, stealing, plunder and violence rather than only hard work and playing by the rules. That is how Cain organized his society. His children continued to live in the same way. That is the kind of society we have even today. So man’s civilization as we have it today originated with Cain as influenced by Satan.
God could have destroyed Cain and put an end to his wickedness. But then humanity would not have learnt the lesson of the terrible consequences Cain’s way would produce. God wanted human beings to try out different systems and ways of life based on their own reasoning, experience and Satan’s influence after Adam and Eve made that choice by taking of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They would learn the lesson for eternity that none of their ways would work and would produce only grief, anguish, sorrow, pain, suffering and ultimately death. Then God will establish His Kingdom on earth and teach only His way which will work for humanity to produce a peaceful, harmonious, happy and joyful world.
As the human family grew in population, Satan began to use Cain to seduce the other descendants of Adam to his own way of life. They began to observe, inquire and learn about the practices of Cain and his descendants. As they copied some of his practices they began to be gradually seduced away from the worship of the true God. Only the family of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve stayed loyal to worship of the true God, because they were teachers of God’s way of life to the rest of the human family.
At this stage Adam’s other descendants were of the white race whereas all the non-white races originated with Cain. Satan then led Cain’s descendants to mingle with Adam’s other descendants through interracial marriages. Lamech, mentioned in Genesis 4:18-24 was the pioneer in this regard, not only marrying interracially, but also becoming the first bigamist.
The reasons that non-white Lamech and his descendants became attractive to the white descendants of Seth are two-fold. Cain had been the strong man in the world for approximately 400 years exacting tribute from people that he could threaten. Meanwhile as the population of his descendants grew, some had to leave his city and settle outside. Among Cain’s descendants that had settled outside another young man named Lamech was emerging as a strong man. He too lived the life-style of his ancestor Cain. But there was a major difference between the way Cain dealt with other people as compared to the way Lamech dealt with them. Cain used violence and threats to force others to comply with what he wanted. Lamech on the other hand consulted people. Both required that tribute be paid to them. A rivalry was developing between Cain and Lamech to exact tribute from the people. But Lamech offered protection from the rapine and plunder of Cain if people paid tribute to him rather than Cain. So Lamech began to be liked by the people whereas Cain was hated by them.
Exacting tribute was making both Cain and Lamech wealthy. Lamech’s wealth made him attractive to the white descendants of Seth. Cain was not interested in marrying more wives, but Lamech was. And he was most interested in taking a white wife of most probably of the line of Seth. His wealth attracted the white Adah to him whom he married. But Lamech was not satisfied with one wife as the rest of humanity had been till then. Then probably the first totally black Negro woman, Zillah, was born to one of Cain’s descendants. She was the rarest novelty the world had seen and the strong, powerful and wealthy Lamech wanted that novelty and married her as well, becoming the first bigamist.
The competition between Cain and Lamech to collect tribute led to threats from Cain and eventually to an altercation between the two in which Cain wounded Lamech. This eventually led to a war between the two that lasted 10 years. Cain appeared impregnable in his well fortified and defended city.
But Cain had made many enemies. Another line of Cain’s descendants which the Bible calls ‘giants’ in Genesis 6, or the Nephilim, whom archaeologists call ‘Neanderthals’ were actually men of normal height but giants in strength. They had much heavier limbs and huge hands. A same height Nephilim would weigh approximately 50% more than another human of the same height. They lived a degenerate life-style and also robbed and pillaged other people’s cattle herds and produce. They too came into conflict with their ancestor Cain and Cain had imprisoned some of them in another strong garrison city.
According to ancient myths, it seems Eve suggested a strategy to Lamech to defeat Cain. She suggested that Lamech attack the garrison city, free the ‘giants’ imprisoned there on the condition that they would use their strength to hurl stones at the massive walls of Cain’s city and breach them. The ‘giants’ were only too willing to oblige to take vengeance on their ancestor Cain for imprisoning them.
Lamech and his forces attacked Cain’s garrison city and freed the ‘giants’. Then they all went to Cain’s main city Enoch, using the giants to breach the walls. The weapons Cain had were wooden staves, javelins and arrows. If anyone approached the city, they could kill that person with their wooden weapons. But the giants had huge hands and the strength to throw large stones at the walls from beyond the range of the weapons of Cain’s forces. They attacked the walls on two opposite sides in order to divide the forces inside the city. When the walls were breached Lamech’s forces attacked Cain’s forces inside the city and killed Cain.
After Cain was killed, Lamech’s family began to make great strides in materialism. That story is told very briefly in the Bible in Genesis 4:18-24. Theirs was a world famous family. His son Jabal was the leading rancher in the world, owning vast herds of cattle, and built tents for people to live in. His brother Jubal was the world famous inventor and seller of musical instruments. He was also the leading musician in the world. Their half-brother, the Negro Tubal-Cain discovered smelting and produced metals and alloys and made very useful products with them. He also produced deadly weapons such as javelins and arrows with metal tips. Tubalcain’s Negro sister Naamah was the world famous inventor of the art of weaving and first producer of textiles.
This material progress and superior metal tipped weapons gave Lamech and his family true world power. The weapons at that time of the war with Cain were wooden staves, crude bows and arrows and stones. Now with metal tipped streamlined javelins and arrows, the range of the weapons that Tubalcain developed was extended beyond the stones that the giants could throw. The giants in an alliance with the Titans [the Titans were Cain’s descendants and Adam’s other descendants who had been corrupted by Cain and had interracially mixed with them and had started calling themselves Titan gods] attacked Lamech’s famous city planning to bring down its walls with the stone throwing ability of the giants. But Lamech’s forces inside the city cut down the giants with their javelins and arrows. The giants and their allies abandoned the project.
Then with his superior weapons Tubalcain went on a war path, attacked and destroyed the giants wherever he could find them in the world and reach them and became the first conqueror in the world. This led him to force the world to worship his father Lamech, himself and much of the rest of his family as gods. He began to make metal idols of his family, install them in temples and have the idols worshipped as gods. Thus the paganism of ancestor worship made further strides with this introduction of idol worship. Paganism is the worship of anything other than the true Creator God.
The story of the worship of Lamech, Jabal, Jubal, Tubalcain and Naamah has come down to us in the mythical gods of the Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Indian pantheons. Lamech was worshipped as Zeus or Jupiter, Jabal was the most ancient Hercules, Jubal was Apollo, Tubalcain was the Roman Vulcan or Greek Hephaestus, and Naamah was worshipped as the Greek goddess Athena, the Roman Minerva or the Indian Kali Maa or Durga.
The materialism of the family of Lamech finally seduced even the family of Seth into intermarrying wholesale with the family of Lamech. They gave their fair daughters to Lamech’s and Cain’s non-white descendants, who also forcibly took them as they chose. Many of these marriages were forced marriages. The offspring of these marriages obviously learnt the pagan ways of the family of Cain and Lamech and forgot the worship of the true God. As Lamech and his descendants established their rule over the world, after Lamech’s death many of his descendants and the offspring of the interracial marriages went about establishing their rule over others. A time finally came when only Noah and his wife, his three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth and Shem’s wife were left racially white in the entire human family. The result of all this racial mixing, and the rank paganism in the entire human family was that the world became saturated with violence and evil as described in chapter 6 of Genesis.
God describes this condition and what He decided to do to put an end to it and save man from further misery. Genesis 6:5-8, 11-13: “5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repents me that I have made them. 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord… 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. 13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”
As a result of the earth being saturated with evil and violence resulting from paganism, God drowned that entire world in the worldwide Flood of Noah’s day, saving only Noah, his three sons and their wives.
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