Church of God Message
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Chapter 1
My History in God’s Church
In the last three years in high school I had become an atheist thinking that the brightest minds in the world - scientists and engineers - who believe in the theory of evolution can’t all be wrong. In 1970, I was involved in student disturbances at my engineering school (IITD) as a result of which I was suspended for one year. I had about 9 months of completely free time. That’s when I came across the Plain Truth (PT) magazine at a friend’s home, published by HWA and the WCG. The friend had last three years’ issues of the PT accumulated at his home.
I found the articles in the PT very interesting, but thought they were Christian propaganda. At that time I was a Sikh by religion because of being born into the faith, though I had given up practicing it. All on my mother’s side are Hindus, whereas all on my father’s side are Sikhs. Sikhism to some extent is syncretism between Hinduism and Islam, though it has many of its own tenets, introduced and practiced by the ten gurus.
I kept reading the PT because I found the articles very interesting, and also because I had a great deal of free time. After a couple of months of reading, I was finally forced to take another look at the question “Does God Exist?” After research, when I had reached the conclusion that God exists, then I had to answer the question “Which is the true religion?” By 1972 I had answered these questions to my entire satisfaction and felt I was ready become a Christian and join WCG. So I requested a ministerial visit from the U.K office which handled India. They were able to send two ministers about a year later in July 1973. I met two of the nicest Church ministers in New Delhi, Richard Frankel and Owen Willis. They invited me for the very first Feast of Tabernacles, an annual holy day festival, held in India in 1973. I was baptized in September 1975. Through co-worker letters I heard about the ministers and evangelists that were disfellowshipped in 1974.
I also heard about HWA disfellowshipping his son Garner Ted Armstrong in 1978-1979 and other departures of ministers in the Church, while still in India.
Then I came to the USA in August 1981 to pursue a PhD program in Marketing. In the USA, one learns much more about what’s going on in the Church through the grapevine.
In the Church I was highly impressed with Dr. Herman Hoeh, a senior evangelist, because of his research into history and the books, booklets and articles in the Church magazines he authored. Even Mr. Armstrong was so impressed with him that he was awarded a PhD for his research into ancient history. I had an opportunity to meet Dr. Hoeh in 1983 when he came to Chicago and was able to discuss my racial background with him, since he was the Church’s expert in that.
Later I heard through the grapevine that HWA had said that Hoeh should never be appointed as his successor. I could not understand why. I thought he was the best man for the job, the most knowledgeable in the scriptures and ancient history. Only much later I was able to arrive at the answer.
Mr. Armstrong preached a lot about prophecy, and most prophecy is about the coming defeat and enslavement of the USA and British Commonwealth nations and the state of Israel at the hands of a German-led European alliance for a three-and-a-half year period called the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22). As a result of this preaching, Mr. Armstrong was put under surveillance by the U.S. military, for possible anti-national activities as he was meeting many world leaders as part of his preaching the gospel of the return of Jesus Christ to earth to set up God’s kingdom.
After many years of surveillance the military discovered that Mr. Armstrong was not involved in any anti-national activities, but was a true patriot who was just doing his job of preaching the gospel. Then the military helped build Mr. Armstrong’s relationships with the Japanese and other world leaders.
Since Mr. Armstrong preached that the USA would be defeated by a European alliance led by Germany, Herman Hoeh having a German name was put under surveillance. That’s when it was discovered that he was working clandestinely to destroy the Church from within. Mr. Armstrong could found nothing wrong with what Hoeh did and could not disfellowship him. But on the basis of what he was told about him, Mr. Armstrong decided that Hoeh should never be appointed to succeed him.
Though the Germans in America were under suspicion, the existence of German masqueraders was not discovered till more than a decade after HWA passed away. Joseph Tkach Sr, though a German masquerader, was under the radar because he did not have a German name and the government felt there was no need to put him under surveillance. Tkach Sr was a close friend of Herman Hoeh who guided him. In addition, Tkach Sr would have been guided directly by Satan. Satan can directly communicate with the masqueraders and guide them. They don’t need to communicate only with one another to be effective. Satan can guide each one directly, and they know when Satan has given them a message. This was the Synagogue of Satan functioning clandestinely in God’s Church as stated in Revelation 3:9, “9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.”
Since Tkach Sr remained under the radar, his clandestine anti-Church activities were not discovered during HWA’s time. So, Mr. Armstrong could not be alerted to them and ended up appointing him as his successor. But it fulfilled an important prophecy in 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8, “7 For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets [or restrains] will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed.”
The Mystery of Iniquity that was at work in the Church was the Synagogue of Satan constituted by the German masquerader tares or infiltrators who tried to question almost everything HWA did in order to change or water down every doctrine when HWA was alive, or make changes to other truths. But HWA restrained all such activities. Then he was taken out of the way by death, and the Mystery of Iniquity, or Synagogue of Satan came out in the open and began changing all the doctrines and discarding all the truths God had restored through HWA. The Tkach father-and-son team virtually dismantled everything God had built through Mr. Armstrong.
Soon after Mr. Armstrong’s death on January 16, 1986, a former Church member named Jules Dervaes Jr. wrote a series of seven letters starting in December 1986 through January 3, 1988 to Joseph Tkach Sr and many at HQ, regional offices and field ministers titled “Letter to Laodicea” disagreeing with the changes the Tkaches were making. Copies were also sent to Gerald Flurry, David Pack and above 230 other leaders and ministers in WCG.
Dervaes identified five indicators that the Church had become Laodicean after HWA’s death: 1) The Philadelphia era of God’s Church ended at HWA’s death; 2) Identified Joseph Tkach Sr as the Joshua of Zechariah 3:8; 3) WCG was doing away with the doctrine of miraculous healing. [That’s why GRF has been very strict and unbalanced in applying that doctrine in PCG, forgetting that HWA said it is the individual member’s personal decision]; 4) The Church ministry was indicted for getting off track in the book of Malachi 2:8-9; and 5) The man of sin mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 was in the Church.
Gerald Flurry realized that Jules Dervaes was right, but his ideas were half-baked. Dervaes did not know how to conduct thorough biblical research on a subject, and the writing skills to convey his ideas lucidly. Therefore, over about nine months of research, GRF developed further what Dervaes had written and wrote his book titled “Malachi’s Message.” Before he could start distributing the book, someone reported the matter to HQ in Pasadena, CA. GRF and his assistant John Amos were immediately disfellowshipped from the Church by Joseph Tkach Jr., Director of Church Administration. Flurry then with his son, his assistant John Amos and some others started the Philadelphia Church of God in 1990.
That very year, in 1990, Saddam Hussein attacked and annexed Kuwait. I advised the U.S. government at that time to not attack Kuwait unilaterally to liberate it from Saddam Hussein because the world would label the USA as an aggressive bully. I advised to first build a coalition through the U.N. and then literate Kuwait. My advice was found to be very useful and followed. It also revived the U.N.
When the U.S. was preparing plans to liberate Kuwait, Satan revealed to the Germans that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet and through the U.N. the word spread around to world leaders. At that time it was not made clear the specific prophet’s office I had been appointed to. I believe Satan then explained to the Germans in 1989-1999 that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet like Moses as mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19: “5 The Lord your God will raise up unto you a Prophet from the midst of you, of your brethren, like unto me; unto him you shall hear…18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto you, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. 19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.”
I explain this in great detail with incontrovertible proofs that I have been appointed to this office in my booklet “A Prophet Like Moses” available free on my web site
Because of the Germans letting the world know that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet, I came to the notice of the U.S. government. The U.S. government then learnt again what the Church prophesied and I was immediately put under 24 hour surveillance, probably in 1991.
At that time William Rehnquist, of German descent, was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice’s office handles the executive functions of the Supreme Court and grants permission for wiretapping anyone. This German American controlled who could be put under surveillance and who could not be. And the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) insured that anyone who violated privacy laws incurred heavy costs in defending himself in court and also had his career damaged. Therefore everybody in government and the military was scared to invade anyone’s privacy through wiretapping or other forms of surveillance. The judges and the ACLU had put fear in the minds of government officials, including the military. That’s one of the main reason German masqueraders were able to get away with millions of murders, including cremating people and children alive in electric crematoriums since the 1960s.
Since I was perceived as a possible national security threat, just as HWA was initially, permission was granted to put me under surveillance. Anyone who interacted with me via phone or in person also automatically came under surveillance. No additional permission for surveillance of such persons was required. That’s how the vast conspiracy against people of British descent in America and the existence of the hostile nation within the nation consisting of German masqueraders and their allies was discovered. Because of the conspiracy, surveillance could then be expanded to many more people without the permission of the office of the Chief Justice and those designated by it.
While the government was discovering the hidden conspiracy during the mid 1990s, I continued to attend WCG. By 1998-1999 I figured out that a German orchestrated conspiracy to destroy America from within was going on. But I did not know of the existence of German masqueraders at that time. I did not think that the Tkaches were German masqueraders.
By that time I had begun to notice the changes in doctrine that were taking place in WCG. The Tkaches had handled it with diabolical cunning. They told different people different things. While they were disfellowshipping ministers for not preaching the changes, to the congregations they were teaching there were no changes at all. I was of the opinion that what really distinguished God’s Church from all other churches was keeping the Sabbath and God’s annual holy days. WCG was still keeping them all the time I was with them.
The point I am trying to make is that God’s prophets do not automatically have the ability to read people’s thoughts and always discern the true intentions of people unless God reveals it to them. Nobody doubts that HWA was a great prophet of God, as great as Elijah the prophet. But he could not discern the true intentions of Hoeh, or Tkach Sr, because God did not reveal them to him. He could not discover that Hoeh was a tare until it was revealed to him by the U.S. Military. He had no human ability to discern that on his own. He even appointed Tkach Sr as his successor. Therefore, I am in the very good company of HWA when I was deceived by GRF for 22 long years, by DCP for the past 12 years, and by the Tkaches for 14 long years before I decided to leave the WCG.
Here is where Satan played a further role in deceiving me about the Tkaches. One major handicap I face is that no one communicates with me directly. HWA never faced that problem. People communicate with me through signals such as nods and winks. I am left the unenviable task of interpreting these signals myself. I may interpret them right or wrong. Once I reach a conclusion in my mind what a person was trying to convey to me, I suffer the consequences if I reached the wrong conclusion. Since I did not know the existence of German masqueraders till about 2004-2005, but only that people of German descent, meaning only those with German names and their foreign allies constituted the hostile nation within the nation, I came to the wrong conclusion that the Tkaches were working with the U.S. government to deceive the Germans in some way. So it appeared they were making changes, but in substance we could worship God and do everything the way Mr. Armstrong taught us. We were worshipping on the Sabbath day and keeping all the annuaI holy days. I thought they were showing they were making changes to deceive the Germans in some way, but not really making changes. By assuming something wrong, I was deceived by Satan into remaining with the WCG for 14 long years without seriously questioning the leadership.
By 1999, the changes being made could not be dismissed easily. In some of the weekly sermons, Tkach Jr and other ministers began to cast doubts about Americans and the British being Israelites. Another factor that drove my decision was that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church. Since Tkach Sr had been appointed as Pastor General by HWA, I was of the opinion that Jesus Christ would take action to remove him if He found fault with his leadership. So I expected Jesus Christ to take care of everything and show me the way on what to do about remaining with WCG or joining some other group that had separated from the WCG. By that time LCG, UCG and RCG had already formed.
Here is when the larger Church of God groups separated from WCG due to the changes being made by the Tkaches. PCG was formed in early 1990 after GRF was fired from WCG for writing “Malachi’s Message.” In 1993, Global Church of God (GCG) was formed under the leadership of Roderick Meredith. UCG, the largest splinter group, was formed in 1995. Rod Meredith was fired by the GCG board in late 1998, who then went on to form LCG with about two-third of the ministers and members from the GCG. DCP’s services were terminated by the GCG in May 1999, but it may have been more a form of resignation rather than termination, as I will explain later. He formed RCG in May 1999. Most remaining USA GCG ministers and members joined UCG. In late 2010 about one-third of ministers and members split from UCG and formed COGWA.
I had a problem with UCG and LCG because of their governance structure. We all knew that it was not God’s form of government with one-man in charge as taught by HWA. So I thought UCG could not be the right Church and was reluctant to join it. I had not heard of RCG, though I had heard of GCG. I was also a lay member and was not confident of conducting my own research into what one should do if God’s true Church is led astray by the leadership. It had happened in virtually every era of God’s Church in the past, as was now happening in the Philadelphia and the Laodicean eras. I had not sorted out these issues in my mind and waited for Jesus Christ to guide me.
Tkach Sr died in 1995 and appointed his son Joe Tkach Jr as Pastor General of WCG. The Tkaches had already been under surveillance because of the interpretations of prophecy preached by God’s Church. Around 1999, Tkach Jr and his associates asked Church members to send in all the literature written by HWA they had accumulated because the WCG wanted to preserve it as his legacy. Instead of archiving it, they burnt all the literature sent by members in a huge bonfire. Thus, Tkach Jr.’s purpose to literally try and destroy everything HWA had written and taught, stop its publishing and distribution was discovered. Eventually the Tkaches and their associates were all discovered to be masqueraders.
Tkach Jr. and his associates were very happy with their achievements in destroying the Church of God. They also knew that most of the groups that had separated from the WCG did not adhere to everything that HWA taught, particularly Church government with one-man in charge. It seemed that only PCG under GRF was still adhering to what HWA taught.
Of course, at that time Flurry was under no suspicion of being a German masquerader. Flurry probably came to know about me I believe around 1996, because that’s when he sent me his book “Malachi’s Message” and other booklets. GRF was criticizing WCG. In 1996-1997 I thought there was not much wrong with WCG. In one of the sermons at WCG, we had been informed that GRF wanted to be in charge of a Church. So he started PCG because he inherited some money. This was a lie spread by the Tkaches in the early 1990s. Since I still believed that Joe Tkach jr was dong nothing wrong, I believed that lie. Therefore I disregarded the literature PCG sent to me.
Since Joe Tkach Jr. had been on a mission to destroy all of Mr. Armstrong’s writings, and he believed that Gerald Flurry’s PCG was the only organization that was adhering to what HWA taught, the U.S. government asked GRF to start printing and distributing HWA books and booklets. WCG filed lawsuit against PCG for breach of copyright laws. The U.S. government helped Flurry in the lawsuit filed by the WCG to obtain rights to the books and booklets written by HWA. He was helped liberally with funds the U.S. government has kept on my behalf.
Flurry on his part applied certain scriptures in the book of the prophet Habakkuk to later claim that the lawsuit was prophesied and he himself prophesied that the PCG would win the lawsuit or obtain rights to books and booklets written by HWA. He was able to “prophesy” that because he knew that with the government’s help he would obtain the rights to those publications. PCG did not win the lawsuit, but a settlement was reached in which PCG obtained the rights to 18 books and booklets authored by HWA for a payment of $3 million. This is one of the deceitful ways Flurry used to increase his credibility. Because he knew what the outcome would be, he simply prophesied it beforehand to gain credibility.
In April 2000, when I was still attending WCG, the local minister gave a sermon in which he said that now almost 2000 years after the life and death of Jesus Christ we have difficulty believing in those events. I wrote a letter to Joe Tkach Jr complaining about the sermon. Joe Tkach replied that the minister said that because some members might be thinking such things. From that reply I knew I needed to leave the WCG.
I was a novice at that time and had not done thorough research into all the Church’s doctrines. I had also not sorted out what action one should take when the leadership of the true Church goes astray and also leads the membership astray. For a few weeks I attended the UCG at the invitation of a Church member who persuaded me to try it out.
Actually I attended various Church of God organizations because people signaled to me to join them and try them out. On some Sabbaths, I attended WCG services in the morning and UCG services in the afternoon. Because of such signals, I also attended services with LCG for about five weeks. The issue I had with both organizations was that they did not have God’s form of Church government which Mr. Armstrong instilled in us.
Contact with PCG
In early 2001 I made contact with PCG and started attending its services. My local congregation near Milwaukee, WI was small, but the atmosphere and how everything was done was no different from what I had been used to in WCG during Mr. Armstrong’s days. I felt that I had now found a permanent home to attend Church with the right Church of God organization that adhered to everything HWA taught. At that time I did not know of the existence of RCG.
When I started attending services at PCG, Gerald Flurry was writing a series of articles in a magazine for Church members called the Royal Vision in which he was building the case for his being “That Prophet.” He called ‘That prophet’ as a no name prophet spoken of by the Jews in John 1:21-25, “ 21 And they asked him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he says, I am not. Are you that prophet? And he answered, No. 22 Then said they unto him, Who are you? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What say you of yourself? 23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. 24 And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. 25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why do you baptize then, if you be not that Christ, nor Elijah, neither that prophet?”
Satan had already revealed to the Germans that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet by God in 1991. That was a decade before I joined the PCG.
That summer I read all of Gerald Flurry’s articles about his being “That Prophet.” Then in August 2001 I attended a Young Adults gathering with the PCG. God made my face shine there in the presence of about 500 members attending, my local pastor and a senior pastor who had come from headquarters.
After reading Gerald Flurry’s articles on “That Prophet” I began to realize that I had been called to fulfill that role rather than Gerald Flurry. So I wrote a 60-page paper and sent it to Gerald Flurry explaining why I thought I was fulfilling the role of a prophet like Moses, and that “That Prophet” he was mentioning could have been none other than a Prophet like Moses.
Gerald Flurry did not respond for two months. Then I attended the Feast of Tabernacles in October 2001 in Niagara Falls with the PCG where Gerald Flurry also came.That feast was unusual in that it is among the coldest I attended weather-wise. Also when he spoke, he nodded a negative signal which I was left to interpret in my own way. Perhaps he was signaling that he did not agree with the 60-page paper I had mailed to him. He made no attempt to meet me, and I did not see him around in the meeting hall to be able to talk to him. Some of those employed by the Church came and asked me what I thought was an appropriate salary for ministers and writers. I indicated that if ministers could retire around $70,000/year, that would be fine, and that senior writers could get a near six-figure salary. Perhaps those are the kind of salaries they have been getting out of funds kept by the government on my behalf. I also felt ignored at the Feast by everybody who had come from headquarters. But I did not think much of it, though it was a strange feast.
At the feast, the special piece of literature made available to all members was his new book, titled “Who is That Prophet”. It contained all his Royal Vision magazine articles in book form.
Within a month of coming back from the Feast, my local pastor said he wanted to have a meeting with me regarding the 60-page paper I had sent to headquarters. He asked me to recant it. I refused. So I was disfellowshipped after about 9 months of being with PCG. After that I made UCG my permanent home.
At that time I did not suspect Gerald Flurry of being a false prophet, though I have never believed he was “That Prophet” like Moses, because, besides the two witnesses and Elijah the prophet, only a prophet like Moses was prophesied to come. I still felt he was fulfilling the role of a prophet because he was criticizing the changes made by the WCG and helping to get the Church on track. One simply does not imagine that a true minister of God would resort to deceit. I also felt that he had written the book about “That Prophet” for my benefit to better explain the role I was fulfilling. At that time, I was still not fully conversant about everything God’s Church believed in as generally the ministers only kept in touch with everything, particularly the doctrinal papers.
Because no one communicates with me directly but only through winks, nods and other signals, I am left to think things through and reach my own conclusions about any signals or information I get. And my assumption can be wrong, but no one will ever correct me. I made another assumption that Gerald Flurry was working with the government, and perhaps he had written the “Who is That Prophet” book for my benefit, to let me know that was the role I was fulfilling. So I did not suspect Gerald Flurry of being a false prophet at that time, even though he had disfellowshipped me from PCG. My assumption about his working with the U.S. government was right (because he was heavily funded from the funds the government has kept on my behalf), but my assumption that he had written the book “Who is That Prophet” for my benefit was completely wrong.
There was another major reason why I could not have suspected that Flurry was a false prophet for 22 long years. He was actually used by God to fulfill a major prophecy. That was also part of the reason I believed that Gerald Flurry may have written the “Who is That Prophet” book for my benefit.
During the time I was attending PCG, one day I was reading Flurry’s book “Malachi’s Message”, to verify his claim that it was the Little Book prophesied in Revelation 10:1-6. I was not fully convinced about the claim and decided to check it out by reading Revelation 10 myself. As I was reading first four verses of Revelation 10, I felt the presence of an angel and sort of the eyes of my understanding being opened to understand that “Malachi’s Message” was in fact the Little Book prophesied there. Here are the first four verses:
“1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: 2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. 4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.”
By this time, I had already received seven of my ten messages delivered through angels, beginning with the first message received around August 1994, which are described in detail in my booklet “God’s Messages Delivered Through Angels”, available free on my web site Therefore, I did not discount this experience and took it very seriously. Since then I have considered whether this experience with the angel was genuine. Now even after knowing that Gerald Flurry is a German masquerader and a false prophet, though having mixed Israelite blood in him, I have reevaluated over the past few months whether this message was genuine and again reached the conclusion that in fact an angel did open the eyes of my understanding that “Malachi’s Message” is the Little Book of Revelation 10.
In my reevaluation, I considered another message received while I was watching the 1998 Soccer World Cup final with friends between France and Brazil. I felt the presence of a being across the room, about 12-15 feet away from me who sort of ‘stabbed’ me directly in my heart with a message delivered in my mind that “African Americans are going to be destroyed.” The way the message was delivered was very painful and there was pain in my heart for a couple of days. It was the same kind of pain I had felt when I went for a check up with a doctor and the X-ray technician deliberately shot a powerful X-ray while taking X-ray of my chest. I had pain in my heart for more than one day. In that check up, another technician taking blood samples tried to infect me with the HIV virus, and a doctor evaluating me actually gave me poison to drink.
Coming back to the message, I seriously doubted the authenticity of that message about African Americans and I did not share it with anybody. But I have recently discovered to my horror that about four years after receiving the message, I shared it with a friend who first alerted me about GRF being a false prophet in 2002.
Let me explain why I have concluded that the message during the 1998 Soccer World Cup final was bogus and delivered by a demon, whereas the message in 2001 about “Malachi’s Message” being the Little Book of Revelation 10 was genuine.
Whenever I have dealt with demons, it has always been, without fail, a painful experience. The message put into my mind about African-Americans was delivered in a very painful manner. The being was about 12-15 feet away from me when delivering that message. In contrast, all messages delivered by God’s angels have been delivered very gently, I repeat very gently, and respectfully delivered like one would talk mutually respectfully with another person. And I could feel the presence of the angel no more than 2-3 feet away from me in every instance except one. In that instance the angel was trying to deliver another message to me to do my own research when delivering my own weekly messages, because God will reveal new knowledge to me that way. In addition, all messages delivered by God’s angels have been delivered to me alone and not in the presence of 7-8 other people while watching a Soccer (football) game.
That’s why I have concluded that the message about African Americans was delivered by a demon, whereas the message about “Malachi’s Message “was delivered by God’s angel. I have read the Quran and about Mohammed. All the messages delivered to him were painfully delivered. That’s how demons deal with humans. They do not deal with humans with respect and dignity. That is evidence that the message about African Americans was not genuine.
I am a little embarrassed to admit that a demon delivered a message to me. Perhaps God wanted me to learn how to discern various spirits, as John the apostle wrote in 1 John 4:1, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.” From these experiences I now know how to try various spirits. I just feel I needed to get this out of the way as I had mentioned the message about African Americans to one person, so that someone does not bring it up later.
After this experience, if I am ever in doubt, I’ll simply go on my knees and ask God to confirm His message like Gideon did. God has answered such prayers in the past.
Because God used GRF to do the work of warning the Church for approximately 17 years before I started my messages, I never suspected him of being a false prophet. I provide detailed proofs later on why I believe “Malachi’s Message” is the Little Book of Revelation 10.
Preaching the Gospel
From 1999 to 2009 was the most terrible decade for me financially. I was either working close to minimum wage jobs, or unemployed. But I always wondered, ever since 1991 when Satan revealed to the Germans that I had been appointed to the office of a prophet, why any of God’s churches don’t use me for delivering the Church’s message to the world. I had more recognition than anyone any of the COG organizations were using. In hind sight, I understand why the Tkaches never wanted to use me, because they were masqueraders, bent upon destroying the Church, not preaching its message of warning.
PCG or UCG viewership would have multiplied if they had used me for delivering God’s messages on TV, radio or through other media. Only within the last few months have I learnt about the conspiracy to malign me within both organizations in order to prevent me from holding any responsible position in the Church, which will be described later when I discuss GRF and DCP individually.
I was unemployed in 2005 when a colleague asked me to start a blog. I decided quickly to not start a blog on my management and business ideas because so many in the world had benefited from my ideas, but I had not earned a single penny myself from such contributions. Masqueraders had done a masterful job of leading me on to keep divulging my business ideas, which I kept doing in the hope someone will recognize their value and give me a job or a consulting contract. The masqueraders were able to prevent me from getting any financial benefits throughout my life. I have described some of my major contributions in my article “Harmanjit Saini’s Accomplishments” on my web site.
The idea of starting a blog did not die in my mind. I contemplated starting a blog to preach the Church’s message. But I feared that I would be disfellowshipped by UCG. If I had been in PCG or RCG, I would simply not be allowed to start a blog if I wanted to remain a member. But I keep getting encouraging signals to start the blog.
The Germans have been planning with their ally China and others for at least three decades to attack the USA and Britain. But they will not do so until Satan counsels them to do so. Therefore, I sensed that Satan told them that the war could not start until I had preached the warning message to the world. I believe that’s why I was being given the signals to start a blog.
Despite the fear of being disfellowshipped, I started my blog by posting my first message on September 26, 2006. No one reprimanded me for it. So I continued. Then an idea struck me to take advantage of a unique situation.
As described in my article “Harmanjit Saini’s Accomplishments”, I had developed a model of economic development and international trade to explain how economic development and growth take place, and explained it in a paper in 1996. Then in 1997 I explained how a currency becomes the reserve currency of the world. About a year or so later I advised software developers to use mathematics to develop more efficient software. Microsoft benefitted tremendously from this. Then IBM and Intel used the suggestion to develop faster and better computer processors. It led to a quantum jump in the performance of personal computers. This development stunned the Germans. They were quickly able to find out the reason from masqueraders in America, which was the use of mathematics to design faster and better computer chips. Around the same time I criticized a Church member for saying that Satan and the demons cannot read human thoughts. I said they can. The Germans of course asked Satan if he and the demons can read human thoughts. Satan answered in the affirmative. Then to take advantage of all my business ideas, the Germans asked Satan to broadcast my thoughts. Satan obliged. That’s why since about 2001, he and the demons have been broadcasting my thoughts.
But Satan and the demons are liars. For a liar to be effective, he must mix truth with his lies. If he always lied, then it would be easy to know what the truth is, because it would be opposite of what the liar said. To be effective, the liar must sometimes tell the truth, sometimes cunningly twist the truth and sometimes tell outright lies. That’s what Satan and the demons do when they palm off their twisted lies as my thoughts. They mix lies with my true thoughts in order to malign me, turn everybody into my enemy in order to destroy me. That is Satan’s nature.
After two months of starting my blog, I decided to take advantage of the fact that Satan and the demons were broadcasting my thoughts. I decided to prepare about an hour long message and read it out aloud and Satan and the demons would have to broadcast it. I delivered my first message on December 2, 2006. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that my message was broadcast to every human being on earth in his or her own language. I have continued broadcasting my one hour messages every Saturday morning at 9.00 A.M., USA EST, since then without break.
I completed all my messages of warning with my July 14, 2007 message. I thought of stopping my messages at that time, but the President of UCG at that time, Robert Dick, signaled to me to not stop. So I have continued, though Satan and the demons stopped broadcasting my messages after July 14, 2007. Since then God’s angels have been broadcasting them every week. The Germans inquired from Satan if this was true and he confirmed it.
I have already described my commission. Almost all my messages are geared to fulfill that commission. When I have completed a series of messages, I compile them into a book and make them available free of charge on my web site.
I would have thought the evidence was obvious for everyone to see that God was using me to do His work. I thought UCG could at least hire me at a fair salary to do God’s work full time and get out of the low paying job I had taken with the State of Florida welfare department. But no one encouraged me in this, or even pay me some of the costs of doing the work, or support me technically with my web site or doing a professional job in publishing my books and booklets. I have received no help whatsoever from anyone. I have carried on the entire work, entirely on my own at my own expense, while working full time in a low paying job to pay my living expenses.
I believe around 2007 I was told by my local minister to also read DCP’s books and booklets available at the RCG web site. That’s how I was introduced to DCP and RCG.
In 2010, UCG was going through turmoil which would eventually result in one-third of the ministers and one third of the members splitting away to form COGWA. At that time I made an attempt to unite the larger Church of God groups into one organization. These included UCG, PCG, LCG and RCG. I wrote to the heads of all four organizations suggesting a conference. Nothing came out of these efforts. PCG’s GRF did not even acknowledge my letter.
I continued my weekly messages. Then the next major event took place in February 2016.
Mr. Armstrong in his writings had made it very clear that God or an angel did not communicate with him directly, and that he did not get understanding of doctrines, prophecy, or any other biblical truth apart from studying the Bible. He was of the opinion that there are no such living prophets today, and those that claim that Jesus Christ or an angel has communicated to him or her directly is probably a false prophet.
With this idea instilled in every Church of God member, you can imagine my reaction when God started delivering messages to me through angels, beginning around August 1994. I was reluctant to share them with anyone for fear of being labeled crazy, demon-influenced and a false prophet.
The messages delivered to me are described in detail in my booklet “God’s Messages Delivered Through Angels.” Here is a summary of the ten messages.
1. First message in August 1994 was that Sainis of India are Jews. I shared that with my local minister about four months later. Then around 1998, God revealed to Queen Elizabeth II of England that I was also a descendant of King David of ancient Israel who was also a Jew. The British royalty are also descendants of King David.
2. Never under any circumstances deal with demons, whose only goal is to devour you.
3. God has everything under control.
4. Sequence of end-time events in Revelation 8:7-12 is describing the subduing of the King of the South by the King of the North as mentioned in Daniel 11:40-43.
5. God does not need to give account to anyone about what He does.
6. An important role of the two witnesses of Revelation 11 will be to punish with plagues those who brutally treat their American, British and Jewish slaves during the Great Tribulation.
7. Do not relocate people from the original lands God granted to them.
8. Banias of India are to be destroyed.
9. Jesus Christ was originally a created God-Being so long ago that we can characterize that period only as past-eternity.
10. I saw Jesus in a dream on January 20, 2009, Who rebuked me for not being more diligent in everything I was doing. The lesson I learnt from this message was to never compromise with sin, and strive to become perfect.
Because of HWA’s views, I did not explain these communications in my weekly messages except the one on sequence of end-time events whenever I discussed prophecy. But in April 2015, I began a long series of messages to the Jews to teach them that Jesus Christ, whom they reject as the Messiah, is in fact the God of the Old Testament. In the context of these messages, around February 2016 I began to share the ten messages God delivered to me through angels. That is when I realized that God Himself had provided proof that He had delivered His messages to me through angels.
I realized that my first sharing with my local minister that God had sent an angel to let me know that Sainis of India are Jews, and then four years later God revealing to Queen Elizabeth that I was also a descendant of King David constituted incontrovertible proof that God had communicated with me through angels. For 18 long years, from 1998 to 2016 I did not realize this constituted proof. This revelation shared in my weekly messages made GRF, DCP and other Church ministers re-assess my standing and the importance of my weekly messages. It evoked crooked responses from GRF, DCP and some other ministers, which I describe later in detail.
The next major event occurred in November 2018 when I lost my job. I decided not to take up another job for sometime because I realized that a very important component of issuing a warning to the world of coming catastrophes had not been completed. Though I had written a book titled “Which Religion is True?”, in which I discussed various religions to prove that only one religion is true, and that only one holy book, the Bible is the true word of God; I realized that I had not been specific enough in discussing Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam. If one is not specific enough about a religion to point out its errors, people of such religions just tune out and label any arguments about which is the true religion as propaganda. That’s what I did before I converted to Christianity.
Over the next four months I delivered a series of messages proving that Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam are not God’s religions. Based on my messages I also wrote another book titled “Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam: Are These God’s Religions?”, which actually had great impact and changed many minds. I also delivered messages to prove that God exists, leaving no excuse for atheists or those of religions not based on the existence of God, such as Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism and Confucianism, that they have not been warned.
Then in late April or early May 2019 I got signals that GRF and DCP have some German blood in them, and that both, along with some of their followers had recently murdered some people, members of God’s Church, to seal their agreement to join the German side. I was absolutely shocked by this information.
All these men understand Bible prophecy very well and know about the coming military defeat of America, Britain and the State of Israel at the hands of a German-led European Alliance. Both GRF and DCP have a little bit of German blood in them, though they mostly have Israelite blood in them. GRF claims he has some British royal blood in him. But he provides no details. Therefore he is lying. The reason will be explained later. DCP has British royal blood in him. He is probably telling the truth as he provides a lot more details. In order to prevent being treated as slaves, both decided to join the German masquerader side. The price to seal the deal they were required to pay was to murder someone of Israelite ancestry. They did so, and will pay the same price as other German masqueraders.
Till April 2019 I had considered both of them to be of Israelite origin and upstanding ministers of God doing very important work. But a genuine minister of God simply would not commit murder for a very cowardly reason. Only a false minister, or one who had gone seriously astray would do such a dastardly deed.
Since I am no longer working, I have time for study and research. Every 4-5 years I like to bring myself up-to-date on what new books, booklets and other information other Church of God organizations - particularly UCG, PCG, COGWA, RCG and LCG - have put out on their websites. So I began to read PCG and RCG’s latest publications. I was absolutely astonished at the new claims both GRF and DCP were now making. David Pack has now started claiming that he is the only apostle, sent by God, living in our time. GRF had already given the title of “That Prophet” to himself in 2001. Now he has added the title of “apostle” also to his many other titles. In addition, GRF has started claiming that he heard a voice that gave him a new message, something that had never happened to him before. I finally realized that GRF is a false prophet and DCP is a fake apostle. I also for the first time realized that there has been a conspiracy against me that both of them, along with others, were engaged in. All this is discussed in detail later.
Explanation of Money Kept on My Behalf
A few times I have mentioned that GRF and DCP have been helped financially to build PCG and RCG respectively by the U.S. Government out of the funds it has kept on my behalf. An explanation of the source of these funds is needed.
After being virtually kicked out of the PhD program at Northwestern University in 1984 because of my radical views on International Trade, I got into the software business. I became partners with a small software company to develop and market software to automate export operations. In 1987 I was on the verge of becoming a millionaire and was already thinking of expanding the business. I planned to take advantage of excellent Indian computer programmers who were being paid $3-5/hour in India, bring them to the USA and Britain, pay them $25-35/hour and place them in American and British companies as contract programmers at $50-75/hour. I envisioned becoming a billionaire.
German masqueraders got wind of my plans, forced my software partner with threats to break off our agreement and decided to steal and give over my business idea to their Indian allies. It helped launch entirely new Information Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services and call center services companies and help existing ones expand into these areas and sell their services in the USA and internationally. This was facilitated by the company Global Crossing laying undersea internet cable for the benefit of Indian IT companies and itself going bankrupt in the process of doing so.
Since 1987, the Indian owned companies have generated above $160 billion in annual revenues and boast market capitalization in excess of $200 billion. These include Tata Consultancy Services, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Infosys, Wipro, HCL Tech and Tech Mahindra among others. Most of them are listed in the USA on the NYSE or the NASDAQ.
These companies were not content only with stealing my business idea, but have also been engaged in attempts to murder me since 1987 in a variety of ways such as poisoning my food and drink, having me shot dead, or try to kill me in auto accidents. They have financially rewarded those who have made attempts on my life. Due to financial incentives, a wide variety of Americans have been making attempts on my life almost on a weekly basis and getting rewarded for it.
All this was discovered when the conspiracy by the German masqueraders against Americans and Britons of Israelite ancestry was discovered. The U.S. government also discovered how the masqueraders prevented me from getting a decent job with IBM, other high tech companies and the U.S. auto industry because of the major contributions I had made to their businesses, or with any other company.
Around 2001 Satan and the demons started broadcasting my thoughts. At that time I was thinking about the bad situation America and Britain were in because of allowing foreign companies to own American companies. If foreign companies owned most of the stock in American companies, they would virtually end-up running corporate America, give the best jobs to masqueraders and their allies and siphon off all the profits to their countries. If America tried to prevent siphoning off profits, it would lead to war.
The Germans thought the idea was very sound. So they ordered all German masqueraders to sell their stock in prime U.S. companies and German corporations bought it. The U.S. government simply took control of all the stock in American companies that the German government and corporations own and have set aside part of it for my benefit because of the life-long discrimination I have suffered at the hands of the Germans and their allies. The U.S. government is fully justified in doing so because Germany and their allies have been looting American and British economy and wealth since the early 1960s.
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